Reasoning Questions for LIC AAO MAINS 2019
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), one of the major insurance sector which attracts most of the government job aspirants has LIC AAO mains on 28th June this year. This exam will be followed by an interview so no more online exams. Preparations for the exams are already on track and to speed up the process that too with accuracy. Here is a quiz on Reasoning Ability being provided by Adda247 for free to let you practice the best of latest pattern Reasoning Questions . To score best in this section, all you need is to practice as much as you can from the previous year questions and practice sets provided.
Directions (1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons sitting around a circular table in such a manner some are facing inside, and some are facing outside the center. All of them was born in different years- 2014, 1992, 1979, 1962, 1955, 2001, 1984 and 1995 (Their age is considered as on the same month and day of 2019 as their date of births).
D sits third to the left of R whose age is a cube of an odd number. Q is younger than C. A who is 35years old sit second to the right of D. P is 17years younger than S who sits second to the left of Q. The one who is 57 years old sits third to the right of the one who is third youngest person of the group. D is younger than R but older than C. P sits third to the right of C who is facing same direction of D but opposite to P. A is facing opposite direction to B who is facing same direction as youngest person. The third oldest person facing inside. P and S face same direction.
Q1. Who among the following sits immediate left of the one who is 57 years old?
(i)- D sits third to the left of R whose age is a cube of an odd number. That means R was born in 1992. A who is 35years old sit second to the right of D. Hence A was born in 1984. Q is younger than C. D is younger than R but older than C. Hence Q is the youngest person in the group. The one who is 57 years old sits third right of the one who is third youngest person of the group. So, D is the third youngest person of the group.
(ii)- P is 17years younger than S. There are only possibility S was born in 1962 and P was born in 1979. S sits second to the left of Q. P sits third to the right of C who is facing same direction of D but opposite to P. A is facing opposite direction to B who is facing same direction as youngest person. The third oldest person facing inside. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. P and S face same direction. So, the final diagram is-
Q2. Who among the following was born in 2001?
(i)- D sits third to the left of R whose age is a cube of an odd number. That means R was born in 1992. A who is 35years old sit second to the right of D. Hence A was born in 1984. Q is younger than C. D is younger than R but older than C. Hence Q is the youngest person in the group. The one who is 57 years old sits third right of the one who is third youngest person of the group. So, D is the third youngest person of the group.
(ii)- P is 17years younger than S. There are only possibility S was born in 1962 and P was born in 1979. S sits second to the left of Q. P sits third to the right of C who is facing same direction of D but opposite to P. A is facing opposite direction to B who is facing same direction as youngest person. The third oldest person facing inside. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. P and S face same direction. So, the final diagram is-
Q3. How many persons sit between D and S, when counted right of S?
More than three
(i)- D sits third to the left of R whose age is a cube of an odd number. That means R was born in 1992. A who is 35years old sit second to the right of D. Hence A was born in 1984. Q is younger than C. D is younger than R but older than C. Hence Q is the youngest person in the group. The one who is 57 years old sits third right of the one who is third youngest person of the group. So, D is the third youngest person of the group.
(ii)- P is 17years younger than S. There are only possibility S was born in 1962 and P was born in 1979. S sits second to the left of Q. P sits third to the right of C who is facing same direction of D but opposite to P. A is facing opposite direction to B who is facing same direction as youngest person. The third oldest person facing inside. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. P and S face same direction. So, the final diagram is-
Q4. Who among the following is third oldest person?
(i)- D sits third to the left of R whose age is a cube of an odd number. That means R was born in 1992. A who is 35years old sit second to the right of D. Hence A was born in 1984. Q is younger than C. D is younger than R but older than C. Hence Q is the youngest person in the group. The one who is 57 years old sits third right of the one who is third youngest person of the group. So, D is the third youngest person of the group.
(ii)- P is 17years younger than S. There are only possibility S was born in 1962 and P was born in 1979. S sits second to the left of Q. P sits third to the right of C who is facing same direction of D but opposite to P. A is facing opposite direction to B who is facing same direction as youngest person. The third oldest person facing inside. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. P and S face same direction. So, the final diagram is-
Q5. Who among the following sits third to the right of the one who is fourth youngest person?
