IBPS SO Syllabus 2018 | IT Officer, HR Officer, Marketing Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari

November 12, 2018    

IBPS released the official notification for recruitment of Specialist Officers, you all would have already started to get yourself ready to appear in the examination that is to be conducted on 29th and 30th of December. The bank officially doesn't release an official syllabus for the exam but we can conjecture by the questions asked in the previous years that the syllabus is really vast. It is geared towards testing an aspirant’s versatility to solve complex questions in the most prolific manner.

Here is the syllabus for Professional Knowledge Test of IBPS SO IT Officer, Marketing Officer, HR Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari:

The structure of the Examinations which will be conducted online are as follows:

A. Preliminary Examination

> For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari
Sr. No.  Name of Tests  No. of
Medium of Exam Duration
1. English Language  50 25 English 40 minutes 
2. Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes 
3. General Awareness with Special
Reference to Banking Industry
50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes 
Total 150 125

> For the Post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

Sr. No.  Name of Tests  No. of
Medium of Exam Duration
1. English Language  50 25 English 40 minutes 
2. Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes 
3. Quantitative Aptitude  50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes 
Total 150 125

You have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. Also, IBPS has introduced sectional timing of 40 Minutes for each section, so you need to pay special attention on time while preparing for the exam. 

B.  Main Examination

 The Pattern for Mains Exam includes the Professional Knowledge for various Posts.

> For the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer

Name of the Test No. of
Medium of
Professional Knowledge 60 60 English & Hindi 45 minutes

> For the Post of Rajbhasha Adhikari

Name of the Test  No. of
Maximum Marks  Medium of Exam Duration 
Professional Knowledge (Objective) 45 60  English & Hindi  30 minutes
Professional Knowledge (Descriptive) 2  English & Hindi  30 minutes

The pattern for Prelims Exam is same as other Bank Examinations, so you need to prepare the same way as you prepare for other Banking Examinations. Extra Efforts need to be given to the Professional Knowledge of the Subject for Various Posts of  Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari.

You can also Join IBPS SO Mains 2018 for IT Officer Scale-1 (Information Technology) Live Batch By Solanki Sir (Live Classes).

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IBPS SO Syllabus 2018 | IT Officer, HR Officer, Marketing Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 12, 2018 IBPS released the official notification for recruitment of Specialist Officers, you all would have already started to get yourself rea...

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