Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on scaffold website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.
Q1. Gandhi Ji started the Non-Cooperation Movement in?
गांधी जी ने असहयोग आंदोलन कब शुरू किया?
(a) 1880
(b) 1900
(c) 1920
(d) 1940
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S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. The non-cooperation Movement was firmly launched on 1 August, 1920. Tilak passed away in the early hours of 1 August, and the day of mourning and of launching of the movement merged as people all over the country observed hartal and took out processions
Sol. The non-cooperation Movement was firmly launched on 1 August, 1920. Tilak passed away in the early hours of 1 August, and the day of mourning and of launching of the movement merged as people all over the country observed hartal and took out processions
Q2. Who was the first woman chief minister of an Indian state?
भारतीय राज्य की पहली महिला मुख्यमंत्री कौन थीं?
(a) Kamala Nehru/कमला नेहरू
(b) Madam Bikaji Kama/ मैडम भिकाजी काम
(c) Sarojini Naidu/ सरोजिनी नायडू
(d) Sucheta Kriplani/ सुचेता कृपलानी
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S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. Sucheta Kriplani was an Indian freedom fighter and politician. She was India's first woman Chief Minister, serving as the head of the Uttar Pradesh government from 1963 to 1967.
Sol. Sucheta Kriplani was an Indian freedom fighter and politician. She was India's first woman Chief Minister, serving as the head of the Uttar Pradesh government from 1963 to 1967.
Q3. In 1617 the British East India Company was given permission by __________ to trade in India.
1617 में ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी को भारत में व्यापार के लिए __________ द्वारा अनुमति दी गई थी.
(a) Babur/ बाबर
(b) Akbar/ अकबर
(c) Aurangzeb/ औरंगजेब
(d) Jahangir/ जहांगीर
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S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. In 1617, the British East India Company was given permission by Jahangir to trade in India
Sol. In 1617, the British East India Company was given permission by Jahangir to trade in India
Q4. In which year did the Kakori conspiracy case take place?
काकोरी साजिश का मामला किस वर्ष में हुआ था?
(a) 1925
(b) 1924
(c) 1926
(d) 1927
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S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. The Kakori Conspiracy was a train robbery that took place between Kakori near Lucknow, on 9 August 1925 during the Indian Independence Movement against the British Indian Government. The robbery was organised by the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA).
Sol. The Kakori Conspiracy was a train robbery that took place between Kakori near Lucknow, on 9 August 1925 during the Indian Independence Movement against the British Indian Government. The robbery was organised by the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA).
Q5. Which of the following periodicals is not correctly matched with its editor?
निम्न में से कौन सा आवधिक पत्र अपने संपादक के साथ सही ढंग से मेल नहीं खाता है?
(a) Bande Mataram : Aurobindo Ghosh / वंदे मातरम्: अरबिंदो घोष
(b) New India : Bipin Chandra Pal/ न्यू इंडिया: बिपीन चंद्र पाल
(c) Yugantar : Bhupendranath Dutta/ युगांत: भूपेंद्रनाथ दत्ता
(d) Sandhya : Barindra Ghosh/ संध्या: बरिंद्र घोष
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S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. The Bande Mataram was an English language newspaper founded in 1905 by Aurobindo Ghosh. New India newspaper edited by Bipin Chandra Pal. Yugantar Patrika was a Bengali revolutionary newspaper founded in 1906 in Calcutta by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Abhinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutt. Sandhya Patrika is not edited by Barindra Ghosh.
Sol. The Bande Mataram was an English language newspaper founded in 1905 by Aurobindo Ghosh. New India newspaper edited by Bipin Chandra Pal. Yugantar Patrika was a Bengali revolutionary newspaper founded in 1906 in Calcutta by Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Abhinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutt. Sandhya Patrika is not edited by Barindra Ghosh.
Q6. The only Viceroy to be assassinated in India was?
भारत में हत्या करने वाला एकमात्र वाइसराय कौन था?
