Reasoning For NIACL AO Prelims: 21st January 2019

January 21, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,

Reasoning Questions for NIACL AO Exam 2018-19:

Reasoning Ability is an onerous section. With the increasing complexity of questions, it becomes hard for one to give it the cold shoulder. The only way to make the grade in this particular section in the forthcoming banking exams like NIACL AO Prelims is to practice continuously with all your heart and soul. And, to let you practice with the best of the latest pattern questions, here is the Adda247 Reasoning Quiz based on the exact same pattern of questions that are being asked in the exams.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. 

There are seven cricket players i.e. R, S, T, V, W, X and Y, who plays together for world XI team in a charity match. They all scored different number of centuries (100’s) in One day internationals (ODI) i.e. 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 49 and 64 but not necessarily in the same order. They all are sitting in row such that only three of them facing south and rest are facing north.

R sits third to the left of X and sits at the corner. T, who scored 17 hundred’s in one day internationals, is sitting on the immediate right of Y, who faces south direction. R scored 27 centuries in his career. There are more than three players sit between the player, who scored 15 centuries and the one, whose number of centuries is a perfect cube of odd number. The difference between the centuries scored by S and Y, is twice the difference of centuries scored by R and V. Immediate neighbor of S faces same direction. S sits 2nd to the right of T, who faces opposite to R (i.e. If R is facing north then T faces south direction and vice versa). S faces north direction and sits 2nd to the right of R. Y does not score 15 centuries. X scored 64 centuries in his one-day career. V faces south direction. The one, who scored 49 and the one, who scored 19 centuries are immediate neighbors.

Q1. Who among the following score 49 centuries in his ODI career?

None of these
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - X score 64 centuries in his one-day career. R sits third to the left of X and sits at the corner so there will be two possible cases of X and R sitting positions. S faces north direction and sits 2nd to the right of R. So, there are two possible cases occur-
Step 2: From the given other conditions: - T, who scored 17 hundred’s in one day internationals is sitting on the immediate right of Y. S sits 2nd to the right of T, who faces opposite to R. Immediate neighbor of S faces same direction. V faces south direction.
Step 3: Now it is given that Y faces south direction, so case-2 will be eliminated. Y does not score 15 centuries and there are more than three players sit between the player who scored 15 centuries and the one whose number of centuries is a perfect cube of odd number which is R so from these conditions it is clear that V scores 15 hundred in his one-day international career and W sits on the immediate left of S. The difference between the centuries scored by S and Y is twice the difference of centuries scored by R and V. So, the difference of centuries of R and V is twelve. The one who scores 49 centuries and the one who scores 19 centuries are immediate neighbors, S score 49 centuries and W score 19 centuries in their career and Y scores 25 centuries. Hence, we get our final sitting arrangement.

Q2. Who among the following pair of persons sit at the end of the row?
None of these
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - X score 64 centuries in his one-day career. R sits third to the left of X and sits at the corner so there will be two possible cases of X and R sitting positions. S faces north direction and sits 2nd to the right of R. So, there are two possible cases occur-
Step 2: From the given other conditions: - T, who scored 17 hundred’s in one day internationals is sitting on the immediate right of Y. S sits 2nd to the right of T, who faces opposite to R. Immediate neighbor of S faces same direction. V faces south direction.
Step 3: Now it is given that Y faces south direction, so case-2 will be eliminated. Y does not score 15 centuries and there are more than three players sit between the player who scored 15 centuries and the one whose number of centuries is a perfect cube of odd number which is R so from these conditions it is clear that V scores 15 hundred in his one-day international career and W sits on the immediate left of S. The difference between the centuries scored by S and Y is twice the difference of centuries scored by R and V. So, the difference of centuries of R and V is twelve. The one who scores 49 centuries and the one who scores 19 centuries are immediate neighbors, S score 49 centuries and W score 19 centuries in their career and Y scores 25 centuries. Hence, we get our final sitting arrangement.

Q3. Who among the following sits 2nd to the right of V?
None of these
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - X score 64 centuries in his one-day career. R sits third to the left of X and sits at the corner so there will be two possible cases of X and R sitting positions. S faces north direction and sits 2nd to the right of R. So, there are two possible cases occur-
Step 2: From the given other conditions: - T, who scored 17 hundred’s in one day internationals is sitting on the immediate right of Y. S sits 2nd to the right of T, who faces opposite to R. Immediate neighbor of S faces same direction. V faces south direction.
Step 3: Now it is given that Y faces south direction, so case-2 will be eliminated. Y does not score 15 centuries and there are more than three players sit between the player who scored 15 centuries and the one whose number of centuries is a perfect cube of odd number which is R so from these conditions it is clear that V scores 15 hundred in his one-day international career and W sits on the immediate left of S. The difference between the centuries scored by S and Y is twice the difference of centuries scored by R and V. So, the difference of centuries of R and V is twelve. The one who scores 49 centuries and the one who scores 19 centuries are immediate neighbors, S score 49 centuries and W score 19 centuries in their career and Y scores 25 centuries. Hence, we get our final sitting arrangement.

