1. EMBLAZON: झलकाना
Meaning: conspicuously inscribe or display a design on.
Synonyms: decorate, embellish
Example: My crafty sister-in-law was able to emblazon my t-shirt with a glittery monogram.
2. ENSHROUD : ओढ़ना
Meaning: envelop completely and hide from view.
Synonyms: conceal, pall
Antonyms: disclose, divulge
Example: The boy is trying to enshroud himself by placing a hoodie over his head.
3. VEX : खीझाना
Meaning: to irritate; annoy
Synonyms: afflict, agitate, annoy, exasperate
Antonyms: aid, appease, soothe
Example: I get irritated when people go out of their way to vex me with their small problems.
4. ESOTERIC : गुप्त
Meaning: mysterious, obscure
Synonyms: abstruse, mystical
Antonyms: common, familiar
Example: The medical research was so esoteric that only a few physicians could actually understand the results.
5. STRANGLEHOLD : गला घोंटना
Meaning: a grip around the neck of another person that can kill by asphyxiation if held for long enough.
Synonyms: grip, monopoly
Example: These companies are determined to keep a stranglehold on the banana industry.
6. CONJOIN: एकत्रित होना
Meaning: join; combine.
Synonyms: adjin, affix, associate, bind
Antonyms: detach, disconnect, disjoin,
Example: America's rise in rates was conjoined with higher rates elsewhere.
7. STASH: छिपाने की जगह
Meaning: store (something) safely in a hidden or secret place.
Synonyms: bury, conceal, disguise, smuggle
Antonyms: expose, reveal
Example: Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners.
8. KNEAD : सानना
Meaning: massage or squeeze with the hands.
Synonyms: massage, rub
Example: Knead the dough lightly, then shape it into a round loaf.
9. SWADDLE : लपेटना
Meaning: wrap (someone, especially a baby) in garments or cloth.
Synonyms: clothe, sheathe, enwrap
Antonyms: uncover, unwrap
Example: I simply swaddle my quart jar in several kitchen towels.
10. MINCE : एक प्रभावित ढंग से छोटे त्वरित कदम के साथ चलना
Meaning: walk with short quick steps in an affectedly dainty manner.
Synonyms: crumble, waddle
Example: He had a strange, mincing walk.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/01/daily-vocabulary-for-bank-exams-16th.html
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