Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 11th January 2019

January 11, 2019    

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. In the recently concluded Banking Exams, we witnessed that a major part of the exam was based on vocabulary. Many questions were vocab based and we can expect the same in the upcoming exams. It becomes very important to learn ample amount of words for the upcoming Government Job Exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List . Here is a list of words from daily Editorials. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list.

1. EMBROIL (verb) उलझाना
Meaning: to involve in conflict or difficulties
Synonyms: enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entangle.
Antonyms: emancipate, liberate, acclimate, relieve.
Example: The politician’s racist comments embroiled him in a great deal of controversy.

2. SPLURGE (verb) पैसे उड़ाना
Meaning: to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
Synonyms: squander, fling, dissipate, disburse.
Antonyms: accumulate, hoard, conserve, preserve.
Example: I feel like splurging on a new dress.

3. EMULATE (verb) अनुकरण करना
Meaning: to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior.
Synonyms: imitate, reecho, repeat, follow.
Antonyms: neglect, reprove, proscribe, affront.
Example: Josh is trying to emulate the success of his well-accomplished mother.

4. PETULANT (adjective) चिड़चिड़ा
Meaning: easily irritated or annoyed.
Synonyms: choleric, grouchy, grumpy, peevish.
Antonyms: affable, cordial, genial, gregarious.
Example: Because she whined about everything on the movie set, the studio head described the actress as petulant.

5. PLUCKY (adjective) हिम्मती
Meaning: having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties.
Synonyms:  courageous, intrepid, valiant, valorous.
Antonyms: timid, timorous, gutless, frightful.
Example: His plucky attitude made him a great candidate for police officer training academy.

6. RELENT (verb) नरम पड़ना
Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control).
Synonyms: concede, give in, submit, succumb.
Antonyms: combat, confront, counter, defy.
Example: Because my father is very angry, he won’t relent on my harsh punishment.

7. INCONGRUOUS (adjective) असंबद्ध
Meaning: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.
Synonyms: discordant, conflicting, clashing, inconsistent.
Antonyms: accordant, compatible, concordant, conformable.
Example: Wearing a rain jacket in sunny weather is quite incongruous.

 8. INTERNMENT (noun) नजरबंदी
Meaning: the state of being confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons.
Synonyms: restraint, restriction, entrapment, detention.
Antonyms: emancipation, liberation, redemption, release.
Example: Everyone had to produce an identity card, including those actually in the internment camps.

9. FORESEEABLE (adjective) प्रत्याशा योग्य
Meaning: able to be foreseen or predicted.
Synonyms: predictable, anticipated, foreseen, presumable.
Antonyms: unpredictable, atypical, irresolute, indeterminate.
Example: It is foreseeable that we will get married but I’m not sure how soon.

10. CLOUT (noun) ताकत
Meaning: influence or power, especially in politics or business.
Synonyms: influence, dominion, predominance, supremacy.
Antonyms: helplessness, powerlessness, impuissance, frailty.
Example: Looking to build a business, the entrepreneur was looking to establish clout in the community.

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- https://www.bankersadda.com/2019/01/daily-vocabulary-for-bank-exams-11th.html
Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 11th January 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 11, 2019 Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive paper...

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