Mission SBI PO: SBI PO Prelims 2019 Study Plan | APRIL 2019

April 3, 2019    

The State Bank of India has released the notification for the recruitment of Probationary Officers and has released 2000 vacancies this year. The preliminary examination will be conducted on in 8th, 9th, 15th & 16th June 2019. The preliminary examination is then followed by mains examination and the recruitment process terminates with the final group discussion and personal interview round.

While some of you have been preparing for this examination for months and years, others have just started off with their preparations or maybe not. Which one are you? Are you one of those who force the pace after the notification is out? If yes then just question yourself if it is the right attitude to achieve towards a national level competitive examination where lakhs of candidates would be competing against you, many of them breaking their backs for these exams for years?

The answer is probably no. Successful aspirants are always advised to make hay while the sun shines. If you really want to make your mark this time, start preparing for the exam right away. Organize all the things you want to do and fix your timetable around it. On your mission to crack SBI PO 2019, Adda247 is here with practice questions on all the three  subjects (Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and English Language) that will be asked in the exam. They are strictly based on the latest pattern of banking exams and incorporate the questions that are most likely to be asked in the SBI PO Prelims Exam 2019.

The video solutions of these quizzes will be provided on Adda247 Youtube Channel by the team of subject matter experts. Sumit Sir and Ashish Sir will provide the solutions for Quantitative Aptitude Quizzes, Anchal Ma'am and Nimisha Ma'am will do the solutions English Quizzes and Akanksha Ma;'am and Sachin Sir will solve all the qurestions of Reasoning Quizzes.

SBI PO Prelims 2019 Exam Pattern

Online Examination:

S.No. Name of Tests(Objective No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

Mission SBI PO: Study Plan (APRIL) For SBI PO Prelims Exam 2019

3rd April
Number System, Simplification Reading Comprehension
Coding-decoding Approximation Vocab- based
5th April
Inequalities Percentage, CI & SI Sentence Completion
6th April
Practice set Practice set Practice Set
7th April
Practice set Practice set Sentence Correction
8th April
Blood relation 
Ratio and Proportion, Age problems Reading Comprehension
9th April
Coding-decoding Partnership, Profit and Loss Practice Set
10th April
Direction sense  Number Series Para- jumble
11th April
Puzzles Time & Work, Pipe and Cistern Column- Based
12th April
Order and Ranking, Number Based Question Simple DI Sentence Rearrangement
13th April
Practice set Practice set Practice Set
14th April
Practice set Practice set Sentence Completion
15th April
Data sufficiency Quadratic Equations Word Usage
16th April
Syllogism Speed, Time & Distance, Problems on Trains Practice Set
17th April
Machine input-output Mixed DI Vocab- based
18th April
Inequality Boat and Stream Fillers
19th April
Puzzle  Quantity Based Problems, Permutation & combination Cloze test
20th April
Practice set Practice set Practice Set
21st April
Practice set Practice set Practice Set
22nd April
Syllogism Caselet DI, Simplification Sentence Completion
23rd April
Blood Relation Mixture & Allegation, Mensuration Sentence Correction
24th April
Coding-Decoding Probability, Number Series Vocab- based
25th April
Puzzle  Percentage, Profit and Loss, quadratic Idioms & Phrases
26th April
Order and Ranking, Direction Sense DI (Table based data) Para jumble
27th April
Practice set Practice set Practice Set
28th April
Practice set Practice set Practice Set
29th April
Data Sufficiency Data Sufficiency, Time and Work, Mixture & Allegation Fillers
30th April
Syllogism Average, Age problems Cloze test


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- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/02/sbi-po-study-plan.html
Mission SBI PO: SBI PO Prelims 2019 Study Plan | APRIL 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 3, 2019 The State Bank of India  has released the notification  for the recruitment of Probationary Officers and has released 2000 vacancies t...

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