SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 12th May

May 11, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,

Reasoning Questions for SBI PO Prelims 2019:

Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. The only way to make the grade in this particular section in the forthcoming banking exams. And, to let you practice with the best of the latest pattern questions, here is the Adda247 Reasoning Quiz based on the exact same pattern of questions that are being asked in the exams.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. 
Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line. Some of them are facing north while some of them are facing south, but not necessarily in the same order. Also, each person occupied different numbers i.e. 40, 17, 15, 25, 8, 22, 38 and 19 but not necessarily in the same order. 
(i) The person, who occupied 38, sits second to the right of C. B sits third to the left of A. G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line. 
(ii) Two persons sit between the persons, who occupied number 40 and 19, but both numbers does not occupy by those persons, who sits on extreme ends of the line. 
(iii) Only one person sits between B and F. The person, who occupied 25, sits immediate left of the person, who occupied the highest number. 
(iv) Only two people sit to the right of A. G does not occupied 40 and 22.
(v) Both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction. Person occupied 19 does not sit second to the left of F. 
(vi) F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits between E and H. A face north. 
(vii) Difference of numbers occupied by G and D is 10. C sits third to the left of F. 
(viii) B faces the opposite direction as A. Both G and C face the opposite direction of H. 
(ix) D faces the same direction as E. E occupied that number which is divisible by 4. 
(x) The person, who occupied 22 sits right of the person, who occupied 17. 

Q1. Who sits second to the left of B?
Person, who occupied number 40.
Person, who occupied number 19.
None of these
From (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi). We can deduce the following. 
B sits third to the left of A. Only one person sits be¬tween B and F. Only two people sit to the right of A. F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits be¬tween E and H. A face north.
From statement (vii), C sits third to left of F. So, Case-1 is eliminated and Case-2 is continued. From statement (i), G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line, hence G sits immediate right of A. From statement (v), both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction, hence H faces north. From statement (viii), B faces the opposite direction as A and both G and C face the opposite direction of H, hence G and C faces south direction and B faces south direction. From statement (ix), D faces the same direction as E, hence D faces north. 
From statement (i), the person, who occupied 38, sits second to the right of C, hence A occupied number 38. From statement (ii), two persons sit between the persons, who occupied number 40 and 19, but both numbers does not occupied by those persons, who sits on extreme ends of the line. From statement (v), Person occupied 19 does not sit second to the left of F. From statement (iv), G does not occupied 40 and 22. From statement (iii), the person, who occupied 25, sits immediate left of the person, who occupied the highest number, hence H occupied number 40. 
From statement (ix), E occupied that number which is divisible by 4, hence E occupied number 8. From statement (vii), Difference of numbers occupied by G and D is 10, hence G occupied number 15. From statement (x), the person, who occupied 22 sits right of the person, who occupied 17.

Q2. How many person sit/s between H and the person, who occupied 38?
None of these
From (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi). We can deduce the following. 
B sits third to the left of A. Only one person sits be¬tween B and F. Only two people sit to the right of A. F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits be¬tween E and H. A face north.
From statement (vii), C sits third to left of F. So, Case-1 is eliminated and Case-2 is continued. From statement (i), G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line, hence G sits immediate right of A. From statement (v), both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction, hence H faces north. From statement (viii), B faces the opposite direction as A and both G and C face the opposite direction of H, hence G and C faces south direction and B faces south direction. From statement (ix), D faces the same direction as E, hence D faces north. 
From statement (i), the person, who occupied 38, sits second to the right of C, hence A occupied number 38. From statement (ii), two persons sit between the persons, who occupied number 40 and 19, but both numbers does not occupied by those persons, who sits on extreme ends of the line. From statement (v), Person occupied 19 does not sit second to the left of F. From statement (iv), G does not occupied 40 and 22. From statement (iii), the person, who occupied 25, sits immediate left of the person, who occupied the highest number, hence H occupied number 40. 
From statement (ix), E occupied that number which is divisible by 4, hence E occupied number 8. From statement (vii), Difference of numbers occupied by G and D is 10, hence G occupied number 15. From statement (x), the person, who occupied 22 sits right of the person, who occupied 17.

