Success Story of Jayansh Sinha | Syndicate Bank PGDBF - 01

December 5, 2018    

Hello Everyone,

I am Jayansh Sinha, a B.Tech graduate of the year 2016. Today I am going to share my success story with all of you. I have always been an average studentI got a job offer from Campus Placement but turned it down as salary was on a lower side. Then I started preparing for Bank Exams.

IBPS PO 2016 was my 1st exam. Got 42 cutoff  was 47.5. I Felt bad but moved on thinking I didn’t study much for it. Then came IBPS Clerk 2016, did 75 got 65 and cutoff was 67.5. This is where I lost my mind. I started thinking that if I am unable to clear Prelims cutoff of clerk, how will I get final selection in PO exams. At that time my dear friend Saquib came to my rescue and boosted my confidence. 

The following is a list of exams which I took:
  • IPPB 2017: Failed
  • IDBI PO 2017: Failed.
  • Syndicate PO 2017: Failed.
  • SBI PO 2017: Cleared Prelims.
  • BOB PO PGDBF 2017: Cleared written, not in final list.
  • NICL AO 2017: Pre Clear, Mains out
  • RRB OS 1 2017: Pre clear, Mains out.
  • RBI Assistant: Pre cleared, Mains out.
  • RRB Assistant: Pre & Mains cleared. Allotted Baroda UP Gramin Bank.
  • IBPS PO 2017: Pre & Mains Cleared, couldn’t make it to final list.
  • IBPS CLERK 2017: Pre and Mains. Allotted Bank of  Baroda.
  • Syndicate bank PO PGDBF: Finally cleared in 2nd list. Allotted M/S NEIPL Noida.

Preparation Strategy:
Start your preparation by making your concepts crystal clear. Practice more. Learn new things. Implement them in questions.
Try to solve topics like syllogism, inequalities, ranking, direction sense and miscellaneous in seconds. By doing so, you’ll have more time for puzzles. Videos made by Adda247 will surely help you.  Also, in exams solve these topics first and then go for puzzles. Solve Atleast 5 puzzles daily ranging from easy to difficult.
Quantative Aptitude:
Always go for DI, Quadratic Equations, Approximation first. Attempt Daily Quizzes. At the same time command over Miscellaneous section is necessary for scoring high in Mains. You can buy ACE QUANT BOOK it is by far the best Quantative Aptitude book I came across. If your basics are not strong, practice simple and basic questions.
This is the section where aspirants struggle the most. Read newspaper on a daily basis, if beginner, start with The Times of India. Reading will transform your overall English performance and you’ll feel confident in comprehensions. If your grammar is too weak focus on concepts and grammar rules.
General Awareness:
Read daily GK updates from websites like Make a rule to revise it after 6-7 days. The biggest mistake that I used to make was that I always aimed Prelims and after clearing it, the number of days left to Mains were not sufficient to get the final selection. So, always try to aim Mains exam. By doing so you’ll get deeper understanding of subjects and subsequently increases your chances in getting final selection.
Mocks and their analysis is something that can’t be taken for granted. By analysis I mean try to solve each and every question after the mock is over.
For daily quizzes follow Atleast 1 particular platform. I used to follow Bankersadda as its level is closest to exams specially English. Nowadays, pattern shift in bank exams are very common so, always Keep yourself updated with what has been asked in previous years’ papers and devise your strategy accordingly.
Always Remember:
"Your goals are the best friend you will ever have. Your goals won't abandon you. Everyone else might. So, love your goals. Even if they frustrate you at times. They are truly yours. They will make you happy. They are who you are. Everyday, do something to get closer to your goals. You and your goals, that to me, is the real love story of your life"

Thanks Jayansh for sharing your Success Story with us. Adda247 wishes you a good luck for the bright future ahead.


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Success Story of Jayansh Sinha | Syndicate Bank PGDBF - 01 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 5, 2018 Hello Everyone, I am Jayansh Sinha, a B.Tech graduate of the year 2016. Today I am going to share my success story with all of you. I ...

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