SBI PO Prelims English Questions: 14th May

May 14, 2019    


English Quiz For SBI PO Exam 2019

The State Bank of India conducts a three-level examination to recruit Probationary Officers every year. Thus, the English Language can be an impetus for your success as it helps you save crucial time and score good points in lesser time and effort. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions for SBI PO Examination 2019-20.

Directions (1-5): There are three sentences given in the following question. Find the sentence(s) which is/are grammatically correct and mark your answer choosing the best possible alternative among the five options given below each question. If all the sentences are correct, choose (e) as your answer. 

Q1. (I) Israel, though still enhancing ties with China is desirous to supply military hardware and partners India on matters of security and economic development. 

(II) The world is moving towards realpolitik, ignoring previous relations based on history, commonality of religion and humanitarian considerations. 
(III) Across the globe, terrorism is a major threat, which India has kept under control.
Only (I) is correct
Only (II) is correct
Both (I) and (III) are correct
Both (II) and (III) are correct
All are correct
There is a minor error in the first sentence; the verb “partners” should be replaced by its first form “partner” as it is to be noted that the verb is used with “to-infinitive” [to supply military hardware and partner…]. Moreover, the use of the conjunction “and” denotes that both the verbs [supply and partner] should be in the same form to make the sentence grammatically correct. The other two statements are grammatically correct and do not require any correction. Hence option (d) is the correct choice.

Q2. (I) While the use of hard power and tough diplomatic negotiations almost invariably hog the spotlight in international relations, soft power rarely comes into play. 
(II) Culture, including Buddhism and Hinduism, have become one of the three key markers in India’s close engagement with South East Asia, the other two being commerce and maritime connectivity. 
(III) Some experts opine that the emphasis in some versions of the Ramayana in South East Asia is more on story-telling then on evoking devotion.
Only (I) is correct
Only (II) is correct
Both (I) and (II) are correct
Both (II) and (III) are correct
All are correct
The first sentence is grammatically correct. However, there are errors in both the second and the third statements. In the statement (II), the plural verb “have” should be replaced by the singular verb “has” as the Subject it is referring is in singular form [Culture]. It is to be noted that the subject “Culture” incorporates both Buddhism and Hinduism as well, as it is mentioned “including Buddhism and Hinduism”. Thus, it will be considered a singular Subject only and to make the sentence grammatically correct, it should follow the subject-verb agreement.
In the case of the third sentence, the adverb “then” is incorrectly matched with the sentence structure; it should be replaced by the conjunction “than” as there is a case of comparison. The adverb “then” implies after that; next; afterwards, while the conjunction “than” implies introducing the second element in a comparison. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.

Q3. (I) The RTE Act of 2009 mandated compulsory training of all teachers in a time-barred manner with a simultaneous overhaul of the teacher education curricula. 
(II) While India has been one of the earliest countries to have institutionalized a teacher-education regime nationally, effectively outcomes of such training provisions have remained a matter of debate. 
(III) A critical factor that dictates quality schooling is trained manpower.
Only (I) is correct
Only (II) is correct
Both (I) and (III) are correct
Both (II) and (III) are correct
All are correct
Both the first and the third statements are grammatically correct and they do not require any correction. However, in the second sentence, there is a slight error in the use of an adverb instead of an adjective as the sentence demands. The adverb “effectively” should be replaced by the adjective “effective” as this adjective would modify the noun “outcomes” which wasn’t the case with the adverb. Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns, while Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies the meaning of an adjective, verb, or other adverb, expressing manner, place, time, or degree (e.g. gently, here, now, very). Hence option (c) is the correct choice.

Q4. (I) Some of the scriptures and works of even non-Hindus mention the Ganga as the best of all rivers. 
(II) The Ganga, regarded as the cradle of India’s civilisation, has been gradually sinking and stinking. 
(III) The sources of pollution are urban liquid wastes, industrial liquid wastes, large scale wallowing of cattle and dumping of the dead into the water.
Only (I) is correct
Only (II) is correct
Only (III) is correct
Both (I) and (III) are correct
All are correct
All the three statements are grammatically correct and they do not require any correction. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.

