Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H sit in a row and some of them face north and some face south. B and C sit third to the left of each other. Same number of person sit to the left of B and C. D is one of the neighbor of B and E is one of the neighbor of C. Both D and E face north. A sits to the right B and faces south. More than two person sit between D and F. F is not sitting at any extreme end. H sits to the left of G who does not face north. Person sit at extreme end face opposite direction. Immediate neighbor of C doesn’t face same direction.
Q1. How many persons sit between D and H?
Q3. Four of the following belongs to a group find the one that does not belong to that group?
Q4. Who among the following sits 4th right to G?
Q5. Which among the following pair of persons represents the ones sitting 2nd from both the ends?
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A @ B means A is father of B
A % B means A is husband of B
A $ B means A is sister of B
A £ B means A is mother B
A ¥ B means A is brother of B
Q6. What should come in place of question mark to make the expression “T is grandson of Q” true?
V $ Q £ W ? Y ¥ T % Z
Q7. Which of the following statements is false if the given expression is definitely true?
S % N £ P ¥ Q % R $ O
V $ Q £ W ¥ Y ? T % Z
Q9. Which of the following statements is true if the given expression is true?
X @ Y $ Z ¥ P % Q $ R
S % N £ P ¥ Q % R $ O
Input: 81 41 tooffs 22 toots 32 45 tobed toolls 26 tobes
Step I: 22 41 tooffs toots 32 45 tobed toolls 26 tobes 81
Step II: 22 26 41 tooffs toots 32 tobed toolls tobes 81 45
Step III: 22 26 32 tooffs toots tobed toolls tobes 81 45 41
Step IV: 22 26 32 tobed tooffs toots toolls tobes 81 45 41
Step V: 22 26 32 tobed tobes tooffs toots toolls 81 45 41
Step VI:22 26 32 tobed tobes tooffs toolls toots 81 45 41
Step VI is the final step after rearrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Q11. Which word/number would be at the fifth position from left end in step IV?
For numbers- Lowest number is arranged at the left end and the highest number is arranged at the right end. Then the 2nd lowest number is arranged to the right of the lowest number and the 2nd highest number is arranged to the right of the highest number I n step 2 and so on till all the numbers are arranged.
For words- They are arranged in alphabetical order.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Step I: 16 48 19 glow 58 rice cat 31 brick 71
Step II: 16 19 48 glow rice cat 31 brick 71 58
Step III: 16 19 31 glow rice cat brick 71 58 48
Step IV: 16 19 31 brick glow rice cat 71 58 48
Step V: 16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 58 48
Step V is the last step of the arrangement.
Q12. Which word/number would be at the 4th position from right end in step II?
For numbers- Lowest number is arranged at the left end and the highest number is arranged at the right end. Then the 2nd lowest number is arranged to the right of the lowest number and the 2nd highest number is arranged to the right of the highest number I n step 2 and so on till all the numbers are arranged.
For words- They are arranged in alphabetical order.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Step I: 16 48 19 glow 58 rice cat 31 brick 71
Step II: 16 19 48 glow rice cat 31 brick 71 58
Step III: 16 19 31 glow rice cat brick 71 58 48
Step IV: 16 19 31 brick glow rice cat 71 58 48
Step V: 16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 58 48
Step V is the last step of the arrangement.
Q13. Which step number should be the following output? “16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 48 58”
For numbers- Lowest number is arranged at the left end and the highest number is arranged at the right end. Then the 2nd lowest number is arranged to the right of the lowest number and the 2nd highest number is arranged to the right of the highest number I n step 2 and so on till all the numbers are arranged.
For words- They are arranged in alphabetical order.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Step I: 16 48 19 glow 58 rice cat 31 brick 71
Step II: 16 19 48 glow rice cat 31 brick 71 58
Step III: 16 19 31 glow rice cat brick 71 58 48
Step IV: 16 19 31 brick glow rice cat 71 58 48
Step V: 16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 58 48
Step V is the last step of the arrangement.
Q14. Which word/number would be at the 6th position from right end in step III?
For numbers- Lowest number is arranged at the left end and the highest number is arranged at the right end. Then the 2nd lowest number is arranged to the right of the lowest number and the 2nd highest number is arranged to the right of the highest number I n step 2 and so on till all the numbers are arranged.
For words- They are arranged in alphabetical order.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Step I: 16 48 19 glow 58 rice cat 31 brick 71
Step II: 16 19 48 glow rice cat 31 brick 71 58
Step III: 16 19 31 glow rice cat brick 71 58 48
Step IV: 16 19 31 brick glow rice cat 71 58 48
Step V: 16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 58 48
Step V is the last step of the arrangement.
Q15. How many steps are required to get the final output?
For numbers- Lowest number is arranged at the left end and the highest number is arranged at the right end. Then the 2nd lowest number is arranged to the right of the lowest number and the 2nd highest number is arranged to the right of the highest number I n step 2 and so on till all the numbers are arranged.
For words- They are arranged in alphabetical order.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Step I: 16 48 19 glow 58 rice cat 31 brick 71
Step II: 16 19 48 glow rice cat 31 brick 71 58
Step III: 16 19 31 glow rice cat brick 71 58 48
Step IV: 16 19 31 brick glow rice cat 71 58 48
Step V: 16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 58 48
Step V is the last step of the arrangement.

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