Uttarakhand District Cooperative Bank Reasoning Quiz : 7th March 2019

March 7, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,


Reasoning ability Quiz For Uttarakhand DCB 2019

Uttarakhand District Cooperative Bank has released the notification for the posts of Clerk and Managers for the Recruitment in 2019-20. This is a great opportunity for all those who aspire to become a Banker this year. Now the next step is to start practicing for the exams from now itself.  Here is a quiz on Reasoning ability being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern Reasoning ability Questions for Uttrakhand District Cooperative Bank 2019-20.

Directions (1-5): In these questions relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by conclusions. You have to find out which of the conclusions follow or not from the given statements. 

Q1. Statements: 
D > A , F = E ≤ B, D>B, C<B
I. E>A 
Only I is true
Only II is true
Either I or II is true
Both I and II are true
Neither I nor II is true

Q2. Statements: 
A > Z, Z < B, B ≥ C, C > X < D 
I. A > C
II. B ≥ X
Only I is true
Only II is true
Either I or II is true
Both I and II are true
Neither I nor II is true

Q3. Statements: 
A > B, C ≤B, D < E = B, E < F, G ≤ B
I.D < A
II. D < G
Only I is true
Only II is true
Either I or II is true
Both I and II are true
Neither I nor II is true

Q4. Statements: 
X > Y ≥ Z = M > A ≥B
I. B < Y
II. Y > A
Only I is true
Only II is true
Either I or II is true
Both I and II are true
Neither I nor II is true

Q5. Statements: 
P < Q > R = Z ≤ X = T
I. T > Z
II. Z = T
Only I is true
Only II is true
Either I or II is true
Both I and II are true
Neither I nor II is true

Directions (6-10): Read the following information’s carefully and answer the questions given below: 

Eight persons I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Three of them are facing away from the center while five are facing towards the centre.
L faces M. J sits opposite to N, who faces outside the center. I sits second to the left of J. L is not neighbor of J and I. O is immediate neighbor of K but does not sit next to L. J and M faces same direction but opposite to K and I.
Q6. Who sits exactly between N and I, when counted from the right of I?

None of these

Q7. Who among the following is second to the right of J?
None of these

Q8. Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to P?
P is opposite of O.
P is fourth to the right of O.
P is fourth to the left of O.
All are true
None of these

Q9. Who among the following faces outside?
None of these

Q10. Who among the following is second to the right of P?
None of these

Directions (11-15): In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by three Conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the statements and then decide which of the given Conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 


All Chocolates are Toffee.
Some Toffee are Lollipop.
Some Candy are Lollipop.
I. Some Toffee are Chocolates.
II. All Lollipop are Chocolates is a possibility.
III. Some Lollipop are not toffee.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Only I and II follow
Only III follows
None follows

Some News are Impact.
Some Impact are Reactions.
All Reactions are Important.
I. Some Important are News is a possibility.
II. Some Important can be Impact.
III. All Reactions are not Impact.
Only II follows
Only II and III follow
Only I and III follow
Only I and II follow
None of these

All Great are Achievement.
All Achievement are Stable.
All Focus are Stable.
I. Some Achievements can be Focus.
II. Some Stable are not Great.
III. All Great are Stable.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Only III follows
Only I and III follow
None of these

Some Nice are Good.
All Good are Fine.
All Fine are Excellent.
I. Some Nice are Excellent.
II. Some Fine are not Good.
III. No Fine are Nice is a possibility.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Only III follows
Only I and II follow
None of these

Q15. Statements: 
Some Straight are Line.
Some Straight are Diagonal.
Some Divide are Line.
I. Some Straight can be Divide.
II. Some Straight are not Diagonal.
III. Some Straight are Divide.
Only I and III follow
Only I follows
Either I or III follow
Only III follows
None of these

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Uttarakhand District Cooperative Bank Reasoning Quiz : 7th March 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 7, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning ability Quiz For Uttarakhand DCB 2019 Uttarakhand  Di...

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