GA Questions Asked in NABARD Exam 2019
Q1: Who is present Chairman of LIC?
Answer: MR Kumar.
Q2: Which company has been conferred with the 'Non-Life Insurer of The Year Award 2019 by the Assocham?
Answer: Bharti AXA General.
Q3: E Governance based on Public-private Participation (PPP) model with which company?
Answer: Infosys.
Q4: How much amount has been allocated for MGNREGA this year in interim budget?
Answer: Rs. 60,000 crores.
Q5: The second edition of the India-Myanmar bilateral army exercise, IMBEX 2018-19, commenced in?
Answer: Chandigarh.
Q6: Paisa scheme platform launched by which bank?
Answer: Allahabad Bank.
Q7: Name the Best actor in Cannes 2019?
Answer: Antonio Banderas.
Q8: Who is the CEO of Truecaller?
Answer: Alan Mamedi.
Q9: Joint Military Exercise between India & Sri lanka known as?
Answer: Mitra Shakti.
Q10: Who is the External Affairs Minister of India?
Answer: Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.
Q11: 'S' in Kusum Scheme stands for?
Answer: Suraksha.
Q12: Celestial Bodies book by which author?
Answer: Jokha al-Harthi.
Q13: Full form of MUDRA ?
Answer: Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency.
Q14: "Per drop more crop" under which scheme?
Answer: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana.
Q15: Man Booker Prize Winner for “Celestial Bodies”?
Answer: Jokha Alharthi.

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