RRB ALP Stage-2 exam: Physics notes- CURRENT ELECTRICITY (PART 4)

December 27, 2018    

Looking forward to providing you the best apt study content for every government exam at no cost thus making access to the exam content convenient for you, SSCADDA is available once again to assist you thoroughly in Railway ALP Stage 2 Exam 2018 where the motive is to enable you with Physics detailed notes on definitions, concepts, laws, formulae, rules and properties, important from the exam point of view. Stay in tune with SSCADDA to utilize the remaining time for Railway ALP Stage 2 and maximize your practice skills.


Two rules, called Kirchhoff’s rules, are very useful for analysis of electric circuits.


  • At any junction, the sum of the currents entering the junction is equal to the sum of currents leaving the junction.
  • The proof of this rule follows from the fact that when currents are steady, there is no accumulation of charges at any junction or at any point in a line. Thus, the total current flowing in, must equal the total current flowing out.


  • The algebraic sum of changes in potential around any closed loop involving resistors and cells in the loop is zero .
  • Since electric potential is dependent on the location of the point, thus starting with any point if we come back to the same point, the total change must be zero. In a closed loop, we do come back to the starting point and hence the rule.

In the given figure:

At junction "a" the current leaving is I₁+ I₂ and current entering is I₃. The junction rule says
 I₃ = I₁+ I₂
 For the loops ‘ahdcba’ and ‘ahdefga’, the loop rule gives
 –30 I₁ – 41 I₃ + 45 = 0 and –30 I₁+ 21 I₂– 80 = 0.


  • It is an application of Kirchhoff’s rules and is a special arrangement of resistors as shown in the figure.
  • There are 4 resistances R₁, R₂, R₃ and R₄ arranged in such a manner that there is a galvanometer placed between the points B and D.
  • The arm BD is known as galvanometer arm. AC is known as battery arm.
  • Circuit is connected to the battery across the pair of diagonally opposite points A and C.
  • According to Wheatstone bridge principle:-
 (R1/R2) = (R3/R4), 
In such condition, the Bridge is said to be balanced.
  • If the bridge is balanced there is no current flowing through the galvanometer arm.

- https://www.sscadda.com/2018/12/rrb-alp-stage-2-exam-physics-notes.html
RRB ALP Stage-2 exam: Physics notes- CURRENT ELECTRICITY (PART 4) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 27, 2018 Looking forward to providing you the best apt study content for every government exam at no cost thus making access to the exam cont...

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