1. Skulduggery(NOUN)=चालाकीपूर्ण
Meaning: underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
Synonym: chicanery,trickery, swindling, fraudulence,
Antonym: artlessness, forthrightness, guilelessness, ingenuousness, sincerity
Sentence: That politician is accused of skulduggery in the fodder scam.
2. Lambaste (VERB)=गंभीर रूप से आलोचना करना
Meaning: to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings.
Synonyms: criticize, castigate, chastise, censure, condemn.
Antonym: acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise
Sentence: Saurabh boss lambasted him mercilessly in front of his subordinates.
3. Diminution (NOUN)=अवनति
Meaning: a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
Synonyms: curtailment, curtailing, cutting back, cut back, cut, attenuation, reduction, lessening,
Antonym: accretion, accrual, accumulation, addition, supplement
Sentence: Led by P.V. Narasimha Rao, it steered the country away from a diminution of its political stature that was assured were it to renege on them.
4. Premonition (NOUN)=चेतावनी
Meaning: a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.
Synonym: foreboding, presage, presentiment, prognostication, insight, intuition
Sentence: He had a premonition of imminent disaster.
5. Preponderance (NOUN)=प्रधानता
Meaning: the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.
Synonym: prevalence, predominance, dominance
Antonym: couple, few, handful, smattering, sprinkling
Sentence: the preponderance of medical tests identifies your medical condition as terminal cancer.
6. Predilection (NOUN)=पूर्वाभिरुचि
Meaning: a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something.
Synonym:liking, fondness, preference, partiality,allergy, averseness, aversion, disfavor, disinclination
Sentence: The student had a predilection for some subjects and against others
7. Wanton(Adjective)=ऊधमी
Meaning: (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
Synonym: bawdy, nasty, obscene, deliberate, malicious,
Antonym: clean, decent, acceptable, agreeable, desirable, pleasant, pleasing
Sentence: The man is probably going to get the death penalty for his wanton killing of six school children.
8. Proclivity (NOUN)=प्रवृत्ति
Meaning: a habitual attraction to some activity or thing
Synonym: favor, one-sidedness, partisanship, prejudice
Antonym: allergy, averseness, aversion, disfavor, disinclination
Sentence: It is the proclivity of the gas companies to raise prices when demand is high.
9. Arraign (VERB)=अपराधी ठहराना
Meaning: to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment
Synonym: appeal, book, cite, summon, accuse, charge, criminate
Antonym: advocate, champion, defend, excuse, forgive, justify
Sentence: They wanted to arraign the thief for stealing cars on the same day he was arrested
10. Credence (NOUN)=प्रत्यय
Meaning: mental acceptance as true or real
Synonym: confidence, faith, stock, trust
Antonym: disbelief, incredulity, unbelief, distrustfulness, doubt, dubiety
Sentence: How far the earlier part of the story deserves credence has been and still is much debated.
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