GOAL Govt.Job | Study Plan for LIC AAO Prelims Exams

March 11, 2019    

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Study Plan for LIC AAO Prelims Exams

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) released the notification for the recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) and the total number of vacancies is 590. The preliminary examination is scheduled to be held on 4th and 5th of May 2019. While some of you have been preparing for banking & insurance examinations for months and years, others have just started off with their preparations or maybe not. Which one are you? Are you one of those who force the pace when the exams are near? If yes then just question yourself if it is the right attitude to achieve towards a national level competitive examination where lakhs of candidates would be competing against you, many of them breaking their backs for these exams for years?

The answer is probably no. Successful aspirants are always advised to make hay while the sun shines. If you really want to make your mark this time, start preparing for the exam right away. Organize all the things you want to do and fix your timetable around it. Here is GOAL Govt.Job Study Plan for LIC AAO Prelims Exams with practice questions for three subjects (Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and English Language) that will be asked in the exam. They are strictly based on the latest pattern of banking exams and incorporate the questions that are most likely to be asked in these exams.

March Study Plan For  LIC AAO Prelims Exams:

12-March Circular puzzle, number based series, inequalities DI (Table), Miscellaneous, Quantity based problem and Approximation Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
13-March Circular puzzle, inequalities, syllogism DI(Line), Time and Work, Average, Simplification Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
14-March Machine-input, coding-decoding, linear puzzle DI (Bar),Miscellaneous, Simplification Column Based Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
15-March Box puzzle,Coding Decoding, Alphabet based questions Di(Mixed), Miscellaneous, Simplification Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
16-March Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
17-March Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
18-March Circular Puzzle, Syllogism, Inequalities Table Graph DI, Percentage,Profit and Loss, Missing Number Series Error Detection, Fillers, Word Usage
19-March Coding-Decoding , alphanumeric series, Linear puzzle Caselet Based Di, Ratio and Proportion,SI & CI Simplification Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
20-March Rectangular Puzzle, Alphabetical series,Machine input-output Pie Chart DI,SI &CI, Age Problems,Quadratic equation Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
21-March Blood relation, floor puzzle, Alphabet based Series Mix Di, Mixture And Allegation, Approximation Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
22-March Circular Puzzle, Syllogism, Order and Ranking, Number Based Question Table Di, Boat and stream ,Time Speed & Distance, Wrong Number Series Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
23-March Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
24-March Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
25-March Coding-decoding,Square Puzzle, Blood Relation DI, Mensuration , Profit and Loss,Quadratic equation Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
26-March Alphanumeric series ,Coded Direction, coded Inequality , Data Sufficiency Bar Graph Di,Time and Work,Probability Simplification Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
27-March Coding-Decoding, Short puzzles, Mix puzzle Quantity Comparison,Pipe &Cistern Permutation & Combination,Approximation Column Based Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
28-March Short Puzzles ,Floor Puzzle, Inequality Mixed Di,Boat and Stream,SI & CI, Number Series Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
29-March Machine Input-Output, day based puzzle, syllogism DI(Table), Mixture And Allegation, Average,Quadratic equation Error Detection, Fillers, Word Usage
30-March Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
31-March Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
1-April Syllogism,Square Puzzle, Blood Relation DI (Mixed graph), Miscellaneous, Simplification Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
2-April Coding - Decoding,Data sufficiency ,Box puzzle Data Sufficiency, Age, Percentage,Profit & Loss, Simplification Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
3-April Mix Puzzle, Inequalities, Syllogism Line Graph Di, Ratio And Proportion,Approximation Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
4-April Short Puzzles, Miscellaneous, Syllogism Mixed Graph Di, Mensuration, Probability, Number Series Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
5-April Miscellaneous, Box puzzle Caselet Based Di,Time & Work, SI &CI,Quadratic equation Error Detection, Fillers, Word Usage
6-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
7-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
8-April Circular puzzle, inequalities, syllogism DI (Bar),Miscellaneous, Simplification Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
9-April Alphanumeric series ,Coded Direction, coded Inequality , Data Sufficiency Table Graph DI, Percentage,Profit and Loss, Missing Number Series Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
10-April Short Puzzles, Miscellaneous, Syllogism DI (Line), Miscellaneous, Quantity based problem and Approximation Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
11-April Coding-decoding,Square Puzzle, Blood Relation Mixed Di,Permutation And Combination, Problems on Ages, Simplification Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
12-April Machine Input-Output, day based puzzle, syllogism Table Di, Boat and stream ,Time Speed & Distance, Wrong Number Series Error Detection, Fillers, Word Usage
13-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
14-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
15-April Circular Puzzle, Syllogism, Order and Ranking, Number Based Question Data Sufficiency, Age, Percentage,Profit & Loss, Simplification Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
16-April Machine-input, coding-decoding, linear puzzle Line Graph Di, Ratio And Proportion, Time & Work, Approximation Column Based Sentence Connectors, Spelling Errors, Cloze Test
17-April Blood relation, floor puzzle, Alphabet based Series Caselet Based Di, Ratio and Proportion,Average,Simplification Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
18-April Mix Puzzle, Inequalities, Syllogism DI (Bar),Miscellaneous, Approximation Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
19-April Short Puzzles, Miscellaneous, Syllogism Mixed Di,Mensuration, Problems on Trains,Pipe And Cistern, Simplification Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
20-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
21-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
22-April Circular Puzzle, Syllogism, Order and Ranking, Number Based Question Table Graph DI, Percentage,Profit and Loss, Missing Number Series Error Detection, Fillers, Word Usage
23-April Machine-input, coding-decoding, linear puzzle Line Graph Di, Boat and stream ,Time Speed & Distance, Wrong Number Series Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
24-April Blood relation, floor puzzle, Alphabet based Series Mixed Di,Permutation And Combination, Problems on Ages, Simplification Column Based Sentence Connectors, Spelling Errors, Cloze Test
25-April Alphanumeric series ,Coded Direction, coded Inequality , Data Sufficiency DI (Bar),Miscellaneous, Simplification Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
26-April Box Puzzle, Syllogism, Order and Ranking, Number Based Question Caselet Based Di,Time & Work, SI &CI,Quadratic equation Fillers, Vocabulary Based, Sentence Improvement
27-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
28-April Practice Set Practice Set Practice Set
29-April Coded-Inequality , Number series, Double Row puzzle Data Sufficiency, Age, Percentage,Profit & Loss, Simplification Sentence Completion, Sentence Rearrangement, Idioms and phrases
30-April Coding-Decoding , alphanumeric series, Mix puzzle Bar Graph Di,Time and Work,Probability Number Series Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement
1-May Ranking and Order , Syllogism, Floor puzzle Table Graph DI, Percentage,Profit and Loss, Missing Number Series Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Spelling Errors
2-May Data Sufficiency , Inequality, Circular puzzle Mixed Di,Boat and Stream,SI & CI,Quadratic Equation Error Detection, Fillers, Word Usage
3-May Coding-Decoding , alphanumeric series, Linear puzzle DI (Table), Miscellaneous, Simplification Cloze Test, Parajumbles, Word Replacement

All the best!

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/03/study-plan-for-lic-aao.html
GOAL Govt.Job | Study Plan for LIC AAO Prelims Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 11, 2019 [unable to retrieve full-text content] Study Plan for LIC AAO Prelims Exams Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) released the notificat...

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