SBI PO Quantitative Aptitude Quiz: 29th April

April 29, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,


Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For SBI PO/Clerk Prelims
Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude Section has given heebie-jeebies to the aspirants when they appear for a banking examination. As the level of every other section is only getting complex and convoluted, there is no doubt that this section, too, makes your blood run cold. The questions asked in this section are calculative and very time-consuming. But once dealt with proper strategy, speed, and accuracy, this section can get you the maximum marks in the examination. Following is the Quantitative Aptitude quiz to help you practice with the best of latest pattern questions.

Q1. 21 men can complete a piece of work in 16 days while 10 women can complete the same piece of work in 26 days. 24 men start working and are replaced by 13 women after 7 days. In how many days will 13 women finish the remaining work?
11 days
14 days
13 days
10 days
15 days

Q2. A milk seller has milk of Rs 100 per litre, in what ratio should water be mixed in that milk so that after selling the mixture at Rs 80 per litre, he may get a profit of 50%?
7 : 8
7 : 9
9 : 7
7 : 5
4 : 9

Q3. In a mixture of 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 2 : 1. If the ratio of the milk and water is to be 1 : 2, then the amount of water to be further added must be
40 litres
30 litres
20 litres
60 litres
75 litres

Q4. A 25 percent gain is made by selling the mixture of two types of sugar at Rs 450 per kg. If one type of sugar costing Rs 560 per kg was mixed with 185 kg of the other type of sugar which cost is Rs.280 per kg, how many kilograms of the former was mixed
76 kg
75 kg
74 kg
Cannot be determined
None of these

Q5. In what ratio should milk and water be mixed so that after selling the mixture at the cost price a profit of is made?
7 : 2
9 : 1
5 : 3
2 : 5
3 : 4

Q6. Ram is twice efficient than Shyam. Shyam and Sarita can do a piece of work in 20 days together while Sarita can finish the same work in 30 days alone. Find, in what time Ram will finish the work alone ?
20 days
30 days
25 days
40 days
15 days

Q7. A and B can complete a piece of work in 80 days and 120 days respectively. They started working together but A left after 20 days. After another 12 days C joined B and they completed the work in 28 more days. In how many days can C alone complete the work ?
110 days
112 days
114 days
120 days
90 days

Directions (8-10): The following questions are accompanied by three statements (A) or (I), (B) or (II), and (C) or (III). You have to determine which statement is/are sufficient/necessary to answer the question. 

Q8. Find out the divisor. 

A. Two numbers when divided by divisor give remainder 13 and 20 respectively. 
B. Two dividends are 148 and 614 respectively. 
C. Sum of numbers when divided by the divisor gives 6 as remainder.
Only A and B
Only A and C
Only B and C
A and either B or C
Any two of them.
From A and B
Divisor = HCF [148 – 13), (614 – 20)] = 27
From A & C ⇒ divisor = 13 + 20 – 6 = 27
From B and C ⇒ Single divisor can’t be determined
As (148 + 614 – 6) = 756 has so many factors
∴ Only A and either B or C

Q9. What is the speed of a train which takes 6 seconds to cross a standing man? A. The train takes 9 seconds to cross a platform of length 90 m. B. The length of the train is 180 m. C. The headlight of the engine crosses a platform of length 240 m in 8 seconds.
Either A or B only
B only
Either B alone or A and C together
Either B or C only
Either A or B or C alone is sufficient.

Q10. Find the average of present ages of Parekh, Qutub and Runkun. 
A. The average age of Parekh, Qutub and Runkun 15 years ago was  
B. The present ages of Parekh, Qutub and Runkun are in the ratio of 8 : 9 : 12. 
C. The average age of Parekh, Qutub and Runkun 15 years hence is
A and B are sufficient
B and C are sufficient
Either A or B is sufficient
Either A or C is sufficient
All together are necessary

Directions (11-15): Find out the approximate value which should replace the question mark (?) in the following questions. Note: (You are not expected to find out the exact value) 

Q11. 35.02% of 3250 + 34.97 × 350 = ?


Q12. 141 ÷ 34 + 223 × 30.02 = ?

Q13. 224% of 875 + 78.005 × 15.005 = ?

Q14. 41.05 × 9.96 – 32.99 × 9.11 = (44 + ?) × 2
41 × 10 – 33 × 9= (44 + ?) × 2
⇒ ? ≃ 56.5 – 44
⇒ ? ≃ 13

Q15. 248.004 × 5.06 + 30.12% of 739.86 + ? = 1770.93



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SBI PO Quantitative Aptitude Quiz: 29th April 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 29, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For SBI PO/Clerk Prelims Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude Section has given...

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