SBI PO Prelims- English Miscellaneous Quiz: 31st May

May 31, 2019    


English Quiz For SBI PO Exam 2019

The SBI PO Prelims Exam is scheduled to be held in a few days and to ace your preparations Bankersadda is launching a crash course of 18 days to help you excel the exams. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 for free to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions for SBI PO Examination 2019-20. Video Solutions will also be provided for the same for free.

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below, a sentence is given with one blank. Below each sentence, FOUR words are given out of which two can fit into the sentence. Five options are provided with various combinations of these words. You have to choose the combination with the correct set of words which can coherently fit into the given sentence. 

Q1. The comedian told one flat joke after another, and when the audience started booing, he ________________spat back at them, “Hey, you think this is easy- why don’t you buffoons give it shot?’’ 

Pugnaciously -eager to fight or argue, antagonistically is the synonym of the pugnaciously
Booing- showing disapproval of a speaker or performer
Here the sentence coveys the argumentative tone so the correct combination of words to be used in the blank is II-III
Ardently- very enthusiastically or passionately, so the best answer choice here is the option (b).

Q2. ___________by his parents to find a job, the 30-year-old loafer instead joined a gang of itinerant musicians. 
Badgered, Pestered -repeatedly and annoyingly ask (someone) to do something.
Mustered- assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle.
The correct combination of words to be used in the sentence is I-III.
The best answer choice here is the option (c).

Q3. Even during the quiet sanctity of evening prayer, she held her chin high, a __________sneer forming on her face as she eyed those who were attending church for the first time.  
Sanctimonious- making a show of being pious(derogatory), Hypocritical- behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
Sanctity- the state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly, sneer- a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone
Here the sentence coveys the arrogant behavior of a woman so the correct combination of words to be used in the sentence is III-IV. The best answer choice here is the option (e).

Q4. After enduring daily taunts about my name, I became enraged and pummeled the schoolyard bully and his sycophantic friends in a brutal _______. 
Melee, Skirmish- a confused fight or scuffle.
Clamour a confused noise made by a number of voices. 
Chaos-complete disorder and confusion
Here the sentence coveys the violent tone so the correct combination of words to be used in the blank is I-II. The best answer choice here is the option (a).

Q5. Wherever the bowl haircut teen-idol went, his legions of screaming fans ran through the streets_______, hoping for a glance at his boyish face. 
Amok, berserk- out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied
Gawp- stare openly in a stupid or rude manner.
Amass- gather, collect
Legions- a vast number of people or things
Here the sentence coveys the excitement among the people for their idol so the correct combination of words to be used in the blank is I-IV. The best answer choice here is the option (d).

Directions (6-10): In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered and one word has been suggested alongside the blank. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each four options are given. Find out the appropriate word which fits the blank meaningfully. If the word written alongside the blank fits the passage, choose option ‘e’ (No correction required) as the correct choice. 

