Reasoning Questions for SBI PO MAINS 2019
Reasoning Ability is a crafty section. With each passing year, all the organizations are increasing the level of complexity of the questions that are asked in either prelims or mains. It eventually affects the number of question one can usually attempt. But this section is based on logic and rules can be aced if practised well enough. The only way to achieve this ambitious goal is by practising continuously with dedication. So to prepare you with best tools for the finals, here is today's Reasoning Quiz based on the study plan and the exact same pattern of questions that are expected to be asked in SBI PO MAINS 2019. Keep Practicing. All the best.
Directions (1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the question given below.
Six movies Dangal, Noor, Sachin, Tubelight, Half girlfriend and Secret superstar were release in January, February, March, April, May, June and July in a same year but not necessary in the same order. Six members- A, B, C, D, E and F have watched these movies. There was no movie realized in one particular month. It was called none movie month. Neither July nor January was none movie month.
* All Six movies were released in the different dates of the different month of the same year from 25th to 31st of that each particular month.
* Dangal movie was not released on the month which is just after the month on which Tubelight movie was released but was released on the month which is after the month on which Tubelight movie was released.
* Noor movie was released on the month which is just before the month on which Secret superstar was released.
* Noor movie was watched by D’s father on the month which is before July. Sachin was released on 26th and Half girlfriend was released on 31st.
* E’s grandfather was a brother of B. A has two sons.
* Movies were released in such a way that three movies were released continue means there was no gap of the month between three movies. No movie month was also not come among three months, but none movie month was come just later or just before of three month set plays.
* D’s father was a brother of E’s father.
* The movie on 30th was attended by C who is uncle of D.
* The movie was attended by B on the month which is immediate before the month on which the movie was attended by A.
* The movie on March was attended by E’s cousin and D had decided to watch Dangle movie.
Q1. In which of the following months does E attend the movie?
Q2. Which the following given statement is true?
Dangal movie was released just after Sachin movie
Sachin movie was released before Tubelight movie
3rd movie was released on 28th of particular month
Dangal movie was released on May
None of these
Q3. How is A related to F?
Maternal Uncle
Paternal Uncle
Q4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
none of these
Q5. If all friends are arranged in alphabetical order from January to July then the movie was released on 29th watched by which of the following person?
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
In a certain code language,
“Historian had found” is written as ‘4L 1V 2V’
“Dancing girl idol from” is written as ‘2S 1N 2N 1M’
“Which Proves that art” is written as ‘1R 2G 1F 1F’
“The civilization was rediscovered” is written as ‘1U 6L 1G 5V’
Q6. Which of the following is the code of ‘Develop’?
Logic:- Number represent total number of vowel in the word. And letter represent the one letter before the opposite letter of the last letter in the word.
For eg. Had= 1V= 1(total number of vowel in the word). V(one letter before the opposite of the last letter)
Q7. The code ‘1V 4G 1G 1F’may represent
is bright shows the
the dedication hard bright
hard requires is bright
is shows hard study
study dedication requires
Logic:- Number represent total number of vowel in the word. And letter represent the one letter before the opposite letter of the last letter in the word.
For eg. Had= 1V= 1(total number of vowel in the word). V(one letter before the opposite of the last letter)
Q8. Which of the following may represent ‘requires dedication some the bright’?
4G 5L 2U 1U 1F
4L 3G 1U 1V 6K
5K 2V 1V 1V 3F
5G 6T 2V 2U 1F
None of these.
Logic:- Number represent total number of vowel in the word. And letter represent the one letter before the opposite letter of the last letter in the word.
For eg. Had= 1V= 1(total number of vowel in the word). V(one letter before the opposite of the last letter)
Q9. Which of the following is the code of ‘Rhythm’?
Cannot be determined
Q10. Which of the following is code of ‘issues’?
Cannot be determined
Directions (11-13): These questions are based on the information given below:
Eight persons A through H are standing in such a way that C is 20 m west of B, B is 30 m South with respect to A. A is 40 m towards West with respect to E. D is 50 m towards South with respect to E. F is 15 m north of G. H is 20 m towards East with respect to G. F is 40 m towards West with respect to D.
Q11. In which direction is B standing with respect to F?
Cannot be determined
None of these
Q12. If one more person I is standing towards South-West with respect to D, then in which direction is H, standing with respect to I?
Cannot be determined
None of these
Q13. What is the direction of C with respect to H?
Cannot be determined
None of these
Directions (14- 15): In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.
Only conclusion I is true.
Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
Only conclusion II is true.
Both conclusion I and conclusion II are true.
Either conclusion I or II is true.
Only conclusion I is true.
Neither conclusion I nor II is true.
Only conclusion II is true.
Both conclusion I and conclusion II are true.
Either conclusion I or II is true.
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