Winner's Formula: To Tackle The Failure With A Positive Approach

April 1, 2019    

Do not count your life in the number of attempts that you take. Count it in the number of attainments that took your mind away. How do such spectacular and rich moments come to our life?  We all are living our life with some goal but have we ever shakedown our soul and mind to get the real meaning and purpose of life? INSPIRATION is that one key that can add meaning to ingenuity and reshaping it all over again.

“INSPIRATION is that fuel that burns within us and powers us to bring our best talents and abilities to bear upon the work at hand.”

We all may have lost number of opportunities once in our life or some of us may be at the last stage of grappling them. What does this mean? End of our life that we wish to live with dignity? Or should we consider our self a failure who cannot stand back to fight again? Everyone take or accept the failure differently. Some of us take it as challenge while few of us will quit answering our failure back. Well, this time we are not trying to console the students who lost the opportunity in hand but we will try to make you understand to chase the purpose not the goal of life.

What is the difference between GOAL and PURPOSE of life?
This is quite complex to understand the mere difference between two but once you get the deep meaning you will be able to know the real meaning of life that comes out of failure. 
We all make fair and square efforts to sail through our worst to get what we desire and when we get it we stop, thinking this is what we are living for. Hell !! true it is. Is it?

But, purpose of life is
Practice->Work Hard->Attempt it->Failure->Failure->You may fail here several time but life would get tired of putting you down->Success->Do not stop->Keep learning->Grow more->Be wise->Be an influencer->Life is not a place to visit,explore it with the greatest of your knowledge-> Keep going ever and forever.

Remember, ENTHUSIASM and INSPIRATION are that inner ingredients that brings out the best in us when we are equipped with this virtue of motivation we become practically unstoppable.

No one is born with a golden spoon in his mouth. One has to make efforts to be at the top. If Soichiro Honda have quit making after facing number of problems we cannot even imagine of, we all may not be using his inventions and techniques that he has given us to make our life easy.

Let us take an example to make things more clear.
Imagine yourself at the cricket pitch, suppose you missed to hit the ball(opportunity) what will you do? Will you stop playing? Believe this is not the end of the game. You will have number of balls to hit; no one can beat you until you decide to leave the ground. You are the player of the game know that you are smart, worthy. Do not let other decide the limits for you. Just keep your mind working with peace.

What works to keep our mind working? PEACE OF MIND…how can we retain it out of failure?
Retrospect->accept your mistake->learn from it->grow out of it = Peace of mind.

You may lose everything in life but your enthusiasm; you will gain it all back again. But that person who has lost his INSPIRATION, now he is truly bankrupt.

So, today let us think how we can inspire our self and how this added fuel of enthusiasm will help us improve the quality of work and assist us in our endeavor to be a better people.

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Winner's Formula: To Tackle The Failure With A Positive Approach 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 1, 2019 Do not count your life in the number of attempts that you take. Count it in the number of attainments that took your mind away. How do ...

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