Q6. A designated PMLA authority has said 41 properties worth about Rs 1,210 crore, which were discovered______________(6) by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the name of absconding diamond jeweller Mehul Choksi and his associated firms, are money properties___________(7) assets and ordered that their attachment should continue. These recovery__________(8) include 15 flats and 17 office premises in Mumbai, a mall in Kolkata, a four-acre farm house in Alibaug and 231 acres of land in Nashik, Nagpur and Panvel in Maharashtra and Villupuram in Tamil Nadu. The attached assets also included a 170-acre park in Hyderabad’s Ranga Reddy district valued at over Rs 500 crore. ED had attached these properties in February this year under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in connection with the multi-crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case involving____________(9) a Mumbai-based branch. In a recent order, Member (Law) of the Adjudicating Authority of the PMLA, Tushar V Shah, said: “Considering the material in the original complaint (by the ED). I find that pious_____________(10) properties provisionally attached are all involved in money laundering.
no correction required
The tone of the first sentence suggests that the blank would be filled by a verb. An action is performed by the ED in the name of absconding diamond jeweler Mehul Choksi… The action seems to be a technical term relevant for the ED. The hint for the blank can be derived from the clause ‘ordered that their attachment should continue’. Among the given options, the verb ‘attached’ is the most relevant word. So, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q7. A designated PMLA authority has said 41 properties worth about Rs 1,210 crore, which were discovered______________(6) by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the name of absconding diamond jeweller Mehul Choksi and his associated firms, are money properties___________(7) assets and ordered that their attachment should continue. These recovery__________(8) include 15 flats and 17 office premises in Mumbai, a mall in Kolkata, a four-acre farm house in Alibaug and 231 acres of land in Nashik, Nagpur and Panvel in Maharashtra and Villupuram in Tamil Nadu. The attached assets also included a 170-acre park in Hyderabad’s Ranga Reddy district valued at over Rs 500 crore. ED had attached these properties in February this year under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in connection with the multi-crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case involving____________(9) a Mumbai-based branch. In a recent order, Member (Law) of the Adjudicating Authority of the PMLA, Tushar V Shah, said: “Considering the material in the original complaint (by the ED). I find that pious_____________(10) properties provisionally attached are all involved in money laundering.
no correction required
The phrase ‘money __________ assets’ seems to be a ‘compound noun’, where ‘money __________’ appears to be an adjective of the noun ‘assets’. The phrase ‘absconding Mehul Choksi’, appearing before the blank (97), suggests that Mr. Choksi committed a financial crime. Among the given options, ‘laundering’, which would form the term ‘money laundering’ seems to be a more relevant and appropriate term. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q8. A designated PMLA authority has said 41 properties worth about Rs 1,210 crore, which were discovered______________(6) by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the name of absconding diamond jeweller Mehul Choksi and his associated firms, are money properties___________(7) assets and ordered that their attachment should continue. These recovery__________(8) include 15 flats and 17 office premises in Mumbai, a mall in Kolkata, a four-acre farm house in Alibaug and 231 acres of land in Nashik, Nagpur and Panvel in Maharashtra and Villupuram in Tamil Nadu. The attached assets also included a 170-acre park in Hyderabad’s Ranga Reddy district valued at over Rs 500 crore. ED had attached these properties in February this year under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in connection with the multi-crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case involving____________(9) a Mumbai-based branch. In a recent order, Member (Law) of the Adjudicating Authority of the PMLA, Tushar V Shah, said: “Considering the material in the original complaint (by the ED). I find that pious_____________(10) properties provisionally attached are all involved in money laundering.
no correction required
These __________ include 15 flats and 17 offices’. The blank would be filled by something which would include 15 flats and 17 offices. Among the given options, ‘properties’ is the most relevant term. Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q9. A designated PMLA authority has said 41 properties worth about Rs 1,210 crore, which were discovered______________(6) by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the name of absconding diamond jeweller Mehul Choksi and his associated firms, are money properties___________(7) assets and ordered that their attachment should continue. These recovery__________(8) include 15 flats and 17 office premises in Mumbai, a mall in Kolkata, a four-acre farm house in Alibaug and 231 acres of land in Nashik, Nagpur and Panvel in Maharashtra and Villupuram in Tamil Nadu. The attached assets also included a 170-acre park in Hyderabad’s Ranga Reddy district valued at over Rs 500 crore. ED had attached these properties in February this year under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in connection with the multi-crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case involving____________(9) a Mumbai-based branch. In a recent order, Member (Law) of the Adjudicating Authority of the PMLA, Tushar V Shah, said: “Considering the material in the original complaint (by the ED). I find that pious_____________(10) properties provisionally attached are all involved in money laundering.
no correction required
The given blank doesn’t require any correction. Hence, option (e) is the correct answer.

