A word rearrangement machine, when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. Given below is an illustration of the input and the stepwise rearrangement process.
Input: zeal for yellow bench state goal on and
Step l: and zeal for yellow bench state goal on
Step II: and bench zeal for yellow state goal on
Step III: and bench for zeal yellow state goal on
Step IV: and bench for goal zeal yellow state on
Step V: and bench for goal on zeal yellow state
Step VI: and bench for goal on state zeal yellow
Step VIl: and bench for goal on state yellow zeal
Step VII is the last step.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the answer in each of the following questions.
Question no. 1
Input: your voice is wonderfulWhich of the following steps will be the second step?
- is your voice wonderful
- is voice your wonderful
- is voice wonderful your
- is wonderful your voice
- None of these
Question no 2
The third step of an input is: ball elephant goat trade over horse never thereWhich of the following is definitely the input?
- goat ball trade elephant over horse never there
- trade horse ball goat elephant over never there
- horse trade ball goat elephant over never there
- Cannot be determined
- None of these
Question no. 3
How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
- Four
- Five
- Three
- Six
- None of these
Question no. 4
Which of the following steps will be the last step?
- VI
- IX
- None of these
Question no. 5
Input: ginger year town sour cat bring ink potWhich of the following will be the second last step?
- VI
- V
- None of these
Answer no. 1 (2)
Input: your voice is wonderfulStep l: is your voice wonderful
Step 2: is voice your wonderful
Answer no. 2 (4)
As we cannot go backwards for finding a solution thus, the answer is 'cannot be determined'Answer no. 3 (1)
Step Il: car down table pen jug water fall sign
Step II: car down fall table pen jug water sign
Step IV: car down fall jug table pen water sign
Step V: car down fall jug pen table water sign
Step VI: car down fall jug pen sign table water
Answer no. 4 (2)
Input: your job is not very important to him
Step I: him your job is not very important to
Step Il: him important your job is not very to
Step II: him important is your job not very to
Step IV: him important is job your not very to
Step V: him important is job not to your very
Step VI: him important is job not to your very
Step VIl: him important is job not to very your
As we can see, step VIl is the last step of the rearrangement process.
Answer no. 5 (2)
Input: ginger year town sour cat bring ink pot
Step l: bring ginger year town sour cat ink pot
Step II: bring cat ginger year town sour ink pot
Step III: bring cat ginger ink year town sour pot
Step IV: bring cat ginger ink pot year town sour
Step V: bring cat ginger ink pot sour year town
Step VI: bring cat ginger ink pot sour town year
Step V: is the last step, hence step V will be the second last step.
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2019/04/machine-input-output-questions-with.html
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