English Quiz For NIACL AO Prelims
Directions (1-5) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Traffic jam occurs when movement of vehicles is hampered at a particular place for some reasons over a certain period of time. If the number of vehicles plying on a street or road is increased than the maximum capacity it is build to sustain, it results in traffic jams. Traffic jam or traffic congestion is an everyday affair in big cities. It is the result of growing population and the increase in use of personal, public as well as commercial transport vehicles.
The congestion mostly occurs on the main roads during peak hours when people (A) to work or on their way back home. But there is no fix time and an unprecedented surge in the number of vehicles on roads have made traffic jams anytime affair. The Industrial development in the recent years has only aided to the problem of traffic jam by increasing number of on road transport vehicles.
The loss of the valuable time caused by the traffic jams is not at all good for a Nation’s economical growth. In addition, it results in more wastage of fuel by stationary vehicles only contributing more to the environmental pollution. There is also an increased possibility for road mishaps as the vehicles need to stand or move in close proximity to each other and also because of aggressive driving by frustrated drivers. Overall, the time wasted in traffic jams also leads to the economic loss of the country. Various measures need to be taken to control -------------------(B) and further develop the public transport system. People should follow the traffic rules and use public transport when possible.
Q1. What is the main reason for traffic congestion according to the passage?
Q2. What should come in place on A given in BOLD to make the sentence in the passage grammatically and contextually meaningful?
Q3. Which of the following options given below should fill the blank (B), to make the sentence in the passage contextually and grammatically meaningful?
Q4. Which of the following is SIMILAR to the word surge given in BOLD?
Q5. Which of the following is OPPOSITE to the word mishaps given in BOLD?
Directions (6-10): In the following questions two columns are given containing three sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination or none of them connects, mark (e), i.e. “None of the above” as your answer.
Directions (11-15): In each of the questions given below an incomplete sentence which must be filled/completed with one of the sentences/words given below .i.e. one of the sentences/words can be fit into the given blanks. Choose the correct option and complete the given sentences
Q11. Sometimes students ---------------------------- finding the tone of a story because it is hard for them to understand the writer’s thoughts.
Q12. A country without toleration for dissidence -------------------------------- tyrannical rule where everyone must follow the same ideals.
Q13. The surgery is urgent as the patient ------------------------ through the night without it.
Q14. I am no good when it comes to answering a riddle, as they are always ------------------------------ and I prefer things to be said simply.
Q15. When everyone was invited to play basketball, Derrick decided to wait on the sidelines and cheer for his friends ---------------------------------.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/01/english-quiz-for-niacl-ao-prelims-exam.html
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