The one who is 18 years old
The one who is 35 years old
(i)- D sits third to the left of R whose age is a cube of an odd number. That means R was born in 1992. A who is 35years old sit second to the right of D. Hence A was born in 1984. Q is younger than C. D is younger than R but older than C. Hence Q is the youngest person in the group. The one who is 57 years old sits third right of the one who is third youngest person of the group. So, D is the third youngest person of the group.
(ii)- P is 17years younger than S. There are only possibility S was born in 1962 and P was born in 1979. S sits second to the left of Q. P sits third to the right of C who is facing same direction of D but opposite to P. A is facing opposite direction to B who is facing same direction as youngest person. The third oldest person facing inside. By using these conditions case-2 will be eliminated. P and S face same direction. So, the final diagram is-
Directions (6-10): Each of the questions below, consist a question and three statements numbered I, II and III. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read the three statements and Give answer
Q6. In which month of the year did Mohit go abroad for a vacation?
I. Mohit correctly remembers that he went for a vacation in the first half of the year.
I. Mohit correctly remembers that he went for a vacation in the first half of the year.
II. Mohit’s wife correctly remembers that they went for a vacation after 31st March.
III. Mohit remembers that he went for a vacation before 1st May.
If the data in all the statements, I, II and III even together are not sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II are not required to answer the question.
If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I are not required to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone or in Statement III alone are sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement III are not required to answer the question.
From 1- We cannot decide.
From 2nd and 3rd - April.
Q7. Are all the four friends, viz P, Q, R and S, who are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre?
I. Q sits second to the right of S. S faces the centre. R sits on the immediate right of both Q and S.
II. P sits on the immediate left of Q. R is not an immediate neighbour of P. R sits on the immediate right of S.
III. S is an immediate neighbour of both P and R. Q sits on the immediate left of P. R sits on the immediate right of Q.
If the data in all the statements, I, II and III even together are not sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II are not required to answer the question.
If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I are not required to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone or in Statement III alone are sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement III are not required to answer the question.
By Statements I individual we can find the answer.
We can see that all are not facing the center.
By Statements II individual we can find the answer.
We can see that all are not facing the center.
By Statement III individual we can find the answer.
Condition 1- We can see that all are not facing the center.
Condition 2- We can see that all are not facing the center.
Q8. Point P is in which direction with respect to Point Q?
I. Point R is to the west of Point Q. Point S is to the north of Point Q. Point P is to the south of Point S.
II. Point T is to the south of Point P. Point T is 4 m from Point Q. Point P is 9 m from Point Q.
III. Point R is to the west of Point Q. Point Q is exactly midway between Point R and U. Point V is to the south of Point U. Point P is to the west of Point V.
If the data in all the statements, I, II and III even together are not sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II are not required to answer the question.
If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I are not required to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone or in Statement III alone are sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement III are not required to answer the question.
Q9. Among V,W,X,Y and Z, seated in a straight line facing south, who sits at the extreme end of the row?
I. W sits second to right of V. Z is not immediate neighbor of Y.
II. V sits third to left of Y. W sits on the immediate right of X.
III. Only one person sits between W and X
If the data in all the statements, I, II and III even together are not sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II are not required to answer the question.
If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I are not required to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone or in Statement III alone are sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement III are not required to answer the question.
Q10. Eight students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing to the centre of the table. How many students are sitting between C and F?
I. A is seated second to the right of H, who is seated third to the right of D. G is seated immediate left of F.
II. C is seated third to the right of A and is not near to E. F is seated second to the right B.
III. D is seated second to the left of E and is third to right of G. C is an immediate neighbor of H.
If the data in all the statements, I, II and III even together are not sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II are not required to answer the question.
If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I are not required to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone or in Statement III alone are sufficient to answer the question.
if the data in Statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement III are not required to answer the question.
Directions (11-14): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Ajay starts his journey from point Y and walks 10m and reached at point X. From point X he takes right turn and walks 15m towards east direction and reached to a circle and the circle is in northeast with respect to point Y. when he reached to the circle the Park is located in his Right and Football club is located in his left and home is in straight. Each place is 10m away from the circle.
Q11. What is the shortest distance of his home from point Y?
Q12. Park is in which direction with respect to point X?
Q13. What is the distance between point Y and Park?
None of these
Q14. How far and in which direction his home from point X?
25m East
10m West
20m East
15m West
None of these
Q15. Point P is in east of point Q which is in north of point T. Point T is in east of point Y. In which direction point P with respect to point Y?

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