Dear Students, although the calendar for IBPS Examinations has already been released, the official notifications for the recruitment processes are yet to be announced in the months to come. We can conjecture from the trend set by previous examinations that the examinations will be held within one two months after the official release of their notifications.
While some of you have been preparing for these examinations for months and years, others have just started off with their preparations or maybe not. Which one are you? Are you one of those who force the pace after the notification is out? If yes then just question yourself if it is the right attitude to achieve towards a national level competitive examination where lakhs of candidates would be competing against you, many of them breaking their backs for these exams for years?
The answer is probably no. Successful aspirants are always advised to make hay while the sun shines. If you really want to make your mark this time, start preparing for them right away. Organize all the things you want to do and fix your timetable around it. Understand the syllabus and the pattern by going through previous years' papers and official guidelines. The other point to be noted is that being aware of the pattern of examination is not enough as it keeps changing with every other banking exam. So, what you need to do is that you need to prepare as per a level that is a few steps ahead of the level of the previous examination.
Also, practice plays a very important role in your preparations. It can be your breakaway strategy and your true path to your very own authentic success or the lack thereof. And the longer you practice for, the better you get. So, don't wait for the official notification, start practicing and working on your weaknesses at the same time. If you do not do it now, you will be running short of time to do it all together after the release of notification, because that will be the point when most of the time is to be given to practice and the rest is to be dedicated to revision.
So students, set about preparing for the exam that you are targeting this year, work hard, put your heart, mind, and soul into smallest of your acts. Best of luck!!

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