(a) Lord Harding/ लॉर्ड हार्डिंग
(b) Lord Northbrook/ लॉर्ड नॉर्थब्रुक
(c) Lord Ellenborough/ लॉर्ड एलेनबोरो
(d) Lord Mayo/ लॉर्ड मेयो
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Q7. The First Woman President of the Indian National Congress was-
भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस की पहली महिला अध्यक्ष कौन थीं-
(a) Sarojini Naidu/ सरोजिनी नायडू
(b) Vijayalakshmi Pandit/ विजयलक्ष्मी पंडित
(c) Annie Besant/ एनी बेसेंट
(d) Kadambani Ganguli/ कदंबानी गंगुली
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S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Annie Besant was the First Woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917
Sol. Annie Besant was the First Woman President of the Indian National Congress in 1917
Q8. Which of the following institutions was not founded by Mahatama Gandhi?
महात्मा गांधी ने निम्नलिखित में से किस संस्थान की स्थापना नहीं की थी?
(a) Sabarmati Ashram/ साबरमती आश्रम
(b) Sevagram Ashram/ सेवाग्राम आश्रम
(c) Vishwa Bharti/ विश्व भारती
(d) Phoenix Ashram/ फीनिक्स आश्रम
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Q9. Who among the following did Gandhiji regard as his political Guru?
निम्नलिखित में से किसने गांधीजी को अपने राजनीतिक गुरु के रूप में माना था?
(a) Mahadev Desai/ महादेव देसाई
(b) Dayanand Saraswati/ दयानंद सरस्वती
(c) Acharya Narendra Dev/ आचार्य नरेंद्र देव
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale/ गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले
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Q10. Gandhiji’s ‘Satyagraha’ meant an attachment to the following two elements –
गांधीजी के 'सत्याग्रह' का अर्थ निम्नलिखित में से किन दो तत्वों का जुड़ाव था-
(a) Knowledge and religion/ ज्ञान और धर्म
(b) Truth and non-violence/ सत्य और अहिंसा
(c) Truth and chastity/ सत्य और शुद्धता
(d) Love of motherland and hate for colonial masters/ मातृभूमि के प्रति प्यार और औपनिवेशिक स्वामी के लिए नफरत
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Q11. Who presided over the first session of the Indian National Congress?
भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के पहले सत्र की अध्यक्षता किसने की थी?
(a) A.O. Hume/ए.ओ. ह्यूम
(b) Surendranath Banerjee/ सुरेंद्रनाथ बनर्जी
(c) W.C. Banerjee/डब्लू सी बनर्जी
(d) Badruddin Tayyabji/ बदरुद्दीन तैयबजी
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S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. Womesh Chandra Banerjee presided over the first session of the Indian National Congress in 1885
Sol. Womesh Chandra Banerjee presided over the first session of the Indian National Congress in 1885
Q12. Which of the following was not advocated by Mahatma Gandhi?
महात्मा गांधी ने निम्नलिखित में से किसकी वकालत नहीं की थी?
(a) Prohibition of liquor/ शराब का निषेध
(b) Heavy Industries/ भारी उद्योग
(c) Village Panchayat/ ग्राम पंचायत
(d) Dignity of Labour/ श्रम की विनम्रता
महात्मा गांधी ने निम्नलिखित में से किसकी वकालत नहीं की थी?
(a) Prohibition of liquor/ शराब का निषेध
(b) Heavy Industries/ भारी उद्योग
(c) Village Panchayat/ ग्राम पंचायत
(d) Dignity of Labour/ श्रम की विनम्रता
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S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. Mahatma Gandhi hadn’t advocated Heavy industries, Gandhiji always propounded that agriculture should be supported by some subsidiary occupations like bee keeping, animal husbandry, khadi, paper making, mud utensils making etc
Sol. Mahatma Gandhi hadn’t advocated Heavy industries, Gandhiji always propounded that agriculture should be supported by some subsidiary occupations like bee keeping, animal husbandry, khadi, paper making, mud utensils making etc
Q13. Who was the first Indian to be elected as a Member of the British House of Commons?
