1. PIVOT (Noun) : केन्द्रबिन्दु
Meaning: a person or thing that plays a central part in a situation or enterprise.
Synonyms: centre, focus, crux, hub
Example: The pivot of community life was the chapel.
2. SCEPTICAL (Adjective) : उलझन में
Meaning: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Synonyms: dubious, doubtful, unconvinced
Antonyms: certain, convinced, optimistic
Example: it's good to be sceptical about what you see on TV.
3. ABHORRENT (Adjective) : घिनौना
Meaning: inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.
Synonyms: detestable, hateful, abominable, repugnant
Antonyms: acceptable, agreeable, alluring, delightful
Example: Jack’s abhorrent behavior caused him to get kicked out of the restaurant.
4. TYPIFY (Verb) : प्रतीक
Meaning: be characteristic or a representative example of.
Synonyms: epitomize, exemplify, characterize; personify, embody
Example: With his blond, blue-eyed athletic looks, he typifies the all-American boy next door.
5. FARCE (Noun) : स्वांग
Meaning: an event or situation that is absurd or disorganized.
Synonyms: absurdity, mockery, travesty, sham
Example: The debate turned into a drunken farce.
6. SURMISE (Verb) : शंका
Meaning: suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Synonyms: conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer
Antonyms: know
Example: Jason knew it was wrong of him to surmise his brother had stolen his money without actual proof.
7. MACABRE (Adjective) : भीषण
Meaning: disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death.
Synonyms: gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly,
Antonyms: appealing, attractive, delectable
Example: While David has a talent for pulling macabre pranks, it can get a little bothersome when he doesn’t limit them to Halloween.
8. INGRESS (Noun) : प्रवेश
Meaning: the action or fact of going in or entering; the capacity or right of entrance.
Synonyms: entrance, access, admittance, approach
Antonyms: egress, exit
Example: If you sit in front of the doorway, you are creating a safety hazard by blocking the path of ingress into the hospital.
9. EERIE (Adjective) : भयानक
Meaning: strange and frightening.
Synonyms: uncanny, sinister, ghostly, spectral, unnatural
Antonyms: normal, reassuring
Example: An eerie feeling came over us as we watched the scary movie.
10. STARK (Adjective) : निरा
Meaning: severe or bare in appearance or outline.
Synonyms: crist, distinct, obvious, evident
Antonyms: indistinct, pleasant, comfortable, ornate
Example: The house’s living room was stark and held only one couch.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/04/daily-vocabulary-for-bank-exams-1st.html
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