Dear Students, Indian Bank, today, is conducting the Mains Examination for PO recruitment process of the financial year 2019-20. After Prelims this is the 2nd stage of the recruitment process. If you appeared for this exam today, we request you to share your exam experience with us that helps the other candidates know the nuts and bolts of today's Indian Bank PO Mains Examination. This will not only help the other banking aspirants get insights into today's examination but will help you also know your position among thousands of candidates who appeared for this examination. Also, share with us the questions that you remember from today's Indian Bank PO Mains Examination.
Your reviews will be propitious for the candidates who will be appearing in other upcoming examination and will also help them build up their own strategies for the upcoming banking exams.
Kindly share the following details with us:
- The difficulty level of Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, General/Banking Awareness and English Language separately.
- The number of doable questions in these sections.
- Any changes, if introduced in the pattern of questions.
- The questions that you remember from this examination.

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