Dear Aspirants,
English Language Quiz For IBPS PO
IBPS PO Prelims and Indian Bank PO Prelims exam results are out. Now the next step is to clear the Mains examination. Thus, English Language can be an impetus for your success by saving time and scoring well. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions for upcoming IBPS PO Mains and Indian Bank PO Mains exam.Directions (1-15): In the following questions, four sentences are given as A,B,C and D. You have to identify the correct sentence/s for each of the following questions.
A. The hotel staff members gave me a luxury room instead of the ordinary one I’d booked.
B. If you want information about the publisher of this book, you can accede their website.
C. If I remember rightly she had two brothers, both older than her. D. Eaten all those peanuts has attacked my appetite.
C only
B and C
A and C
D only
Only A
Only C is correct here. A. 'Luxurious' will be preferred over 'luxury' to qualify room. B. 'Access' should be used in place of 'accede'. D. 'Eaten' is used incorrectly here.
A. I’ve got fair eyelashes, hence my eyes look awful without mascara.
B. The Haryana Book Fair is a very important event for most publishers.
C. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.
D. It’s only fair that we should share the work equally.
A, B and C
C and D
A, C and D
All of the above
Only A and B
All are correct.
A. Because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, I did not see them at the station.
B. She walking briskly meant that she was in a hurry.
C. To join the Lucknow Golf Club you pay a flattened fee of Rs. 5 lacs.
D. He was able to erect the child’s toy in five minute flat.
B and C
A only
A and D
None of above
A and B
Both A and D are correct. B. 'Her' will be the correct use in place of 'she'. The correct sentence will be ‘Her walking briskly meant that she was in a hurry.’ C. 'To join the Lucknow Golf Club you have to pay a flattened fee of Rs. 5 lacs.' will be the correct sentence.
A. The function was held at Mumbai and as a result, not much of them were able to attend it.
B. The batsmen of the visiting team were not a matching for any of the home team batsmen.
C. Their marriage has been called a matching made in heaven.
D. The tense match between India and Pakistan ended in a draw.
A only
C only
D only
C and D
Only B
Sentence D is correct here. A. Phrase 'much of them' is used for uncountable nouns. In both B and C 'Match' should replace 'matching'.
A. Ram’s going to be in the saddle while the boss is on the foreign trip.
B. It’s hard to know what to do when the management keeps moving the goalposts.
C. Starting his own taxi business was just another of his half-baked ideas.
D. We’ve had to tighten our belts since our father lost his job.
A only
B, C and D
All of the above
A, C and D
A and B
All the sentences are correct.
A. The then prime minister had issued an order though he was not supposedly to.
B. All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.
C. Knowledge and wisdom makes an individual truly complete and self –assured.
D. The trend towards globalisation have empowered individual citizens through increased movement of goods, capital, services and ideas.
B and C
D and C
C only
B only
Only A
Only B is correct. A. 'The then prime minister had issued an order though he was not supposed to.' is the correct sentence. C. Use 'make' and not 'makes'. D. 'has' will be used in place of 'have'.
A. Bruised and battered, Ravi gave his car to the mechanic.
B. Road Trippers Club believes in being inclusive and that’s why its’ open to both two and four wheelers.
C. If you are in London, going to the theatre is as much part of the experience as eating fish and chips or going up the London Eye.
D. Having gone to Sweden many years back and have changed my perspective about Scandinavia, I was excited about my travel to Denmark.
A only
B only
C only
C and D
A and C
Only C is correct. A. 'Bruised and battered, the car was given to the mechanic by Ravi.' will be the correct sentence. Modifier has to be kept as close as possible to the word or clause it modifies. B. 'It's' will be used in place of Its'. D. 'having changed.....' will be correct.
A. From the airport we took the shuttle to the city central station and walk to Dan Hostel where we stayed for the next four days.
B. Do you like the new shades that I’ve got?
C. Did you see that documentary about Wales on TV last night?
D. Have you met Geeta’s newish boy friend?
C only
B only
B and C
D only
C and D
Both B and C are correct. In D, use of 'newish' is incorrect. In A, 'walked' will be used in place of 'walk'.
A. It was a very bad hotel, with an overpriced menu.
B. Amit always felt overshadowed by his older, more talented and successful, brother.
C. Our garden is overshadowed by the apartment block built next door.
D. In this program, you can choose to overwrite the existing file or to save it as a new file.
All of the above
A, C and D
A, B and D
C and D
None of the above
All are correct.
A. Families cycling together with young children in attachments or in separate bicycles is such a pleasure sight.
B. Don’t underestimate the time that the work will take.
C. The underlying issue is a very simple one.
D. Since Denmark did not have easy access to stone, brick and mortar were most used for castles and churches.
B and C
C and D
B and D
A and B
Only B
Both B and C are correct. A. 'pleasurable' will be the correct form and not 'pleasure'. D. 'Mostly' should be used in place of 'most'.
A. The sight of the mansion and its spectacular garden, is something which will stay with me forever.
B. There has been an upward upturn in the economy.
C. Cross-border cooperation has led to series of arrests of drug smugglers.
D. Cross-cultural misunderstandings happen very often in today’s world.
C and D
B and C
A and B
A and D
B and D
B. use of 'upward upturn' together is incorrect and superfluous here. C. Use 'a' before 'series'.
A. We stayed in tented accommodation at the Angling Club run by the Assam Bhorelli Angling and Conservation Association.
B. The engine emitted a loud noise and then stopped running.
C. He was ejected from the restaurants for bad behaviour.
D. In his mission to scale the Everest, Kuntal had many roadblocks, perhaps the biggest one being the challenge of climbing 8,848 metres although staying true to his vegan lifestyle.
A and B
B only
B and C
D only
All of the above
Both A and B are correct. C. 'Ejected' is incorrect here as per the context. D. Use of 'although' is incorrect here. 'While' should be used instead.
A. Even at the time of its signing in 2015, it was clear that the Paris Agreement on climate change would not be enough to avoid global warming of 1.5° C over pre-industrial temperatures.
B. India’s NDC is already ambitious and it has made decisive changes in its energy sector.
C. While India is often mentioned along with China in climate-related discussions as a large emerging economy, the two are very different.
D. With wild polio virus strains reduced by 99.9% since 1988, the world is inching towards eradicating polio.
All are correct
A and C
A and B
D only
Only A
All are correct.
A. American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were part of a historic mission which see the first two people landing on the moon.
B. The Number of passenger in metro are increasing.
C. The names of the crew members appear near the border, accompany by their respective national flags.
D. The success of an e-commerce company depends at its ability to retain consumers’ trust.
A only
B only
C and D
None of the above
A and B
None of the Above is correct. A. 'saw' must be used in place of 'see'. B. 'is increasing' will be used and not 'are increasing' C. 'Accompanied' will be used in place of 'accompany'. D. 'on' must be used in place of 'at'.
A. My aunt bereaved Rs. 500,000 in her will to cancer research.
B. Would you like to spend the night at the camp site or come back the same day?
C. The problem that lies under surface is a very serious one.
D. Misunderstandings between cultures, is sadly, extremely frequent.
A and C
B and C
B only
A and D
A, B and C
Only B is correct. A, C and D are grammatically and contextually incorrect.

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