Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2015 at Panipat, Haryana as comprehensive programme to address declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related issues of Women Empowerment. The aim of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is to improve the woman status in the country by promoting women empowerment.
It is a joint initiative of following three Ministries :
(I) Ministry of Women and Child Development,
(II) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and
(III) Ministry of Human Resource Development
Need of the Scheme :
- According to census 2011, the number of girls per 1000 of boys is 918. This imbalance can lead to undesirable consequences, which are becoming alarming. Census (2011) data shows the decline in the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) between the 0-6 age group with an all-time low of 918.
- A decline in the CSR is a major indicator of women’s disempowerment: it reflects (a) pre-birth discrimination (sex selective abortion) and (b) post-birth discrimination (limited access to health, nutrition and education).
- At the heart of India’s declining CSR lies in son preference and daughter aversion resulting in the Girl Child’s increasing exclusion from life itself. Strong socio-cultural religious biases, the easy availability, affordability and misuse of diagnostic tools have accentuated the problem in the last five decades.
- These challenges raised questions about the multiple deprivations faced by women and girls over their life-cycle continuum. Urgent coordinated action was required to empower the girl child.
Objectives of the Scheme :
- To stop the discrimination of the girl child and practice of sex determination test
- Prevent gender biased sex selective elimination
- Ensure survival & protection of the girl child
- To ensure the participation of girls in education and other areas
Scheme Components :
The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) initiative has two major components.
(I) Mass Communication Campaign and
(II) Multi-sectoral action in 100 selected districts (as a pilot) with adverse CSR, covering all States and UTs.
Mass Communication Campaign :
- It aims at ensuring girls are born, nurtured and educated without discrimination and to ensure they become empowered citizens of the country. The Campaign interlinks National, State and District level interventions with community level action in 100 districts, bringing together different stakeholders for accelerated impact.
- Multi-Sectoral interventions in 100 Gender Critical Districts covering all States/UTs:-
- MoHFW and MoHRD have undertaken Coordinated & convergent efforts to ensure survival, protection and education of the girl child.
- The District Collectors/Deputy Commissioners (DCs) lead and coordinate actions of all departments for implementation of BBBP at the District level.
Mulit-sectoral interventions includes:
i) Ministry of WCD: Promote registration of pregnancies in first trimester in Anganwadi Centres (AWCs); Undertake training of stakeholders; Community mobilization & sensitization; Involvement of gender champions; Reward & recognition of institutions & frontline workers.
ii) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare: Monitor implementation of Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCP&DT) Act, 1994; Increased institutional deliveries; Registration of births; Strengthening PNDT Cells; Setting up Monitoring Committees
iii) Ministry of Human Resource Development: Universal enrolment of girls; Decreased drop-out rate; Girl Child friendly standards in schools; Strict implementation of Right to Education (RTE); Construction of Functional Toilets for girls.
A budgetary allocation of 100 Cr. has been made under the budget announcement for Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign. Amount will be mobilized from Plan Outlay of the Planned scheme ‘Care and Protection of Girl Child - A Multi Sectoral Action Plan’ for the 12th Plan. Additional resources can be mobilized through Corporate Social Responsibility at National & State levels. However, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved expansion of the Scheme with outlay of 1132.5 crore.
The Scheme would be evaluated at the end of the 12th Five Year Plan to assess its impact and take corrective measures. Mapping of ultra-sonography machines, baseline survey of concurrent assessment of % age of births of male & female child, reporting of complaints under PC & PNDT act will also help in assessing the impact or outcome.
Latest News About Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme :
In November,2017 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved expansion of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Yojana for a pan India coverage from 2017-18 to 2019-20. It expansion has proposed outlay of Rs.1132.5 crore. It will cover all the 640 districts (as per census 2011) of the country to have a deeper positive impact on Child Sex Ratio (CSR). Currently the scheme is being implemented in select 161 districts have low CSR.
Important Points from Exam Point of View :
- Launch Date : 22 January,2015
- Launch from: Panipat, Haryana
- Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Women and Child Development
- ( Implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development )
- Aim: Improve the woman status in the country by promoting women empowerment.
- Budget: Initial : 100 Crore
- After Expansion : 1132.5 Crore
- Districts Covered: First Phase : 100; Second Phase : 61 ( Total 161 after expansion )

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