Q10. A designated PMLA authority has said 41 properties worth about Rs 1,210 crore, which were discovered______________(6) by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the name of absconding diamond jeweller Mehul Choksi and his associated firms, are money properties___________(7) assets and ordered that their attachment should continue. These recovery__________(8) include 15 flats and 17 office premises in Mumbai, a mall in Kolkata, a four-acre farm house in Alibaug and 231 acres of land in Nashik, Nagpur and Panvel in Maharashtra and Villupuram in Tamil Nadu. The attached assets also included a 170-acre park in Hyderabad’s Ranga Reddy district valued at over Rs 500 crore. ED had attached these properties in February this year under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in connection with the multi-crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case involving____________(9) a Mumbai-based branch. In a recent order, Member (Law) of the Adjudicating Authority of the PMLA, Tushar V Shah, said: “Considering the material in the original complaint (by the ED). I find that pious_____________(10) properties provisionally attached are all involved in money laundering.
no correction required
The blank seems to be filled by an adjective. Among the given options, ‘immovable’ is the most appropriate adjective which could qualify the noun ‘properties’. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Directions (11-15): In each of the questions, given below a phrase/idiom is given in bold which is then followed by five options which try to decipher its meaning as used in the sentence. Choose the option which gives the meaning of the phrase/idiom most appropriately in the context of the given sentence. 

Q11. I need to brush up on my English skills, so I’m going to Vancouver to study English.
None of these
Option (a) is the correct answer choice. ‘Brush up’ means an act of improving existing knowledge or skill in a particular area. Therefore, the word ‘ameliorate’ is perfectly depicting the meaning of the given idiom. ‘Ameliorate’ is a verb which means to make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. All the other words fail to express the meaning of the given idiom.
Degenerate means lacking some usual or expected property or quality, in particular:
Attribute means regard something as being caused by.
Descend means act in a shameful way that is far below one's usual standards.

Q12. As I opened up the computer to try and fix the problem, I realized that I was getting into completely uncharted waters and decided to leave it to the experts.
None of these
Option (c) is the correct answer choice. ‘Uncharted Waters’ means (be in/get into) a difficult or dangerous situation that you do not know anything about. Therefore, the word ‘outlandish’ is perfectly depicting the meaning of the given idiom. ‘Outlandish’ is an adjective which means looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar. All the other words fail to express the meaning of the given idiom.
Preclude means prevent from happening; make impossible.
Avert means turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).
Commend means praise formally or officially.

Q13. The political candidate knew the issue was a hot potato, so he deferred to his chief of staff, who directed questions to the committee chairperson.
None of these
Option (d) is the correct answer choice. ‘A hot potato’ means a controversial issue or situation which is awkward to deal with. Therefore, the word ‘controversy’ is perfectly depicting the meaning of the given idiom. ‘Controversy’ is a noun which means prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion. All the other words fail to express the meaning of the given idiom.
Disposition means a person's inherent qualities of mind and character.
Assuage means make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
Placate means make (someone) less angry or hostile.

Q14. Poor people easily become a cat's paw in the hands of the politicians.
None of these
Option (a) is the correct answer choice. ‘A cat’s paw’ means a person who is used by another to carry out an unpleasant or dangerous task. Therefore, the word ‘dupe’ is perfectly depicting the meaning of the given idiom. ‘Dupe’ is a noun which means a victim of deception. All the other words fail to express the meaning of the given idiom.
Dexterous means showing or having skill, especially with the hands.
Insightful means having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive

Q15. Well, that's a fine kettle of fish. I thought I paid the credit card bill, but it turns out that I missed the due date by a week.
None of these
Option (d) is the correct answer choice. ‘A fine kettle of fish’ means an awkward state of affairs. Therefore, the word ‘mess’ is perfectly depicting the meaning of the given idiom. ‘Mess’ is a noun which means a situation that is confused and full of problems. All the other words fail to express the meaning of the given idiom.

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SBI PO Prelims- English Miscellaneous Quiz: 31st May 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 31, 2019 E nglish Quiz For SBI PO Exam 2019 The  SBI PO Prelims Exam  is scheduled to be held in a few days and to ace your preparations B...

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