New Pattern English Questions - Set 7

November 22, 2018    

New Pattern English Questions- Set 7

A sentence is provided with certain words concealed marked as (A), (B) and (C). One word is suggested against each blank. If all the words are correct but they are not in the correct sequence as per the blanks, then mark (4) as your answer. If all the words suggested are correct, then mark (4) as your answer. Choose the best option and mark your answer accordingly:

Question no. 1 

India has ______ (A) many crises, but the 1991 crisis was ________ (B) and the government’s response to the crisis created a completely a _______ (C) India.
A) Faced B) Unprecedented C) New
I- Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: V All the words are in correct sequence hence the sentence will be reframed as “India has faced many crises, but the 1991 crisis was unprecedented and the government’s response to the crisis created a completely a new India”

Question no. 2

The _________ (A) media coverage of the 25th anniversary of the launch of economic ________ (B) had brought to light some unknown facts thanks to the personal accounts of ________ (C) players.
Extensive B) enhancement C) key
I- Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: III the use of enhancement is wrong here. The word reforms should be used in place of enhancement. Rest of the words are correct and are in right sequence.

Question no. 3

The school ________ (A) movement has failed to produce results overall, and reputable __________ (B) have shown that individual reform measures also have proved to be __________ (C).
A) Exacerbation B) evaluations C) ineffective
Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: II the use of exacerbation is irrelevant. But B and C are in correct choice so II is the correct choice.

Question no. 4

As the country’s education minister should be (___________) (A) on (____________) (B) policy and creating the mechanisms to (__________) (C) the quality of education for all, and not some, children.
A) Focused B) Designing C) improve
Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: V All the words are in correct sequence hence the sentence will be rephrased as “As the country’s education minister should be focused on designing policy and creating the mechanisms to improve the quality of education for all, and not some, children.”

Question no. 5

The presenters had (___________)(A) been given the wrong category envelope and when (___________) (B), were (___________) (C) immediately.
A) Discovered B) corrected C) mistakenly
Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: IV sequence can be altered sentence can be rephrased as “The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, were immediately corrected.”

Question no. 6

Thought to be called "blue" after an (_____) (A) English term meaning "betrayer," a Blue Moon is an extra full moon that (________) (B) in that span, due to a (________) (C) of the calendar.
A) Edified B) occurs C) quirk
Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: II the use of edified is wrong except that both the words are correctly used.

Question no. 7

The super Blue Moon (__________) (A) to when the full moon (_________) (B) with perigee, or the closest (_________) (C)the moon makes to the Earth in its elliptical orbit 
A) Refers B) coincides C) delude 
Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in the correct sequence

Solution: I

Question no. 8

For the book The Complete Book Of Sisters (published in October), the author interviewed women who mostly spoke of their sisters (_________) (A), although this was mixed with (_________) (B) for those who were (__________) (C) from their sisters.
A) Affectionately B) tumble C) estranged
Only A and B correct
II- Only B and C correct
III- Only C and A correct
IV- Sequence can be altered
V- All are in correct sequence

Solution: III the usage of word tumble in blank B is incorrect.

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New Pattern English Questions - Set 7 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 22, 2018 A sentence is provided with certain words concealed marked as (A), (B) and (C). One word is suggested against each blank. If all the word...

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