Q3. Who among the following persons sits at extreme ends of the line?
D, A
H, G
D, C
C, H
None of these
From (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi). We can deduce the following. 
B sits third to the left of A. Only one person sits be¬tween B and F. Only two people sit to the right of A. F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits be¬tween E and H. A face north.
From statement (vii), C sits third to left of F. So, Case-1 is eliminated and Case-2 is continued. From statement (i), G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line, hence G sits immediate right of A. From statement (v), both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction, hence H faces north. From statement (viii), B faces the opposite direction as A and both G and C face the opposite direction of H, hence G and C faces south direction and B faces south direction. From statement (ix), D faces the same direction as E, hence D faces north. 
From statement (i), the person, who occupied 38, sits second to the right of C, hence A occupied number 38. From statement (ii), two persons sit between the persons, who occupied number 40 and 19, but both numbers does not occupied by those persons, who sits on extreme ends of the line. From statement (v), Person occupied 19 does not sit second to the left of F. From statement (iv), G does not occupied 40 and 22. From statement (iii), the person, who occupied 25, sits immediate left of the person, who occupied the highest number, hence H occupied number 40. 
From statement (ix), E occupied that number which is divisible by 4, hence E occupied number 8. From statement (vii), Difference of numbers occupied by G and D is 10, hence G occupied number 15. From statement (x), the person, who occupied 22 sits right of the person, who occupied 17.

Q4. Who among the following person occupied number 22?
None of these
From (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi). We can deduce the following. 
B sits third to the left of A. Only one person sits be¬tween B and F. Only two people sit to the right of A. F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits be¬tween E and H. A face north.
From statement (vii), C sits third to left of F. So, Case-1 is eliminated and Case-2 is continued. From statement (i), G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line, hence G sits immediate right of A. From statement (v), both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction, hence H faces north. From statement (viii), B faces the opposite direction as A and both G and C face the opposite direction of H, hence G and C faces south direction and B faces south direction. From statement (ix), D faces the same direction as E, hence D faces north. 
From statement (i), the person, who occupied 38, sits second to the right of C, hence A occupied number 38. From statement (ii), two persons sit between the persons, who occupied number 40 and 19, but both numbers does not occupied by those persons, who sits on extreme ends of the line. From statement (v), Person occupied 19 does not sit second to the left of F. From statement (iv), G does not occupied 40 and 22. From statement (iii), the person, who occupied 25, sits immediate left of the person, who occupied the highest number, hence H occupied number 40. 
From statement (ix), E occupied that number which is divisible by 4, hence E occupied number 8. From statement (vii), Difference of numbers occupied by G and D is 10, hence G occupied number 15. From statement (x), the person, who occupied 22 sits right of the person, who occupied 17.

Q5. Who among the following person sits third to the right of the person, who occupied number 8?
Person, who occupied number 15.
Person, who occupied number 22.
Both (b) and (c)
From (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi). We can deduce the following. 
B sits third to the left of A. Only one person sits be¬tween B and F. Only two people sit to the right of A. F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits be¬tween E and H. A face north.
From statement (vii), C sits third to left of F. So, Case-1 is eliminated and Case-2 is continued. From statement (i), G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line, hence G sits immediate right of A. From statement (v), both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction, hence H faces north. From statement (viii), B faces the opposite direction as A and both G and C face the opposite direction of H, hence G and C faces south direction and B faces south direction. From statement (ix), D faces the same direction as E, hence D faces north. 
From statement (i), the person, who occupied 38, sits second to the right of C, hence A occupied number 38. From statement (ii), two persons sit between the persons, who occupied number 40 and 19, but both numbers does not occupied by those persons, who sits on extreme ends of the line. From statement (v), Person occupied 19 does not sit second to the left of F. From statement (iv), G does not occupied 40 and 22. From statement (iii), the person, who occupied 25, sits immediate left of the person, who occupied the highest number, hence H occupied number 40. 
From statement (ix), E occupied that number which is divisible by 4, hence E occupied number 8. From statement (vii), Difference of numbers occupied by G and D is 10, hence G occupied number 15. From statement (x), the person, who occupied 22 sits right of the person, who occupied 17.

