Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 11th June 2019

June 11, 2019    

Vocabulary is the base of English writing and speaking that creates an authentic and expressive aura around the person that puts this into practice. This vocabulary is prepared for banking aspirants from The Hindu Editorial keeping the focus on the upcoming banking and Insurance exams like SBI PO, SBI Clerk, LIC AAO mains, LIC ADO and EPFO Assistant. These words are influencing and will help you with all sorts of exams and interviews. "The pen is mightier than the sword" this statement justifies our intention. One can make their presence effective, change the course of a conversation or stand out in the crowd just by using the right set of words. “Isn’t it what you would want for the GD and Interview round?” From all the examination point of view, vocabulary is something that is going to help you with every step. We hope this article serves the purpose of strengthening your Basic English. Keep learning.

1. Arduous (adjective) कठिन

Meaning: Involving or requiring strenuous effort

अर्थ: प्रयास करना या कठिन प्रयास करना

Synonyms: Difficult, hard, heavy

Antonyms: Helpful, effortless, easy
Usage: It was not an arduous task as it seemed to be.

2. Gratis (adjective) मुफ़्त
Meaning: Given or done nothing: free
अर्थ: देना या कुछ नहीं करना: मुफ्त / खाली 
Synonyms: Costless, chargeless
Antonyms: Costly, expensive
Usage: Delhi government is planning to provide a gratis ride to all women travelers.

3. Verbosity(Noun) शब्दाडंबर
Meaning: wordiness, the quality of using more words than needed.
अर्थ: शब्दशीलता, साधारण बात कहने के लिए बड़े-बड़े शब्दों का प्रयोग। 
Synonyms: garrulous, prolixity
Antonyms: brevity, taciturnity
Usage: He found his tribe in politics, a profession where his verbosity was an asset.

4. Bagatelle(Noun) छोटी बात
Meaning: A thing of little importance
अर्थ:  थोड़े महत्त्व की वाली चीज़ 
Synonyms: Frippery, Nothing
Antonyms: Succeed, Importance
Usage: I would like to point out that that sum is a mere bagatelle of the whole revenue.

5. Resurge (Verb) पुनरुत्थान
Meaning: To rise again.
अर्थ:  फिर से उठना 
Synonyms: Revival, rebirth
Antonyms: lapse, breakdown
Usage: If you have lost your inner motivation, do not worry, hopefully, it will resurge.

6. Ardor (Noun) ललक
Meaning: Enthusiasm or passion
अर्थ: उत्साह या जोश 
Synonyms: Emotion, warmth
Antonyms: apathy, indifference
Usage: He had been a painter throughout his life, but he never had a vision of painting with such ardor and desire.

7. BODE(Noun)भविष्य-कथन
Meaning: to indicate (something, such as a future event) by signs
अर्थ:   संकेत करना (कुछ, जैसे भविष्य की घटना)
Synonyms: augur, forebode
Antonyms: ignorance, thoughtlessness
Example: Poor sales do not bode favorably for the success of the new store.

8. CARNAGE(Noun)हत्याकाण्‍ड
Meaning: that which is left after an extremely violent event such as a massacre
अर्थ: जो नरसंहार जैसी बेहद हिंसक घटना हो
Synonyms: crime, bloodshed
Antonyms: peace, non- violence
Example: We banned our child from playing his favorite video game because of the violence and carnage it contained.

9. FURLOUGH (noun) लम्बी छुट्टी
Meaning: leave of absence, especially that granted to a member of the services or a missionary.
अर्थ: अनुपस्थिति की अनुमति, विशेष रूप से जो सेवाओं या एक मिशनरी के सदस्य को दी जाती है।
Synonyms: break, rest, recess, day off.
Antonyms: rehire, recall, travail, toil.
Usage: I have just learned that Cousin George has got his furlough extended thirty days.

10. ARRANT (adjective) कुख्यात
Meaning: used to say how bad something is.
अर्थ:  जिसे बुरा कहा जाता हो
Synonyms: utter, absolute, complete, thorough.
Antonyms: dubious, questionable, restricted, uncertain.
Usage: Because of her arrant devotion to her family, she volunteered to go to the labor camp with them.

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- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/06/daily-vocabulary-for-bank-exams-11th.html
Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 11th June 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 11, 2019 Vocabulary is the base of English writing and speaking that creates an authentic and expressive aura around the person that puts this into...

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