LIC ADO 2019: FAQs
‘Agents Category' - An individual appointed or engaged by the Corporation for the purpose of soliciting or procuring insurance business including business relating to the continuance, renewal or revival of policies of insurance pertaining to the Corporation.
‘Employee Category’ - means a confirmed whole-time salaried employee of the Corporation belonging to Class III.
- Northern Zonal Office, New Delhi - 1130
- Southern Zonal Office, Chennai - 1257
- Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata - 922
- Western Zonal Office, Mumbai - 1753
- Central Zonal Office, Bhopal - 525
- East Central Zonal Office, Patna - 701
- North Central Zonal Office, Kanpur - 1042
- South Central Zonal Office, Hyderabad - 1251
On-line Test for Open Market Category:
Phase-I: Preliminary Examination:
Section | Name of test | Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | English & Hindi | 20 minutes |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | English & Hindi | 20 minutes |
3 | English | 30 | 30** | English | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 70 | 1 hour |
Section | Name of test | Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability |
50 | 50 | English & Hindi | Composite Time of 120 Minutes |
2 | General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary |
50 | 50 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector |
50 | 50 | English | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For Agents Category:
Selection of Apprentice Development Officer from Agents Category will be done through single phase examination i.e. Main Examination
Section | Name of test | Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability |
25 | 10 | English & Hindi | Composite Time of 120 Minutes |
2 | General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary |
25 | 15 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Elements of Insurance and Marketing of Insurance |
50 | 125 | English | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Selection of Apprentice Development Officer from Employee Category will be done through single phase examination i.e. Main Examination
Section | Name of test | Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability |
25 | 25 | English & Hindi | Composite Time of 120 Minutes |
2 | General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary |
25 | 25 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Practice and Principle of Insurance Marketing |
50 | 100 | English | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Interview (For All the Categories):
Marks obtained in the Main Examination only will be considered for shortlisting for interview and marks obtained in Main Examination + marks obtained in Interview will be considered for final merit listing of candidates. Maximum Interview marks are 37.
☛ What is the educational qualification required for various posts in this recruitment process?
For Employees category and Agents category in both Urban and Rural area - Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute or approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
An applicant from Others category for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer in both Urban and Rural area shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute or approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
☛ Is there any prior experience mandatory for this post?
The applicant should have the requisite experience as on 01.05.2019 as indicated below:-
Category of Applicant |
For Recruitment in Urban Area | For Recruitment in Rural Area |
i) Employee Category | Not less than 3 years of service after confirmation in Class III post | |
ii)Agents Category | Not less than 5 years as an agent or other than agent (such as DSE/FSE) and has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than 5,00,000/- during the immediately preceding 5 financial years and a net First Year Premium Income of not less than Rs. 1,00,000/- on 50 lives in each of any 3 of these financial years. |
Not less than 4 years as an agent or other than agent(such as DSE/FSE) and has brought a net First Year Premium Income of not less than Rs. 1,00,000/- on 50 lives per year in any 3 of the immediately preceding 4 financial years. |
iii) Other | Preference would be given to candidates who have at least 2 years experience in life insurance industry. |
☛ What is the salary of LIC ADO?

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