ब्रिटिश हाउस ऑफ कॉमन्स के सदस्य के रूप में चुने जाने वाले पहले भारतीय कौन थे?
(a) Jayaprakash Narayan/ जयप्रकाश नारायण
(b) Dada Bhai Naoroji/ दादा भाई नौरोजी
(c) Ram Manohar Lohia/ राम मनोहर लोहिया
(d) Sarojini Naidu/ सरोजिनी नायडू
ब्रिटिश हाउस ऑफ कॉमन्स के सदस्य के रूप में चुने जाने वाले पहले भारतीय कौन थे?
(a) Jayaprakash Narayan/ जयप्रकाश नारायण
(b) Dada Bhai Naoroji/ दादा भाई नौरोजी
(c) Ram Manohar Lohia/ राम मनोहर लोहिया
(d) Sarojini Naidu/ सरोजिनी नायडू
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S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Dada Bhai Naoroji was the first Indian to be elected to membership in the British Parliament. He was a Liberal Party Member of Parliament (MP) in the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and he was the first Asian to be a British MP
Sol. Dada Bhai Naoroji was the first Indian to be elected to membership in the British Parliament. He was a Liberal Party Member of Parliament (MP) in the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and he was the first Asian to be a British MP
Q14. The Working Committee of National Congress sanctioned the resolution named ‘Quit India’ at –
राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस की कार्यकारिणी समिति ने कहाँ पर 'भारत छोड़ो' नामक संकल्प को मंजूरी दे दी -
(a) Wardha/ वर्धा
(b) Nagpur/ नागपुर
(c) Mumbai/ मुंबई
(d) Delhi/ दिल्ली
राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस की कार्यकारिणी समिति ने कहाँ पर 'भारत छोड़ो' नामक संकल्प को मंजूरी दे दी -
(a) Wardha/ वर्धा
(b) Nagpur/ नागपुर
(c) Mumbai/ मुंबई
(d) Delhi/ दिल्ली
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S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. In July 1942, the Congress Working Committee met at Wardha. Here a long resolution was passed that demanded that the “British Rule in India must end immediately”. The Wardha Resolution is also known as “Quit India Resolution”. This resolution was ratified in the All India Congress Committee at Bombay on August 7, 1942. Here a nonviolent mass struggle under the leadership of Gandhi was sanctioned in the “August Kranti Maidan”
Sol. In July 1942, the Congress Working Committee met at Wardha. Here a long resolution was passed that demanded that the “British Rule in India must end immediately”. The Wardha Resolution is also known as “Quit India Resolution”. This resolution was ratified in the All India Congress Committee at Bombay on August 7, 1942. Here a nonviolent mass struggle under the leadership of Gandhi was sanctioned in the “August Kranti Maidan”
Q15. Who raised the slogan “Inquilab Zindabad”?
"इंक्विलाब जिंदाबाद" नारा किसने उठाया?
(a) Subash Chandra Bose/ सुभाष चंद्र बोस
(b) Balagangadhar Tilak/ बाल गंगाधर तिलक
(c) Hasrst Mohani/ हसरत मोहनी
(d) Sukhdev/ सुखदेव
"इंक्विलाब जिंदाबाद" नारा किसने उठाया?
(a) Subash Chandra Bose/ सुभाष चंद्र बोस
(b) Balagangadhar Tilak/ बाल गंगाधर तिलक
(c) Hasrst Mohani/ हसरत मोहनी
(d) Sukhdev/ सुखदेव
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S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ slogan was first used by Hasrat Mohani. This famous slogan inspired the activities of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association particularly Ashfaqulla Khan, Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azad.
Sol. ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ slogan was first used by Hasrat Mohani. This famous slogan inspired the activities of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association particularly Ashfaqulla Khan, Bhagat Singh and Chandrashekhar Azad.
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