Various banking recruitment notifications have opened the doors to major public sector banks this and there are many more opportunities to come in the near future. From the IDBI Bank to the Public Sector giant, the State Bank of India, the banking sector will give the aspirants a great number of opportunities this year. Now, most of you would be wondering if what could be the best way to grab these opportunities without letting them slip through your fingers.
Students, apart from focusing on what should be the best approach towards acing these competitive examinations, one should also focus on how to avoid erring which causes repetitive failure. Many of you knowingly or most of the times unknowingly make mistakes that cost you an opportunity to bag a government job even after breaking your back for the same.
In this article, we will be discussing how you can avoid making those silly mistakes that most of the banking aspirants make all throughout their preparations, and end up facing only failures. So, to help you play your cards right, we are providing you with the list of a number of mistakes that you should be wary of while you buckle down for the upcoming banking exams.
1. Avoiding everyday news believing you will do it all in the end.
Read the news on a daily basis so you do not end up lying under a pile of news of past 3-4 months a few days before the examination. This not only stresses you out but also makes you forget most of the important news.
2. Not giving speed tests on a regular basis.
Giving speed tests on a regular basis helps you attempt the tests in a minimum time with maximum accuracy. You also come across various strengths of yours that you may later make use of while attempting the real examination.
3. Listening and trying to follow hundreds of strategies.
Students very often ask different successful candidates about their strategies and try to follow the same that only makes it more chaotic for them to figure out what strategy to follow exactly. So, try to make your own strategy as per your convenience and following that one strategy throughout your preparation will definitely help you come off with flying colors.
4. Lacking consistency in your preparations.
Many of you are enthusiastic when you begin your preparations and that enthusiasm fades away with time. There are times when you are highly active and travail all day and night and the other times, you do not study at all for days. This will make you forget whatever you studied during the times when you were the most active and you will have to start all over again. So, try to keep your preparations consistent throughout so as to maintain the much required continuity in your studies.
5. Not revising the topics on a regular basis.
Revise all the topics that you need to be excellent at. Sort the important topics into a checklist and settle on how each and every point is to be revised before appearing for the real examination, so that, during the examination, you are not like, “Gee! I was so good at this topic. I could have done better had I revised it well.”

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