Q4. Who among the following score 19 centuries in ODI’s?
None of these
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - X score 64 centuries in his one-day career. R sits third to the left of X and sits at the corner so there will be two possible cases of X and R sitting positions. S faces north direction and sits 2nd to the right of R. So, there are two possible cases occur-
Step 2: From the given other conditions: - T, who scored 17 hundred’s in one day internationals is sitting on the immediate right of Y. S sits 2nd to the right of T, who faces opposite to R. Immediate neighbor of S faces same direction. V faces south direction.
Step 3: Now it is given that Y faces south direction, so case-2 will be eliminated. Y does not score 15 centuries and there are more than three players sit between the player who scored 15 centuries and the one whose number of centuries is a perfect cube of odd number which is R so from these conditions it is clear that V scores 15 hundred in his one-day international career and W sits on the immediate left of S. The difference between the centuries scored by S and Y is twice the difference of centuries scored by R and V. So, the difference of centuries of R and V is twelve. The one who scores 49 centuries and the one who scores 19 centuries are immediate neighbors, S score 49 centuries and W score 19 centuries in their career and Y scores 25 centuries. Hence, we get our final sitting arrangement.

Q5. How many centuries do Y scores in his ODI career?
None of these
Step1: From the given definite conditions: - X score 64 centuries in his one-day career. R sits third to the left of X and sits at the corner so there will be two possible cases of X and R sitting positions. S faces north direction and sits 2nd to the right of R. So, there are two possible cases occur-
Step 2: From the given other conditions: - T, who scored 17 hundred’s in one day internationals is sitting on the immediate right of Y. S sits 2nd to the right of T, who faces opposite to R. Immediate neighbor of S faces same direction. V faces south direction.
Step 3: Now it is given that Y faces south direction, so case-2 will be eliminated. Y does not score 15 centuries and there are more than three players sit between the player who scored 15 centuries and the one whose number of centuries is a perfect cube of odd number which is R so from these conditions it is clear that V scores 15 hundred in his one-day international career and W sits on the immediate left of S. The difference between the centuries scored by S and Y is twice the difference of centuries scored by R and V. So, the difference of centuries of R and V is twelve. The one who scores 49 centuries and the one who scores 19 centuries are immediate neighbors, S score 49 centuries and W score 19 centuries in their career and Y scores 25 centuries. Hence, we get our final sitting arrangement.

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 

Q6. Statements: 

Some A are B.
All B are D.
All D are E.
I. At least some D are A.
II. All E being A is a possibility.
III. Some D are not A.
Only I follow
Only II follows
Both I and II follow
Only III follows
None follows

Q7. Statements: 
Some M are not N.
Some P are N.
Some R are M.
I. All P are M is a possibility.
II. All N can be R.
III. No M is N.
Only I follow
Both II and III follows
Both I and III follow
Both I and II follow
None of these

Q8. Statements: 
Only A are C.
No A is B.
Some D are B.
I. Some D can never be C
II. Some A are C.
III. Some D are not C.
Only I follow
Only II follows
Only III follows
Both II and III follows
None of these

Q9. Statements: 
Some A are B.
All D are E.
All B are D.
I. At least some D are not A.
II. All E are A.
III. Some E are A.
Only I follow
Only II follows
Only III follows
Both I and II follow
None of these

Q10. Statements: 
No M is Q.
Some R are M.
Some Q are R.
Some S are R.
I. Some R are not Q
II. Some R are not M
III. All S are R is a possibility
Both I and III follows
Only II follows
Only II and either I or III follow
All follow
None of these

Directions (11-13): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 

Ravi starts walking 12km in the East direction from point X and reaches at point A. After that he turns 225° clockwise and walks 15000m to reach at point Y and then Ravi turns 135° clockwise and walks 9km to reach at point Z. At last he turns 45° in his right and walks 3km.

Q11. What is the direction of Ravi’s last position with respect to point X?

North- East
South- East
Can’t be determine
None of these

Q12. What is the total distance covered by Ravi from his first turn to his final position?
Both (a) and (c)
None of these

Q13. What is the direction of point X with respect to point Z?
South- East
South- West
Can’t be determine
None of these

Directions (14-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. 

Five persons L, M, N, O and P are of different age. L is elder than only P. N is younger than only M.

Q14. Who among the following is elder than N?

Can’t be determined
M > N > O > L > P

Q15. Suppose if M’s age is 32 years and O’s age is 25 years, then what can be the probable age of N?
27 years
21 years
35 years
24 years
None of These
M > N > O > L > P
32   25


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Reasoning For NIACL AO Prelims: 21st January 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 21, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for NIACL AO Exam 2018-19: R easoning A...

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