1. FRUGAL : किफायती
Meaning:simple and plain and costing little.
Synonyms:careful, prudent
Antonyms:careless, wasteful
Example:He built up his savings by being very frugal.
2. RISIBLE : हास्योन्मुख
Meaning: lacking in quality or usefulness that it deserves to be laughed at
Synonyms:amusing, funny
Antonyms:dull, serious
Example:She's been making risible attempts to learn the trumpet.
3. IMBIBE : पी लेना
Meaning:to drink
Synonyms:ingest, absorb
Antonyms:abstain, fast
Example:If I imbibe too much soda, I find that I am troubled with extreme bouts of hiccupping.
4. DISSONANCE : मतभेद
Meaning:disagreement between people
Synonyms:discord, conflict
Antonyms:harmony, accord
Example:There is a great deal of dissonance between what a liar says and does.
5. IGNORANCE : अज्ञान
Meaning:lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something
Synonyms: disregard, dumbness
Antonyms:cognizance, knowledge
Example:The man’s ignorance of all things political caused him to appear foolish when he tried to talk politics.
6. MEAGER : अल्प
Meaning:very small or not enough
Synonyms:scanty, less
Antonyms:enough, plentiful
Example:Her meager salary is not enough to pay her living expenses.
7. CONDONE : माफ करना
Meaning:to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong
Synonyms:excuse, ignore
Antonyms:attend, regard
Example:If the government is seen to condone violence, the bloodshed will never stop.
8. FLAWLESS : दोषरहित
Meaning:perfect or without mistakes
Synonyms:perfect, absolute
Antonyms:corrupt, blemished
Example:The countdown was flawless, and the space missile went off exactly on schedule.
9. IMPECCABLE : त्रुटिहीन
Meaning:perfect, with no problems or bad parts
Synonyms:perfect, unimpaired
Antonyms:defective, imperfect
Example:Even in her own lands, the matriarch's rank had to be absolutely impeccable to allow her to speak.
10. ONSET : शुरुआत, आक्रमण
Meaning:the moment at which something unpleasant begins
Synonyms:commencement, outset
Antonyms:end, conclusion
Example:The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/02/daily-vocabulary-for-bank-exams-19th.html
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