LIC AAO Mains 2019: Last Minute Tips & Tricks

June 26, 2019    

LIC AAO Mains 2019 is going to be held on 28th June 2019. As in the case of every competitive or other exam, eleventh-hour preparation is a must and it will surely be helpful for your LIC AAO Mains 2019. This year, LIC AAO Mains could be set to be the most competitive exam of all the years as the LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has perfected the paper by adding an extra subject which is Insurance And Financial Market. A number of aspirants will be taking the test on the aforementioned date. Due to the add on the subject, it would be difficult to crack the exam out and out. But remember all other aspirants are sailing in the same boat. All you need to have a little gush of gratitude and practice to pore over the exams.

Follow these simple Last Minute Tips for LIC AAO Mains 2019 to face the music

1. Go through the whole syllabus and be sure of not missing even a single topic: Before appearing into exam make sure you have not missed any important topic that can make you regret on your failure. Give a glance at each and every topic so that nothing is left out for the exam.

2. Have a look at the exam pattern and divide time accordingly: Do not forget to check the exam pattern as to how your exam is going to be divided among different sections. On the basis of your abilities divide your time to be given to each section accordingly.

3. Do not forget about the negative marking: Do not mark answers on random guessing, answer only those question you are sure about. As it may affect your accuracy and can reduce your marks.  avoid guessing answers in any of the subjects to increase your attempts.

4. Take the mock test before appearing in the exam: Always take the test before you appear for the final exam it will help you analyze to manage your time, speed and accuracy. You will come to know about how much time is to be given to each section.

5. Give a quick revision to all the sections or subjects: Students usually revise the easy chapters and often missed to revise the difficult ones. Do not follow this criterion. Always find time to revise our whole syllabus focussing on key points to remember.

6. Make notes for formulas and other important details: While preparing for exams, one should always make notes for important formula so that you can revise it before appearing into the exam.

7. Revise your notes and important questions: Always revise the notes you have prepared so that you do not miss anything in the exam. This will stay fresh in your memory and you will do good in the exam.

8. Be prepared to face everything: Always make up your mind to face the unexpected. Do not assume the paper. As it may always surprise you. Be always prepared for the worst. 

9. Eat healthy food and have healthy Diet: Take only healthy diet before appearing in the exam. Remember that being confident but knowing slightly less can fetch you good marks than being nervous and knowing more.

10. Do not forget to have a healthy sleep: Don't try to pull an all-nighter before an exam. Do not spend your all night cramming the whole syllabus. Instead, sleep calmly and get up with a fresh and healthy mind to be all prepare for the exam.

Hope all these points will help you maintain a confidence level within you and you will be able to crack the exam without any tension or nervousness. In case of any query do write to us at


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LIC AAO Mains 2019: Last Minute Tips & Tricks 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 26, 2019 LIC AAO Mains 2019 is going to be held on 28th June 2019. As in the case of every competitive or other exam, eleventh-hour preparation...

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