1. Apposite : उपयुक्त
Meaning: apt in the circumstances or in relation to something.
Synonym: appropriate, suitable, fitting, befitting
Antonym: inappropriate
Sentence: My daughter and I usually disagree about which clothing items are apposite for school.
2.Serenity : शांति, निस्तब्धता
Meaning: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Synonym: peace, tranquility, calm, composure
Antonym : clamor, din, noise
Sentence: He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance.
3.Masquerade : बहाना
Meaning: a false show or pretence
Synonym: pretence, deception, pose, disguise
Antonym: honesty,openness, reality
Sentence: Envy of the rich could no longer masquerade as love of the poor.
5.Obviate : निवारण करना
Meaning: remove (a need or difficulty).
Synonym: avert, forestall,prevent, preclude
Antonym : cultivate, encourage, forward, foster
Sentence: The widening or duplication of tunnels to obviate one way working of wide barges soas to avoid long delays.
6. Irate : क्रुद्ध
Meaning: feeling or characterized by great anger.
Synonym: angered,incensed, enraged, incandescent
Antonyms: calm, composed
Sentence: The irate king returned, and devised another scheme to doom the lucky boy.
7.Covenant : प्रतिज्ञापत्र
Meaning: an agreement., agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.
Synonym: accord, deal, bargain, settlement
Antonym: disagreement, denial, misunderstanding, refusal
Sentence: Similar to covenant payments, the gift is made net of basic rate tax.
8. Droll : हंसी उड़ाना
Meaning: curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement.
Synonym: funny, mirthful, chucklesome, hilarious
Antonyms: serious
Sentence: The band have a droll sense of humour.
9. Pacify : शांत करना
Meaning: quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of.
Synonyms: tranquilize, quieten, placate, conciliate
Antonyms: provoke, enrage, inflame
Sentence: It was difficult for the police to pacify the angry crowd.
10.Trenchant : कटु
Meaning: vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
Synonyms: incisive, cutting, pointed, piercing,
Antonyms: woolly, vague
Sentence: The trenchant and inspiring comments of the scholars impressed the audience greatly.
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