1.IRATE : क्रुद्ध
Meaning: tremendously angry
Synonyms: annoyed, furious
Antonyms: happy, calm
Example:The irate judge had the unruly defendant removed from the courtroom.
2.GAUNT : कृश
Meaning:extremely skinny, typically because of illness or starvation
Synonyms:grim, thin
Antonyms:fat, heavy
Example:After being held in a dark basement for three months, the prisoner was gaunt and weak.
3.BENIGNANT : कृपालु
Meaning: having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others.
Synonyms: benevolent, compassionate, humane, kindhearted.
Antonyms: atrocious, brutal, callous, fiendish.
Example: The queen had a benignant reputation and was loved for her caring treatment of others.
4.FARRAGO: संमिश्रण
Meaning: a confused mixture.
Synonyms: mishmash, jumble, hodgepodge, turmoil.
Antonyms: constituent, ravel, sequence, categorization.
Example: The present gun law is a farrago of nonsense as most of it is unenforceable.
5.LENITY : उदारता
Meaning: kind or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it.
Synonyms: clemency, forbearance, philanthropy, empathy.
Antonyms: requital, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol.
Example:This savage punishment was approved by the higher officers of the navy, who showed great lenity to men of their own rank.
6.SUPERANNUATED : वयोवृद्ध
Meaning: outdated or obsolete through age or new developments;
Synonyms: anachronistic, antiquated, defunct, obsolete.
Antonyms: modern, modish, newfangled, modernized.
Example: The information on my website was superannuated and needed updating.
Meaning:rapid increase in the number or amount of something
Synonyms: generation, propagation
Example:The proliferation of technology over the last 100 years has happened so quickly and caused many societal changes.
9.AMNESTY : आम माफ़ी
Meaning:a formal pardon or reprieve given to one who has committed a criminal or political offense
Synonyms:forgiveness, immunity
Example:Although the governor claimed to be an honest man of the people, he did not hesitate to give his wealthy friend amnesty for a tax related crime.
10.COALITION : गठबंधन
Meaning: the union of diverse things into one body or form or group
Synonyms: alliance, union
Antonyms: discord,rift
Example:A coalition between Liberals and Conservatives

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