Quantitative Aptitude For NIACL AO Phase II: 9th February 2019

February 9, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,

Quantitative Aptitude For NIACL AO Phase II: 9th February 2019

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For NIACL AO

Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude Section has given heebie-jeebies to the aspirants when they appear for a banking examination. As the level of every other section is only getting complex and convoluted, there is no doubt that this section, too, makes your blood run cold. The questions asked in this section are calculative and very time-consuming. But once dealt with proper strategy, speed, and accuracy, this section can get you the maximum marks in the examination. Following is the Quantitative Aptitude quiz to help you practice with the best of latest pattern questions.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information given below carefully and answer the related questions asked.
In a company, there are four departments namely Blog, content, support & Video. Out of total employees, 100/3 % are working in blog team and 25% of remaining are working in support team. Number of employees working in content team are 20% more than that in Blog team. 24 employees are working in video team. 40% of employees working in blog team are from Delhi NCR. 60% of employees working in support team are from North-East. 75% of total employees working in content department come from East of India. The employees working in Video department are either from Haryana or from Delhi NCR, and they are in the ratio of 3:5.
No employee working in content and support team belongs to Delhi NCR.

Q1. Total number of employees working in blog team are what percent more or less than the total number of employees working in video team?

133 ⅓%
233 ⅓%
222 ⅓%
233 ⅔%
None of these

Q2. What is the ratio of employees who comes from Delhi NCR to the total employees working in content team?
47 : 96
96 : 47
1 : 2
9 : 16
16 : 9

Q3. What is the average of total number of employees working in Blog team, support team and Video team together?

Q4. If 12 ½% employee of content team, 16 ⅔% employees of video team and 20% employees of support team are over age for banking exams then find the number of such employees who cannot be a banker.

Q5. Total number of employees coming from Delhi NCR who works in blog team and number of employees coming from North-East who works in support team together are how many (in number) more or less than the number of employees coming from East region of India, working in content team?

Q6. A jar has 40 litre milk. From the jar, 8 litres milk was taken out and replaced with an equal quantity of water. If 8 litres of the newly formed mixture is taken out of the jar, then what is the final quantity of milk left in the jar?
30 lit
24.6 lit
28.2 lit
25 lit
25.6 lit

Q7. 9 litres are drawn from a cask full of water and it is then filled with the same quantity of milk. 9 litres of mixture are drawn again and the cask is again filled with the same quantity of milk. The quantity of water now left in the cask to that of milk in it is 16 : 9. Find the capacity of the cask?
45 litre
48 litre
50 litre
42 litre
40 litre

Q8. Kumar purchased 320 kg of Rice at the rate of 17.60/kg and mixed it with 160 kg of rice purchased at the rate of 16.40/kg. He wants to earn a profit of Rs. 9.45 per kg by selling it. What should be the selling price of the mix. per kg?
Rs. 22.55
Rs. 24.75
Rs. 26
Rs. 26.65
None of these

Q9. A person has purchased two adjacent plots, one is in rectangular shape and other is in square shape and combined them to make a single new plot. The breadth of rectangular plot is equal to the side of the square plot and cost of fencing the new plot is Rs 390 (Rs 5/meter). Find the side of square if the length of rectangular plot is 15 m.
8 meter
10 meter
12 meter
6 meter
16 meter

Q10. Four circles having equal radii are drawn with centres at the four corners of a square. Each circle touches the other two adjacent circle. If remaining area of the square is 168 cm2, what is the size of the radius of the circle? (in centimeters) (take π = 22/7)

Q11. There is a 120 litre mixture of alcohol and water. The ratio of alcohol to water is 7 : 5. A shopkeeper mixes a certain amount of water in order to make the ratio of alcohol to water 5 : 6. Find the new quantity of water is what percentage of original quantity of water in the mixture?

Q12. The perimeter of a square is equal to twice the perimeter of a rectangle of length of 8 cm and breadth 7 cm. What is the circumference of a semicircle whose diameter is equal to the side of the square? (Rounded off to the two decimal places) (take π = 3.14)
38.57 cms.
23.57 cms.
42.46 cms.
47.47 cms.
35.87 cms.

Q13. Two fair dices are thrown. The probability of getting.
Quantity 1: A sum of two numbers divisible by 4.
Quantity 2: A sum of two numbers to be a prime number less than 10.

Quantity 1 > Quantity 2
Quantity 1 < Quantity 2
Quantity 1 ≥ Quantity 2
Quantity 1 ≤ Quantity 2
Quantity 1 = Quantity 2 or relationship cannot be established.

Q14. Quantity 1: Time taken by the boat to cover downstream distance of 32km. Speed of a boat in steel water is 6 kmph. The boat covers 32 km distance upstream in 8 hours.
Quantity 2: Speed of the current. Prashant and Ravi start swimming from two opposite ends of a river. Speed of Prashant in steel water is 4 km/h and speed of Ravi is 25% more than that of Prashant. If distance between two ends is 20 km and both meet at a point 16 km away from end of Prashant. (river is flowing from Prashant’s end to Ravi’s end)
Quantity 1 > Quantity 2
Quantity 1 < Quantity 2
Quantity 1 ≥ Quantity 2
Quantity 1 ≤ Quantity 2
Quantity 1 = Quantity 2 or relationship cannot be established.

Q15. Quantity 1: Time in which the whole work will be completed. Two persons X and Y together can dig a pit in 16 hours. They worked together for 4 hours and then a third person Z whose efficiency is half of their togethers’ efficiency joins them.
Quantity 2: Age of youngest child. The sum of the age of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. (Compare only numerical value irrespective of unit)
Quantity 1 > Quantity 2
Quantity 1 < Quantity 2
Quantity 1 ≥ Quantity 2
Quantity 1 ≤ Quantity 2
Quantity 1 = Quantity 2 or relationship cannot be established


Check the Video Course of Quantitative Aptitude  

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Quantitative Aptitude For NIACL AO Phase II: 9th February 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 9, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For NIACL AO Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude Section has given hee...

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