1. ALACRITY तत्परता
Meaning: liveliness and eagerness
Synonyms: alertness, fervor
Antonyms: apathy, coolness
Example: She accepted the money with alacrity.
2. CAJOLE चापलूसी करना
Meaning: influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
Synonyms: delude, deceive
Antonyms: repulse, disgust
Example: He really knows how to cajole people into doing what he wants.
3. CHIDE भर्त्सना करना
Meaning: censure severely or angrily
Synonyms: censure, blame
Antonyms: applaud, approve
Example: She chided him for his bad manners.
4. DEMURE विनयशील
Meaning: shy or modest, often in a playful or provocative way
Synonyms: humble, modest
Antonyms: bold, brave
Example: Two demure little girls sat near their mother.
5. EMBEZZLE ग़बन करना
Meaning: appropriate fraudulently to one's own use
Synonyms: filch, loot
Antonyms: give, receive
Example: she had embezzled Rs 5,600,000 in company funds
6. GLUTTONY अतृप्त
Meaning: habitual eating to excess
Synonyms: excess, anarchy
Antonyms: care, caution
Example: She said plumpness was a sign of gluttony in most cases.
7. ERUDITE ज्ञानी
Meaning: having or showing profound knowledge
Synonyms: literate, learned
Antonyms: uneducated, ignorant
Example: The erudite student graduated at the top of her class.
8. HYPOCRISY आडम्बर
Meaning: pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not have
Synonyms: deceit, mockery
Antonyms: frankness, honesty
Example: There was no hypocrisy in the tears of the empress.
9. INNATE जन्मजात
Meaning: present at birth but not necessarily hereditary
Synonyms: elemental, ingrained
Antonyms: acquired, extrinsic
Example: These approaches are critical as they strive to fix the innate issue.
Meaning: as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise
Synonyms: amaze, astonish
Antonyms: calm, bore
Example: Several senators at the hearing were flabbergasted at their answers.

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