How To Write An Essay For LIC AAO MAINS Descriptive Writing

May 27, 2019    

As the Preliminary Exam of LIC AAO is over and Mains exam is scheduled to be held on 28 June. Approx. one month is left we should start our preparation for mains without waiting the result of Preliminary exam.

In LIC AAO Mains, there is no Objective test of English Language. However there is a descriptive writing test of English Language of 25 marks containing 2 questions (1 essay and 1 letter writing task) and must be answered within 30 minutes total. This test will be of qualifying in nature and the marks in English Language(descriptive) will not be counted for ranking.

An Essay broadly consist of three part:

1) Introduction
2) Body
3) Conclusion
And you must frame your essay keeping these three parts in mind. That way you can score easily and you'll be able to convey your idea effectively.

Introduction :

Introduction is one of the most important part of your essay that can either leave a good or bad impression on the reader. And remember, if you get a grip on it then rest won't matter much. Suppose if "Essay on Merger of banks is given as a topic then to introduce the essay, you need to be aware of the motive and the essence behind this merger. You have a knowledge of latest merger of banks, History of mergers, Committee that recommends it.

Body :

Once the introduction part is over then you have to include bits and pieces of the topic. It can include anything and while writing the body, you have to be careful about the facts and figures. That doesn't mean that it has to be accurate but you can use the approximate figures. For the first body paragraph you should use your strongest argument or most significant example unless some other more obvious beginning point (as in the case of chronological explanations) is required. The first sentence of this paragraph should be the topic sentence of the paragraph that directly relates to the examples listed in the mini-outline of introductory paragraph.
When you present facts in the essay, it shows how aware you are of the surrounding world. And also it looks good.
Ex: Merger of banks- You can tell the approx.,  NPAs of 3 Banks, what are the reasons behind the merger, scope of merger, Benefits of merger, challenges after merger, effects of merger on Indian banking sector .   

Conclusion :

Conclusion is the part that includes the summary and things that can be improved. As the final paragraph is represents your last chance to make your case and, as such, should follow an extremely rigid format. You can read various examples of Essay and you can observe certain points because the conclusion part is very common and you can pick certain ready made points. But be careful while using them in your essay. 

Now comes the big question, How to prepare for the Essay Writing Test??

  • To develop proficient writing skills, pick up a topic and try writing an essay and a letter on it every day. It not only helps you improve your writing skills for descriptive paper but also helps you discover new words or phrases. 
  • Note- Essay Asked in competitive Exam is based on current affairs/ current events.
  • Do not forget to read a newspaper on a daily basis. It not only helps you learn how to write effectively but also gets you aware of the top events that are in news.
  • Another thing to be kept in mind while preparing for the descriptive test of LIC AAO 2019 Examination is that you have to practice writing on a laptop to improve your typing speed. 
  • The essay should be connected from top to bottom and the readers shouldn't feel that you have left some points unexplained so make all the points related to the topic and try to elaborate them in a systematic manner.
  • Always keep Word Limit within the limit given in the exam. 
  • Last but not the Least always Avoid making spelling or grammatical mistakes. It leaves a very bad impression on the readers.

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How To Write An Essay For LIC AAO MAINS Descriptive Writing 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 27, 2019 As the Preliminary Exam of LIC AAO is over and Mains exam is scheduled to be held on 28 June . Approx. one month is left we should star...

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