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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 17th January 2019. Happy reading :)
Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 16th January 2019
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Escape options: on the Brexit vote"
- Brexit - an exit (= act of leaving) by the United Kingdom from the European Union (short for "British exit")
- Postpone - to decide that something will not be done at the time when it was planned for, but at a later time
- Overwhelming - much larger, stronger, more important etc than anything else in a situation
- Deadline - a specific time or date by which you have to do something
- Chancellor - the leader of the government in some countries
- Exchequer - the government department responsible for a country’s financial matters
- Controversial - a controversial subject, opinion, or decision is one that people disagree about or do not approve of
- For a start - used for introducing the first point in a series, especially in an argument
- Sail through - to do something, or to deal with something, very easily
- Motion of no confidence - a voting process in which people show that they do not support a person or group in power
- Conservative - not willing to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society
- Eurosceptic - someone, especially a politician, who thinks that their country should not be part of the European Union
- Backbencher - an ordinary member of the British Parliament who does not have a senior position
- Unionist - someone who believes that Northern Ireland should remain part of the UK, especially a member of a political party that supports this belief
- Consequently - as a result
- Onus - if the onus is on someone to do something, it is their responsibility or duty to do it
- Conciliatory - trying to end an argument and make people feel less angry
- House of Commons - the part of the parliament in the UK or Canada that consists of politicians who have been elected by the people
- Painstakingly - very carefully and thoroughly
- Negotiate - to try to reach an agreement by discussing something in a formal way, especially in a business or political situation
- Persuade - to make someone agree to do something by giving them reasons why they should
- Contentious - causing disagreement between people or groups
- Backstop - something that can be used to solve problems after everything else has been tried
- Transition - the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another
- Expire - if an agreement, offer, or official document expires, the period of time during which it exists or can be used comes to an end
- Improbable - not likely to happen or to be true
- Anathema - something that you strongly dislike or strongly disagree with
- Sovereignty - the right to rule a country
- Persist - if an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist
- Clamour- an urgent request for something by a lot of people
- Referendum - an occasion when everyone in a country can vote to make a decision about one particular subject
- Uncertainty - a nervous feeling that you have because you think bad things might happen
- Symptomatic - showing the existence of a problem or of a bad situation
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Mounting - increasing, especially in a way that makes a situation worse
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Enthusiasm - the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it
- Meanwhile - at the same time
- Imponderable - something that is impossible to judge or calculate exactly
- Gain in something - to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process
- Stature - the amount of public respect or popularity that someone or something has
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Sedition and politics: on the charge-sheeting of JNU students"
- Sedition - language or behaviour that is intended to persuade other people to oppose their government
- Charge-sheeting - to accuse someone officially of committing a crime and ask them to reply to the charge or defend themselves
- Contrarian - someone who often has the opposite opinion to most other people
- Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group of people to do something bad or illegal, especially in politics
- Former- used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
- Campus - an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university
- Heavy-handed - using too much force, or not considering people’s feelings enough when dealing with a situation
- Sloganeering - the use of slogans, especially by politicians who want to communicate a simple message that people will remember
- Motive - the reason that you do something
- Instance - an example of something happening
- Radicalise - having been made more radical (= extreme) in your political or religious beliefs
- Stringent -stringent rules or conditions are strict and make you achieve high standards
- Colonial - relating to a system or period in which one country rules another
- Statute book - a book containing a list of all the statutes in a state or country
- Statute - a law passed by a government and formally written down
- Disrupt - to interrupt something and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem
- Incite - to encourage people to be violent or commit crimes by making them angry or excited
- Sovereignty - the right to rule a country
- Assault - a physical attack on someone, or the crime of physically attacking someone
- Bring someone to book - to punish someone, or to make them explain their behaviour publicly when they have done something wrong
- Assailant - someone who violently attacks another person
- Ingredient - one of the substances that are combined to make something
- Pernicious - very dangerous or harmful, especially to someone’s moral character
- Tendency - a strong chance that something will happen in a particular way
- Foment - to encourage people to have angry feelings or to protest or fight
- Conspicuously - very noticeable or easy to see, especially because of being unusual or different
- Thrive - to become very successful, happy, or healthy
- Anathema - something that you strongly dislike or strongly disagree with
- Dispensation - official permission to do something that people are not normally allowed to do, especially from a religious authority
- Fear-Mongering - the act of encouraging fear
- Indulging - to allow yourself to have or do something that you enjoy
- Nurture - to provide the care and attention necessary for a young child, animal, or plant to grow and develop
- Disquieting - making you feel very worried or nervous
- Endorse - to express support for someone or something, especially in public
- Antipathy - a strong feeling of not liking someone or something
- Invariably - always, or almost always
- Dissenting - to express strong disagreement, especially with what people in authority think or with what most people think
- Subserve - help to further or promote
- Advancing - moving forwards or progressing
- Populist - representing the interests and opinions of ordinary people
- Agenda -all the things that need to be done or that need to be thought about or solved
- Liable - legally responsible for causing damage or injury, so that you have to pay something or be punished
- Contrarian - someone who often has the opposite opinion to most other people
- Activist - someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially someone who is a member of an organization
- Clampdown - a determined attempt by someone in authority to stop people doing something bad or illegal
- Dissent - strong disagreement, especially with what people in authority think or with what the majority of people think
- Trial court - a court of law where cases are tried in the first place, as opposed to an appeal court
- Interpretation - an explanation of the meaning or importance of something
- Take cognizance of something - to consider something before you take action or make a decision
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