IBPS PO Mains Exam Sets A New Trend: What Can We Expect In The Upcoming Banking Exams?

November 21, 2018    

Dear Students, the mains examination of IBPS PO is over already. This time, IBPS entirely changed the face of its second phase of the objective type examination. Every year, this examination used to be more or less a simulacrum of the one conducted by SBI for the recruitment of Probationary Officers. But this year, IBPS was in the mood of taking the candidates on a roller-coaster ride so it not only astounded them with a pattern unlike that of SBI's but also took them aback with a range of appalling newfangled questions that were never seen before in the entire history of banking examinations. 

All those who have got their examinations queued up to be held in the upcoming days would have already started to rack their brains over what could be asked next. So, in an attempt to untie the knot, we are here with a post with the key takeaways from this year's IBPS PO Mains Exam. It will help you get not only a peek into the examination pattern but also an inkling of what could be asked in the banking exams that are yet to be conducted in the days to come.

In the English Section, there were a huge number of questions based on Reading Comprehension. Instead of usual long RCs, this time, there were many short reading comprehensions which had 3-4 questions based on them. Cloze test this time was not as simple as it used to be. Along with fillers, it also had error detection, sentence completion and word replacement questions in it. Questions on para jumbles too were tweaked in a way that made it slightly different from how they used to be previously.

Quantitative Aptitude Section stuck out to be the most exorbitant and knottiest of all of the four sections. The complete details of the changes introduced in this section are discussed in Changes Introduced In Quant Section Of IBPS PO 2018: New Pattern Quant Questions. Not many changes were observed in the Reasoning Section of this exam, but yes, the puzzles asked involved mathematical calculations this time. Also, floor-based questions involved number of flats and rooms on each floor instead of the persons like that it used to be like in the old pattern questions.

So students, with these unexpected changes in IBPS PO Mains Examination, the consistency of banking examinations looks nothing other than just a question mark. Now that the changes have already been introduced by IBPS for IBPS Mains Exam, the other organizations too will follow the suit and such questions will appear in the upcoming banking examinations for sure. Prepare in a way that any bombshell dropped by IBPS or any other organization affects your performance in no ways.
All the best!!

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IBPS PO Mains Exam Sets A New Trend: What Can We Expect In The Upcoming Banking Exams? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 21, 2018 Dear Students, the mains examination of IBPS PO is over already. This time, IBPS entirely changed the face of its second phase of the ...

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