How To Prepare For Descriptive Writing Test Of NIACL AO Phase-II 2018-19

February 1, 2019    

NIACL has conducted the Preliminary Examination for the post of Administrative Officers already. The next phase, that is, Mains Examination for this recruitment process will be conducted on 2nd March. Some of you would be preparing for this exam since the beginning itself while others will now, after getting done with Preliminary Examinations, start off their preparations for the mains exam. The questions asked in the mains exam are difficult to deal with when compared to the prelims exam. When people prepare for their mains examination, they mostly focus on getting their grips stronger over the subjects that will be asked in the objective type test forgetting that the descriptive test is important too. If you do not qualify this test, you are more likely to lose the opportunity of  becoming an Administrative Officer in a government-owned organization. 

So students set aside the casual attitude towards the descriptive test and set about preparing for it. To develop proficient writing skills, pick up a topic and try writing an essay and a letter on it. It not only helps you improve your writing skills for descriptive paper but also helps you discover new words or phrases you google search to express your knowledge with. Do not forget to read a newspaper on a daily basis. It not only helps you learn how to write effectively but also gets you aware of the top events that are in news. Another thing to be kept in mind while preparing for the descriptive test of NIACL AO Examination is that you have to practice writing on a laptop to improve your typing speed. 

So, students, we wish you all the best for your descriptive writing test of NIACL AO Phase-II Examination. You can find excellent writing tips in our Book "Descriptive Writing Book" with examples based on the latest topics that are expected in the descriptive paper of NIACL AO Phase-II Exam.

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How To Prepare For Descriptive Writing Test Of NIACL AO Phase-II 2018-19 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 1, 2019 NIACL has conducted the Preliminary Examination for the post of Administrative Officers already. The next phase, that is, Mains Examin...

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