IBPS Reasoning Quiz for 2019 Exams: 13th March 2019

March 13, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,


Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2019:

Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. The only way to make the grade in this particular section in the forthcoming banking exams. And, to let you practice with the best of the latest pattern questions, here is the Adda247 Reasoning Quiz based on the exact same pattern of questions that are being asked in the exams.

Directions (1-5 ) : In these questions, relationships between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer 
Q1. Statements: L ≥ D < M < P < A = F 

Conclusions: I. F > D 
II. P > L
If only conclusion I is true
If only Conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither Conclusion I nor II is true
If both Conclusions I and II are true

Q2. Statements : Z  M > F < A = B > S 
Conclusions: I. Z > B
II. F < S
If only conclusion I is true
If only Conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither Conclusion I nor II is true
If both Conclusions I and II are true

Q3. Statements : C > T > Q > R = F 
Conclusions: I. Q  F
II. T > F
If only conclusion I is true
If only Conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither Conclusion I nor II is true
If both Conclusions I and II are true

Q4. Statements : A = R  Q, P < Q 
Conclusions: I. A  P
II. R > P
If only conclusion I is true
If only Conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither Conclusion I nor II is true
If both Conclusions I and II are true

Q5. Statements: B  M < Y = Z > F > T 
Conclusions: I. B > F
II. Y > T
If only conclusion I is true
If only Conclusion II is true
If either conclusion I or II is true
If neither Conclusion I nor II is true
If both Conclusions I and II are true

Directions (6-10): In these questions, relationships between different elements are shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer 
Q6. Statements: R ≤ H > K, L = T < R, A > L 

Conclusions: I. H > L 
II. K > T
if only conclusion I follows
if only conclusion II follows
if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
if both conclusions I and II follow
(I) H ≥ R > T = L [True]
(II) T < R ≤ H > K [False]

Q7. Statements: G< B  J, N > D  G, P  N 
Conclusions: I. G < P 
II. G < J
if only conclusion I follows
if only conclusion II follows
if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
if both conclusions I and II follow
(I) G ≤ D < N ≤ P [True]
(II) G < B ≤ J [True]

Q8. Statement: Q  E , N = R  S, E< I >N, 
Conclusions: I. E  S 
II. S  N
if only conclusion I follows
if only conclusion II follows
if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
if both conclusions I and II follow
(I) E < I > N = R ≥ S [False]
(II)N = R ≥ S [True]

Q9. Statement: M < W > O, R = S  Y 
Conclusions: I. Y < M 
II. O > S
if only conclusion I follows
if only conclusion II follows
if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
if both conclusions I and II follow
(I) Y ≥ M [False]
(II) S ≥ Y ≥ M < W > O [False]

Q10. Statement: K < V = Z < X = U, F C V
Conclusions: I. Y < U 
II. Z < F 
if only conclusion I follows
if only conclusion II follows
if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
if both conclusions I and II follow
(I) V = Z < X = U [True]
(II)F ≤ C ≤ V = Z [False]

Directions (11-15): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Mark answer as 
Q11. Statements: A ≥ M > Q, D = C ≥ Q 

Conclusions: I. D > Q 
II. Q < A
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. D > Q (false)
II. Q < A (true)

Q12. Statements: A > M, A ≤ B, R < S ≤ B 
Conclusions: I. A ≥ R 
II. R > A
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. A ≥ R (false)
II. R > A (false)

Q13. Statements: D > C < A ≥ R < S 
Conclusions: I. R > D 
II. C > S
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. R > D (false)
II. C > S (false)

Q14. Statements: D ≥ C > A, S > R ≤ A 
Conclusions: I. D > A 
II. D > R
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. D > A (true)
II. D > R (true)

Q15. Statements: M > N ≥ Q, B ≤ A > Q 
Conclusions: I. M > A 
II. M > Q
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.
I. M > A (false)
II. M > Q (true)

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IBPS Reasoning Quiz for 2019 Exams: 13th March 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 13, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2019: R easoning Ability  is a...

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