Q5. (I) Japanese geologists estimate that a 2.3 square kilometer patch of seafloor might contain enough rare earth materials to sustain global demand for a year. 
(II) The WWF predicts that we will be forced to colonize two planets within 50 years if natural resources continue to be exploited at the current rate. 
(III) One of the asteroids are Eros, which is said to yield a value estimated at $15.84 trillion, and to contain more gold than has ever been mined in the history of the earth.
Only (I) is correct
Only (II) is correct
Both (I) and (II) are correct
Both (II) and (III) are correct
All are correct
Both the statements (I) and (II) are grammatically correct. However, in the third sentence, the plural verb “are” should be replaced by its singular “is” as the noun following the phrase "one of the" is always a plural noun, whereas use of verbs as singular or plural entirely depends upon the subject of the statement, i.e. singular verb for singular subject and plural verb for plural subject. In this case, the Subject “Eros” is singular, so the verb should also be singular i.e. “is”. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.

Directions (6-10): In each question, the word at the top of the table is used in four different ways, numbered (a) to (d). Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE. If it is used correctly in every sentence choose option (e) as your choice. 


The President appropriately appraised Russell and Financial Times readers that he had already signed into law the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission Act.
In cooperation with other professionals, social workers will appraise the individual's needs.
He coolly appraised the situation, deciding which person would be most likely to succeed.
This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies
All are correct.
Option (a) is incorrect as apprised should be used here.
Appraise means to ascertain the value of and does not mean to apprise or to inform.
Correct: "I appraised the jewels." / "I apprised him of the situation."

Because my brother is a credulous consumer, he is a salesperson’s dream.
Even though there was very little evidence, the credulous jury decided the defendant was guilty.
Reference credulous sources to strengthen your argument.
Because the credulous public wanted to believe the killer was off the streets, they never questioned the arrest of an innocent man.
All are correct.
Option (c) is incorrect as credible should be used in place of credulous.
Credible means believable and does not mean credulous or gullible. Correct: "His sales pitch was not credible." / "The con man took advantage of credulous people."

While many people love to flaunt their possessions, I prefer people that keep a low profile.
The orchestra decided to flaunt convention/tradition, and wear their everyday clothes for the concert.
Donald Trump loves to flaunt his wealth and grandiose, whenever he has the chance.
Flavio was flaunting his tan in a pair of white trunks.
All are correct.
In option (b) the use of flaunt is incorrect and must be replaced with flout.
Flaunt means to show off and does not mean to flout. Correct: "She flaunted her abs." / "She flouted the rules."

A delegation of councillors is lobbying the Government because they say the noise is unbearable.
This argument is unbearable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.
All I remember of childbirth was the unbearable pain and the relief when it was all over.
The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.
All are correct.
In option (b) the use of unbearable is incorrect and untenable should be used instead.
Untenable means indefensible or unsustainable and does not mean painful or unbearable.
Correct: "Now that all the facts have been revealed, that theory is untenable." / "Her death brought him unbearable sadness."

We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our bedroom.
In addition to its inferior size, the coyote is also shorter in the leg than the wolf, and carries a more luxuriant coat of hair.
This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare.
He took no leading part in the war against the English, his energies being largely occupied with the satisfaction of his artistic and luxuriant tastes.
All are correct.
Option (d) is incorrect as luxuriant should be replaced with luxurious.
Luxuriant means abundant or florid and does not mean luxurious. Correct: "The poet has a luxuriant imagination." / "The car's fine leather seats were luxurious."

Directions (11-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case. 

Q11. Scientists said on Wednesday they had (11) down the oldest known lizard, a tiny creature that lived about 240 million years ago when Earth had a single continent and dinosaurs were brand new. Scans of the fossilized skeleton of Megachirella (12) the chameleon-sized reptile was an ancestor of today’s lizards and snakes, which belong to a group called squamates, an international team (13) in the science journal Nature. This finding (14) the group back in time by 75 million years, and means that “lizards (15) the planet since at least 240 million years ago,” study co-author Tiago Simoes of the University of Alberta in Canada said. That, in turn, suggested that squamates had already split from other ancient reptiles before the Permian/Triassic mass extinction some 252 million years ago, and survived it. Up to 95% of marine- and 75% of terrestrial life on earth was lost.

Option (b) is the correct choice. ‘Track down’ means to find something or someone after looking for it, him, or her in a lot of different places.
Founded means establish or originate (an institution or organization).
Footprint means the impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface.
Overlooked means failed to notice.

