SBI PO Mains Reasoning Ability Quiz: 21st June

June 21, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,

SBI PO Mains Reasoning Ability Quiz: 21st June

Reasoning Questions for SBI PO MAINS 2019

Reasoning Ability is a crafty section. With each passing year, all the organizations are increasing the level of complexity of the questions that are asked in either prelims or mains. It eventually affects the number of question one can usually attempt. But this section is based on logic and rules can be aced if practised well enough. The only way to achieve this ambitious goal is by practising continuously with dedication. So to prepare you with best tools for the finals, here is today's Reasoning Quiz based on the study plan and the exact same pattern of questions that are expected to be asked in SBI PO MAINS 2019. Keep Practicing. All the best.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 
Eight persons are sitting in a row but not necessarily in the same order. Only three persons face south direction. All of them are of different ages i.e. 49, 28, 36, 84, 16, 18, 77, and 37 but not necessarily in the same order. Four persons sit between G and D. C sits immediate left of E and C’s age is perfect square as well as an odd number. D’s age is a perfect square and sits third right of C. B sits right of C. F is three times older than H. D’s age is double of A’s age. E sits third from the extreme end of the row and he is second oldest person of the group. B’s age is perfect square as well as an even number. C and G both face same direction. A sits fourth left of C. E face south direction. C and G are immediate neighbors of F. B is younger than D. C does not sit immediate right of E. 

Q1. Who among the following is 16years old?
the one who sits third to the left of F
the one who sits second right of the one who is 36years old

Q2. Who among the following sits second to the right of D?

Q3. Which of the following statement is true about H?
H sits third from the right end
H is fourth oldest person
H sits immediate right of G
Age difference between H and A is 10years
All are true

Q4. What is the position of E with respect to G?
Immediate left
Second to the right
Fourth to the left
Immediate right
third to the right

Q5. Who among the following is 21years younger than C?

Directions (6-10): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below. 
There are six employees A, B, C, D, E, F of a company and all of them are working on six different designation of a company viz. CMD, MD, CEO, COO, SE, JE. All the designations given are to be considered in a given order (as CMD is considered as Senior-most and JE is considered as the Junior-most). They all like different bikes i.e. Ninja, CBR, GS310, Duke, R15, Himalayan410. 

The one who likes GS310 is not at SE designation. E does not like Duke. Only one person is senior than the one who likes CBR. The one who is junior than only two persons likes R15. The one who likes GS310 is senior than C. D is senior than E and junior than B. A is just senior than E. B does not like CBR. D is not at COO designation. The one who likes Ninja is senior than the one who likes GS310. D is senior than atmost three person. 

Q6. Who among the following is JE of the company?

Q7. Who among the following likes GS310?

Q8. How many persons are junior than D?
More than three
None of these

Q9. The one who is CMD likes which among the following Bike?
None of these

Q10. Which of the following combination is true?
None is true

Q11. A set of words are given in each option, you have to first arrange each alphabet according to alphabetical series within the word then by using third letter from each word you have to decide from which set a meaningful word is not formed by rearranging them. 
For example: 
First Arrange them in alphabetical order 
Now using third letter from each word i.e. S, T, H, O, G 
Meaningful word will be GHOST.)
None of these
From (a) Done 
 (b) Never 
 (c) Floor 
 (d) Store

Directions (12-14): In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between “Strong” arguments and “Weak” arguments in so far as they relate to the question. “Strong” arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. “Weak” arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question. 

Instructions: Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument. Give answer 

Q12.Statement: Should Former Indian players, who have played for India on International level, be allowed to work as coach for the team of other countries? 
I. Yes, that experience which does not harm one’s nation must be used to benefit others. 
II. No, this will put the prestige of the country in danger because these coaches will reveal our team’s weaknesses to other teams.
If only argument I is strong.
If only argument II is strong.
If either I or II is strong.
If neither I nor II is strong ; and
If both I and II are strong.
I is strong because it fosters sportsman spirit. II is a weak argument because the weakness of a team is known not only to its former players.

Q13.Statement: Should the Indian government launch community-based programme with focus on the mother’s care? 
I. Yes, the mother plays a big role in child’s good health and if the programme is community-based it will have immense impact on the poor nutritional condition of the child in India 
II. No, it will harm the secular status of the country.
If only argument I is strong.
If only argument II is strong.
If either I or II is strong.
If neither I nor II is strong ; and
If both I and II are strong.
Only I is strong because nutritional condition of a child is directly related with the role of a mother and if the programme is community-based its result will be remarkable. II is a weak argument because it is a misinterpretation of the work ‘community’.

Q14.Statement: Should the Elections Commission (EC) make it mandatory for political parties to give 33 per cent tickets to women? 
I. Yes, the move will ensure larger percentage of women’s representation in political arena. 
II. No, the move will compel the parties to distribute tickets to women for those seats where possibility to win is less.
If only argument I is strong.
If only argument II is strong.
If either I or II is strong.
If neither I nor II is strong ; and
If both I and II are strong.
I is a strong argument because it is true that the outcome of the move will result as explained in the argument I. but II is weak because the abuse of a situation is inherent in any move.

Q15. If ‘INDIA TIME’ is coded as ‘@#$@% &@*©’ 
 ‘BANK FUND’ is coded as ‘µ%#β €¥#$’ 
 ‘CRAZY RULE’ is coded as ‘θα%π? α¥£©’ 
then in the given coded pattern how ‘DARK LAZY CLUE’ is coded?
$&αβ θ€¥£ %*#@
$%αβ £%π? θ£¥©
&%$# ?£π€ ©αµ@
β#%$ %&*# θ£¥©
None of these

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SBI PO Mains Reasoning Ability Quiz: 21st June 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 21, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for SBI PO MAINS 2019 Reasoning Ability is a crafty section. With eac...

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