Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For NIACL AO
Q1. A person deposited Rs. 400 for 2 years, Rs. 550 for 4 years and Rs. 1200 for 6 years. He received the total simple interest of Rs. 1020. The rate of interest per annum is (rate of interest in each case is same)
(a) 10%
(b) 5%
(c) 15%
(d) 20%
(e) 25%
Q2. Rs. 12,000 is divided into two parts so that the simple interest on the first part for 3 years at 12% per annum may be equal to the simple interest on the second part for 4½ years at 16% per annum. The ratio of the first part to the second part is
(a) 2 : 1
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 2 : 3
(d) 3 : 2
(e) 3 : 5
Q3. A machine is sold at a profit of 10%. Had it been sold for Rs. 80 less, there would have been a loss of 10%. The cost price of the machine is:
(a) Rs. 350
(b) Rs. 450
(c) Rs. 400
(d) Rs. 520
(e) Rs. 540
Q4. The marked price of a watch is Rs. 1600. The shopkeeper give successive discounts of 10% and x% to the customer. If the customer pays Rs. 1224 for the watch, the value of x is:
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 15
(d) 20
(e) 30
Q5. A sum of money becomes Rs. 4500 after two years and Rs. 6750 after 4 years on compound interest. The sum is:
(a) Rs. 4000
(b) Rs. 2500
(c) Rs. 3000
(d) Rs. 3050
(e) Rs. 3500
Directions (6-10): What approximate value will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
Q6. 399.89 ÷ 7.88 × 11.88 + 249.87 – 189.88 =?
(a) 755
(b) 655
(c) 680
(d) 555
(e) 695
Q7. 47.89% of 449.9 8+ 52.01% of 439.89 = 4/5 of ?
(a) 456
(b) 655
(c) 556
(d) 756
(e) 856
Q9. 43.05% of 799.89 + 56.89% of 899.89 =?
(a) 857
(b) 785
(c) 587
(d) 875
(e) 890
Q10. 114.88% of 559.88 + 83.98% of 419.88 =?
(a) 721
(b) 799
(c) 697
(d) 997
(e) 897
Directions (11-15): The following table shows the no. of students who applied for various posts in DMRC recruitment from five different states in a certain year.
Study the table carefully to answer the following questions.
Note: Some data in the table are missing. Find them if they are required in any question.
Note: One student can apply against only one post.
Q11. If ratio of total no. of students from UP who applied for JE and AE respectively is 81 : 61 and total no. of candidates from U.P is 1,15,700 then total no. of candidates from UP who applied for the post of AE is
(a) 28,400
(b) 22,400
(c) 24,400
(d) 24,000
(e) 20,800
Q13. If 60% students out of total students from Haryana who applied for the post of JE are having Electrical Engineering as their essential qualification, then total no. of candidates from Rajasthan who applied for JE is: (It is given that total students from Rajasthan who applied for JE is 150% of the no. of Electrical Engineering students who applied for the post of JE from Haryana)
(a) 12,760
(b) 14,670
(c) 16,470
(d) 14,760
(e) 18,460
Q14. Total no. of students from MP who applied for the post of SC/TO is 80% of the total no. of students who applied for JE from Delhi. Find total no. of students from MP who applied for the post JE, AE, SC/TO and AMT together.
(a) 42,300
(b) 43,200
(c) 45,300
(d) 44,300
(e) 41,200
Q15. If 225/14% students out of total students from all the states together who applied for the post of AMO, are from MP then find the no. of students from MP who applied for the post of AMO.
(a) 4800
(b) 3200
(c) 3600
(d) 2800
(e) 5400

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/01/quantitative-aptitude-quiz-for-niacl-ao-13.html
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