Global Terrorism Index 2018

December 13, 2018    

Global Terrorism Index 2018


  • The Institute for Economics and Peace in collaboration with the National Consortium for the study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) led by the University of Maryland has released its annual Global Terrorism Index, 2018.
  • The report represents “a comprehensive study analysing the impact of Terrorism for 163 countries and which covers approximately 99.7 % of the World’s population.
  • The indicators include the number of terrorist incidents, fatalities, injuries and property damage.
  • It uses the data from Global Terrorism Database (GTD).
  • Covering the data from over the last 20 years this is the 6th report of its kind.


  • Deaths from terrorism have decreased by 27 % in 2017 to 18814 globally. This is the third consecutive year of improvement.
  • 94 countries improved this year with 46 deteriorating- the highest number of countries to improve year on year since 2004.
  • The global economic impact of terrorism was $52bn in 2017, a decrease of 42% from the previous year.
  • Deaths in Europe fell by 75%.
  • Terrorism is still a global phenomenon with 67 countries recording at least one death in 2017.
  • There has been increase in far-right terrorism in North America and Western Europe, which in 2017 accounted for 59 attacks and 17 deaths.
  • ISIL’s decline contributed to a 565% reduction in deaths in Iraq between 2016 and 2017. However, ISIL remains the world’s deadliest terrorist group.
  • Deaths from terrorism fell for the consecutive year, after picking in 2014.
  • Five most impacted countries
  1. Iraq: The total number of deaths fell from 9783 to 4271 between 2016 and 2017, a 56% decline.
  2. Afghanistan: Recorded highest number of deaths from terrorism
  3. Nigeria: Deaths fell to 1532 in 2017, a drop of 16%.
  4. Syria: Deaths from terrorism in Syria decreased by 48%
  5. Pakistan: Recorded its lowest number of terror related deaths since 2006.
  • Somalia (93% increase) and Egypt recorded the largest increase in number of deaths.
  • Angola and Spain had the largest deteriorations in score in GTI.
  • Myanmar and The Philillpines recorded a record numbers of deaths in 2017 with 166 deaths and 50 deaths respectively.
  • 10 Countries most impacted by terrorism, ranked by number of deaths
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Nigeria
  4. Somalia
  5. Syria
  6. Pakistan
  7. Egypt
  8. Congo
  9. Central African Republic
  10. India

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Global Terrorism Index 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 13, 2018 About The Institute for Economics and Peace in collaboration with the National Consortium for the study of Terrorism and Responses to Te...

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