Q6. In a certain code language ‘exercise fared perfect’ is written as ‘8kg 9vv 6uw’, ‘Regarding the business’ is written as ‘9yh 10it 4gv’, and ‘water present rared’ is written as ‘6di 8kg 6iw’, then what is the code for “present”?
Either (a) or (b)
None of these
This coding decoding question is based on the new pattern. In this, question the words are coded as per following rules.
(i) First element of code is numerical value of no. of letter with addition of one. 
(ii) Second element of the code is opposite letter of the first letter of the given word in alphabetical series. 
(iii)Also third element of the code is opposite letter of the last letter of the given word in alphabetical series.

Q7. If 3 is added to each odd (non-prime) digit in the number ‘15543251568’ and 1 is subtracted from each even digit in that number and remaining digit will remain same then which of the following digit will appear at least three times in the new number so obtained?
None of these

Q8. Which of the following symbols should replace the sign ($) and (#) respectively in the given expression in order to make the expression D>H and M<K definitely true?
≤, =
≤, ≤
>, ≤
=, <
≥, <
‘=, <’

Directions (9-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: 
There are seven persons in the family and each of them is of different age. A is older than B but younger than E. The third youngest person of the family is 35 year old. The third oldest person in the family is 38 year old. C is younger than F. Only G is older than D. The number of persons older than C is same as number of persons younger than C. D is older than B. 

Q9. How many persons are older than B?
None of these

Q10. What can be the possible age of D?
None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below: 
In a three generation of a family, there are eight members i.e. D, E, F, G, H, I , J and K who were born on the same day of the same month of different year i.e. 1988, 1973, 1986, 1980, 1989, 1990, 2009, and 1984 but not necessarily in the same order. 
Note: Their age are considered as on the same month and day of 2017 as their date of births. 
J is four years younger than E. There is no grandmother in the family. The difference between the ages of G and F is a perfect square. G is the grandfather and oldest person of this family. The addition of I’s age and J’s age is a perfect square and perfect cube. E’s age is not less than 30 years. D’s age is a perfect cube but less than 30. F is one year older than K. 

Q11. Who is 29 years old?
G is the grandfather and oldest person of this family. That means G would be very old person in this family and he was born in 1973. 
Now we can see that there is one condition regarding G and F, that the difference between the ages of G and F is a perfect square. If F was born in 1989 then, difference would be 16 that is a perfect square and if F was born in 2009 then difference would be 36, that is also a perfect square. But it is given in last line that F is one year older than K. But if we consider F was born in 2009, this Condition will not follow, So F’s year of born will be 1989. 
Now, there is a condition that F is one year older than K. that means K was born in 1990. And D’s age is a perfect cube but less than 30 that means we have to find out the real age of all person according to given years. From this we can see that D’s age is 8 years.
Now according to given condition, the addition of I’s age and J’s age is a perfect square and perfect cube. So remaining age is 37 years, 29 years, 33 years and 31 years. In this ages addition we can see that after the addition of 33 years and 31st years, we get 64 years that is a perfect squares and perfect cube. That means I and J was born in 1984 and 1986. 
Now, E’s age is not less than 30 years. That means E’s age is 37 years. Means E was born in 1980. There is one more condition, that J is four years younger than E. If E was born in 1980, that means J was born in 1984. 
Now at last only one person is left. So,

Q12. Who among the following was born in 1984?

G is the grandfather and oldest person of this family. That means G would be very old person in this family and he was born in 1973. 
Now we can see that there is one condition regarding G and F, that the difference between the ages of G and F is a perfect square. If F was born in 1989 then, difference would be 16 that is a perfect square and if F was born in 2009 then difference would be 36, that is also a perfect square. But it is given in last line that F is one year older than K. But if we consider F was born in 2009, this Condition will not follow, So F’s year of born will be 1989. 
Now, there is a condition that F is one year older than K. that means K was born in 1990. And D’s age is a perfect cube but less than 30 that means we have to find out the real age of all person according to given years. From this we can see that D’s age is 8 years.
Now according to given condition, the addition of I’s age and J’s age is a perfect square and perfect cube. So remaining age is 37 years, 29 years, 33 years and 31 years. In this ages addition we can see that after the addition of 33 years and 31st years, we get 64 years that is a perfect squares and perfect cube. That means I and J was born in 1984 and 1986. 
Now, E’s age is not less than 30 years. That means E’s age is 37 years. Means E was born in 1980. There is one more condition, that J is four years younger than E. If E was born in 1980, that means J was born in 1984. 
Now at last only one person is left. So,

