Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For NIACL AO
Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude Section has given heebie-jeebies to the aspirants when they appear for a banking examination. As the level of every other section is only getting complex and convoluted, there is no doubt that this section, too, makes your blood run cold. The questions asked in this section are calculative and very time-consuming. But once dealt with proper strategy, speed, and accuracy, this section can get you the maximum marks in the examination. Following is the Quantitative Aptitude quiz to help you practice with the best of latest pattern questions.
Q1. A jar contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the ratio 4 : 1. When 10 litres of the mixture is taken out and 10 litres of liquid B is poured into the jar, the ratio becomes 2 : 3. How many litres of liquid A was contained in the jar?
(a) 14 litres
(b) 18 litres
(c) 20 litres
(d) 16 litres
(e) None of these
Q2. Several litre of Acid were drawn off a 54-litre vessel full of Acid and an equal amount of water added. Again, the same volume of the mixture was drawn off and replaced by water as a result the vessel contained 24 litres of pure acid. How much of the Acid was drawn off initially ?
(a) 12 liters
(b) 16 liters
(c) 18 liters
(d) 24 litres
(e) None of these
Q3. One-third of the contents of container evaporated on the first day and three fourths of the remaining evaporated on the second day. What part of the contents of the container is left at the end of the second day?
(a) 1/4
(b) 1/2
(c) 1/8
(d) 1/6
(e) 5/6
Directions (4-5): In the following questions, two quantities are given. You have to find these quantities and give answer.
(a) if quantity I > quantity II
(b) if quantity I < quantity II
(c) if quantity I ≥ quantity II
(d) if quantity I ≤ quantity II
(e) if quantity I = quantity II or no relation can be established
Q4. Quantity 1: Each sum invested in the two schemes. Two equal sums of money were invested-one at 9/2% p.a. and the other at 4% p.a. At the end of 7 years, the simple interest received from the former was exceeded to that received from the latter by Rs 31.50.
Quantity 2: Total numbers formed between 2000 and 3000 with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (repetition of digits not allowed).
Q5. Quantity 1: Passing marks of examination. Bhavya got 20% of maximum marks in an examination and failed by 30 marks. However, Satish who appeared in the same exam got 50% of maximum marks and got 15 marks more than the passing marks.
Quantity 2: Percentage increment in the final price of mobile compared to initial price. Price of the mobile was first increased by 40%, then decreased by 20% and then again increased by 50%.
Directions (6-10): The following information is about the production of cars by 3 different companies from Monday to Friday in a specific week. Read the information carefully and answer the following question:
The total production by 3 companies on Monday was 540 out of which 100/3% cars were produced by Tata. The number of cars produced by Renault on Monday is less than the cars produced by Tata on Monday by the same extent as the number of cars produced by Maruti on Monday is more than the cars produced by Tata on Monday. The difference between cars produced by Renault and Maruti on Monday is 40.
150 cars are produced by Tata on Tuesday, which is 100 less than the cars produced by the same company on Wednesday. A total of 910 cars were produced by Tata from Monday to Friday. The ratio between cars produced by Tata on Thursday to cars produced by the same company on Friday is 5: 6.
220 cars were produced by Renault on Tuesday, which is 80 less than the cars produced by Maruti on Wednesday. A total of 570 cars were produced on Tuesday, which is 76% of the total cars produced on Wednesday. The number of cars produced by Maruti on Thursday is 66 2/3% more than cars produced by Tata on the same day. Total 580 cars were produced on Thursday. The number of cars produced by Maruti on Friday is same as that on Monday. 140 cars were produced by Renault on Friday.
Q6. Find the ratio between total cars produced on Monday to that on Wednesday.
(a) 18 : 29
(b) 18 : 25
(c) 18 : 31
(d) 3 : 5
(e) None of these
Q7. Find the total number of cars produced by Renault from Monday to Friday.
(a) 900
(b) 980
(c) 950
(d) 960
(e) 1050
Q8. Find the average number of cars produced per day by Maruti from Monday to Friday.
(a) 250
(b) 220
(c) 230
(d) 240
(e) 280
Q9. On which pair of days out of the following, the number of cars produced by Tata is the same ?
(a) Tuesday and Wednesday
(b) Wednesday and Thursday
(c) Tuesday and Thursday
(d) Monday and Wednesday
(e) None of these
Q10. On which day the total number of cars produced was the maximum?
(a) Monday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Thursday
(e) Friday
Directions (11-15): In each of these questions, two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equation and give answer
(a) if x < y
(b) if x ≤ y
(c) if x > y
(d) if x ≥ y
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- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/01/quantitative-aptitude-for-niacl-ao-prelims-20.html
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