Q12. Scientists said on Wednesday they had (11) down the oldest known lizard, a tiny creature that lived about 240 million years ago when Earth had a single continent and dinosaurs were brand new. Scans of the fossilized skeleton of Megachirella (12) the chameleon-sized reptile was an ancestor of today’s lizards and snakes, which belong to a group called squamates, an international team (13) in the science journal Nature. This finding (14) the group back in time by 75 million years, and means that “lizards (15) the planet since at least 240 million years ago,” study co-author Tiago Simoes of the University of Alberta in Canada said. That, in turn, suggested that squamates had already split from other ancient reptiles before the Permian/Triassic mass extinction some 252 million years ago, and survived it. Up to 95% of marine- and 75% of terrestrial life on earth was lost.
Option (c) is the correct choice. Here the author talks about scans of the skeleton of an animal and later describes about its characteristics, so the word “revealed” fits the best, as the scans will reveal something then only anyone would know about the characteristics of the animal.
Leaked means become known.
Confronted means come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.
Concealed means kept secret; hidden.

Q13. Scientists said on Wednesday they had (11) down the oldest known lizard, a tiny creature that lived about 240 million years ago when Earth had a single continent and dinosaurs were brand new. Scans of the fossilized skeleton of Megachirella (12) the chameleon-sized reptile was an ancestor of today’s lizards and snakes, which belong to a group called squamates, an international team (13) in the science journal Nature. This finding (14) the group back in time by 75 million years, and means that “lizards (15) the planet since at least 240 million years ago,” study co-author Tiago Simoes of the University of Alberta in Canada said. That, in turn, suggested that squamates had already split from other ancient reptiles before the Permian/Triassic mass extinction some 252 million years ago, and survived it. Up to 95% of marine- and 75% of terrestrial life on earth was lost.
Option (c) is the correct choice. “Wrote” is the word that fits the best here as the author talks about a science journal Nature afterwards. So, things are written in a science journal.
Autographed means a signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an admirer.
Associated means (of a person or thing) connected with something else.
Determined means having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

Q14. Scientists said on Wednesday they had (11) down the oldest known lizard, a tiny creature that lived about 240 million years ago when Earth had a single continent and dinosaurs were brand new. Scans of the fossilized skeleton of Megachirella (12) the chameleon-sized reptile was an ancestor of today’s lizards and snakes, which belong to a group called squamates, an international team (13) in the science journal Nature. This finding (14) the group back in time by 75 million years, and means that “lizards (15) the planet since at least 240 million years ago,” study co-author Tiago Simoes of the University of Alberta in Canada said. That, in turn, suggested that squamates had already split from other ancient reptiles before the Permian/Triassic mass extinction some 252 million years ago, and survived it. Up to 95% of marine- and 75% of terrestrial life on earth was lost.
Option (e) is the correct choice. “Dragged” is the word that fits best in the context of the passage as here the author talks about some finding which took the research group several million years back in the past.
Yawned means involuntarily open one's mouth wide and inhale deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
Cornered means (of a person or animal) forced into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape.

Q15. Scientists said on Wednesday they had (11) down the oldest known lizard, a tiny creature that lived about 240 million years ago when Earth had a single continent and dinosaurs were brand new. Scans of the fossilized skeleton of Megachirella (12) the chameleon-sized reptile was an ancestor of today’s lizards and snakes, which belong to a group called squamates, an international team (13) in the science journal Nature. This finding (14) the group back in time by 75 million years, and means that “lizards (15) the planet since at least 240 million years ago,” study co-author Tiago Simoes of the University of Alberta in Canada said. That, in turn, suggested that squamates had already split from other ancient reptiles before the Permian/Triassic mass extinction some 252 million years ago, and survived it. Up to 95% of marine- and 75% of terrestrial life on earth was lost.
Option (a) is the correct choice. Here the author is talking about a timeline since when the lizards have lived on this planet, so “inhabited” is the word that fits the best in the context of the passage.
Settled means sit or come to rest in a comfortable position.


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SBI PO Prelims English Questions: 14th May 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 14, 2019 English Quiz For SBI PO Exam 2019 The  State Bank of India  conducts a three-level examination to recruit Probationary Officers every...

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