Q13. How is H related to I?
H is 6 years younger than I
H is 7 years older than I
H is 5 years older than I
H is 2 years younger than I
H is 4 years younger than I

G is the grandfather and oldest person of this family. That means G would be very old person in this family and he was born in 1973. 
Now we can see that there is one condition regarding G and F, that the difference between the ages of G and F is a perfect square. If F was born in 1989 then, difference would be 16 that is a perfect square and if F was born in 2009 then difference would be 36, that is also a perfect square. But it is given in last line that F is one year older than K. But if we consider F was born in 2009, this Condition will not follow, So F’s year of born will be 1989. 
Now, there is a condition that F is one year older than K. that means K was born in 1990. And D’s age is a perfect cube but less than 30 that means we have to find out the real age of all person according to given years. From this we can see that D’s age is 8 years.
Now according to given condition, the addition of I’s age and J’s age is a perfect square and perfect cube. So remaining age is 37 years, 29 years, 33 years and 31 years. In this ages addition we can see that after the addition of 33 years and 31st years, we get 64 years that is a perfect squares and perfect cube. That means I and J was born in 1984 and 1986. 
Now, E’s age is not less than 30 years. That means E’s age is 37 years. Means E was born in 1980. There is one more condition, that J is four years younger than E. If E was born in 1980, that means J was born in 1984. 
Now at last only one person is left. So,

Q14. Which of the following is correct?
I was born in 1984
K is 29 years old
D was born in 1994
E is 37 years old
None of these

G is the grandfather and oldest person of this family. That means G would be very old person in this family and he was born in 1973. 
Now we can see that there is one condition regarding G and F, that the difference between the ages of G and F is a perfect square. If F was born in 1989 then, difference would be 16 that is a perfect square and if F was born in 2009 then difference would be 36, that is also a perfect square. But it is given in last line that F is one year older than K. But if we consider F was born in 2009, this Condition will not follow, So F’s year of born will be 1989. 
Now, there is a condition that F is one year older than K. that means K was born in 1990. And D’s age is a perfect cube but less than 30 that means we have to find out the real age of all person according to given years. From this we can see that D’s age is 8 years.
Now according to given condition, the addition of I’s age and J’s age is a perfect square and perfect cube. So remaining age is 37 years, 29 years, 33 years and 31 years. In this ages addition we can see that after the addition of 33 years and 31st years, we get 64 years that is a perfect squares and perfect cube. That means I and J was born in 1984 and 1986. 
Now, E’s age is not less than 30 years. That means E’s age is 37 years. Means E was born in 1980. There is one more condition, that J is four years younger than E. If E was born in 1980, that means J was born in 1984. 
Now at last only one person is left. So,

Q15. How many members were born between the years in which F and H born?
None of these

G is the grandfather and oldest person of this family. That means G would be very old person in this family and he was born in 1973. 
Now we can see that there is one condition regarding G and F, that the difference between the ages of G and F is a perfect square. If F was born in 1989 then, difference would be 16 that is a perfect square and if F was born in 2009 then difference would be 36, that is also a perfect square. But it is given in last line that F is one year older than K. But if we consider F was born in 2009, this Condition will not follow, So F’s year of born will be 1989. 
Now, there is a condition that F is one year older than K. that means K was born in 1990. And D’s age is a perfect cube but less than 30 that means we have to find out the real age of all person according to given years. From this we can see that D’s age is 8 years.
Now according to given condition, the addition of I’s age and J’s age is a perfect square and perfect cube. So remaining age is 37 years, 29 years, 33 years and 31 years. In this ages addition we can see that after the addition of 33 years and 31st years, we get 64 years that is a perfect squares and perfect cube. That means I and J was born in 1984 and 1986. 
Now, E’s age is not less than 30 years. That means E’s age is 37 years. Means E was born in 1980. There is one more condition, that J is four years younger than E. If E was born in 1980, that means J was born in 1984. 
Now at last only one person is left. So,

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SBI PO 2019 Reasoning Quiz: 12th May 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 11, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for SBI PO Prelims 2019: R easoning Ability...

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