In the English Language Section of IBPS PO, out of the total 35 questions, as many as 21 were solely based on Reading Comprehension. Rest of the 14 questions took in account Para Jumbles and Cloze Test that too ground on reading. All in all, reading is of paramount importance for all the upcoming banking examinations. Let's discuss the key points one needs to keep in mind while she prepares to appear for a competitive examination that takes in the test of English Language.
First thing first, although there were no direct questions from Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Fillers, and Word Replacement, they were all there under Cloze Test. So, if you think they weren't asked then you are getting a hold of the wrong end of the stick. Give no cold shoulder to these topics of grave significance while you get yourself ready for a competitive examination.
Back to the times when there used to be 5-6 questions from the reading comprehension, most of the candidates chose not to attempt them for they required a deep penetration through the arduous paragraphs, ergo consumed a significant amount of time. To all those who attempted the English Section this way, the tack won't be working anymore. 21 out of 35 questions were from Reading Comprehension only. How many questions will you escape from?
Next, rest of the part of the English Language Section involved Para Jumbles and Cloze Test. Again, you need to be a pro at reading and comprehending skills to have a shot at them. In a nutshell, it's beyond the bounds of possibility to break free from reading if you want to ace the English Language test of banking examinations. So, start reading newspapers and magazines to develop an effective habit of reading and be on the ball to attempt the english section of the banking examinations. All the best!!

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