Daily Vocabulary For SSC Exams 2018: 23 January

January 23, 2019    

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. Speaking of Govt Exams, SSC Stenographer, SSC GD Constable 2018 Exam, are the latest opportunities following SSC CPO & SSC CGL 2018 Exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences based on the given word list. Here are a few challenging words from an article published in a reputed newspaper. Follow SSCADDA to take over daily challenging words.

1. QUAINT (adjective) पुराने ढंग का
Meaning: attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
Synonyms: picturesque, charming, attractive, unconventional.
Antonyms: ordinary, common, usual, prosaic
Usage: The quaint village does not appear to have changed since it was first settled in the early 1900s.

2. PROTEAN (adjective) रूपांतरणीय
Meaning: tending or able to change frequently or easily.
Synonyms: variable, inconsistent, erratic, fluctuating.
Antonyms: consistent. continual, incessant, constant.
Usage: I am unable to make a final decision because of my protean nature which makes me indecisive.

3. ARRANT (adjective) अत्यन्त
Meaning: Complete, utter.
Synonyms: total, absolute, thorough, sheer.
Antonyms: minor, light, unclear, obscure.
Usage: These people crumble when their arrant nonsense is confronted with simple common sense.

4. STARK (adjective) निरानंद
Meaning: Unpleasantly or sharply clear.
Synonyms: blunt, plain, unembellished, harsh.
Antonyms: lush, bleak, cheerful, opulent.
Usage: His evidence in chief stood in stark contrast to his evidence on cross-examination.

5. PREPONDERANCE (noun): प्रमुखता
Meaning: the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.
Synonyms: prevalence, predominance, majority, generality.
Antonyms: subservience, disability, inferiority, flaw
Usage: The preponderance of unemployed workers is linked to the manufacturer’s desire to cut costs by sending jobs overseas.

6. EPICENE (adjective) उभयलिंगी
Meaning:  Effeminate; effete.
Synonyms: Sissy, womanish, unmanly, girlish.
Antonyms: manly, mannish, masculine, virile.
Usage: More epicene than handsome, if you asked me,’ he muttered a bit darkly.’

7. ATROPHY (verb)  अपक्षय
Meaning: gradually decline in effectiveness or vigour due to underuse or neglect.
Synonyms: dwindle, deteriorate, decline, wane.
Antonym: strengthen, revive, advance, flourish.
Usage: When the gang leader died, his organization’s hold on the city began to atrophy as other gangs moved into the area.

8. SEMINAL (adjective)  लाभदायक
Meaning: Strongly influencing later developments.
Synonyms: Influential, Formative, Important, Primary.
Antonyms: Dull, Inessential, Minor, Unsubstantial.
Usage: Newton’s laws are seminal in the field of physics.

9. PURPORTEDLY (adverb)  कथित रूप से
Meaning: As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.
Synonyms: professedly, supposedly, seemingly, superficially.
Antonyms: absolutely, authentically, certainly, earnestly.
Usage: The woman found a letter purportedly signed by the Prime Minister.

10. MALFEASANCE (noun): दुराचार
Meaning: wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Synonyms: misconduct, mistreatment, malpractice, misdoing.
Antonyms: openheartedness, propriety, dignity, manners.
Usage: In almost every section of his speech, malfeasance or illegal practices were mentioned.

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    - https://www.sscadda.com/2019/01/daily-vocabulary-for-ssc-exams-23-Jan.html
    Daily Vocabulary For SSC Exams 2018: 23 January 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 23, 2019 Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive pap...

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