A Healthy Mind Resides In A Healthy Body | Health Tips For Govt. Job Aspirants

April 10, 2019    

We all have, at least once in our lives, heard a proverb, "a  healthy mind resides in a healthy body" which means one's physical health is important for her sound mental health. However cliched it sounds, the genuineness of the saying can be ignored by none of us. Even though we believe in the cogency of the saying, we pay no heed to taking care of our health while getting ourselves ready to crack a government job exam. 

Government job aspirants spend every waking minute studying and practicing for the upcoming exams. In the midst of this constant toil, they completely ignore the fact that their health is equitably important. If you stay healthy, you will be better able to memorize what you are learning and also retain it for a longer period of time. So, here are 5 important health tips which will help you take care of your health in the most prolific manner.

1. Never Skip Meals

Your brain needs energy from food to work efficiently, so keep the habit of skipping meals at bay. Whether you are up at the crack of dawn or rolling out of bed at noon to study for the forthcoming exam, always ensure that you have balanced meals all throughout the day. A balanced meal keeps your body’s blood sugar levels stable and improves your retaining power.

2. Sleep

Most of us have a habit of cramming all night when we are preparing for a national level competitive examination. While some choose to be an early bird, others pull all-nighters to keep up with the competition. No matter what your preferred study time is, always try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. A quality sleep improves memory recall and your ability to concentrate.  If you don’t sleep properly, you likely won’t remember much of what you studied anyway.

3. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can sap your energy and can also make you lose your concentration. Drinking enough water not only helps you concentrate more but also keeps you from overeating. So make sure that you drink six or eight glasses of water every day to maintain your hydration level.

4. Exercise

Exercise gets the blood flowing and more oxygen helps our brain function more efficiently. It resets your brain, increases blood flow to the brain and prepares us for critical thinking and retention. Do not worry if you do not have enough time to exercise, 15 minutes will be enough if you do it consistently.

5. Avoid Unhealthy Food

Eating regular meals will serve no good purpose as long as you stick to junk food. While a little fast food now and again won't really affect you, make sure it doesn't become a habit. You should avoid brain blocking foods such as foods made of white flour or those that are high in refined sugar: cookies, cakes, and muffins, chocolates, desserts or candies. 

All the best!!


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A Healthy Mind Resides In A Healthy Body | Health Tips For Govt. Job Aspirants 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 10, 2019 We all have, at least once in our lives, heard a proverb, "a  healthy mind resides in a healthy body" which means one's ph...

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