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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 27th November 2018. Happy reading :)
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Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th November 2018 from HERE
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Temple timing: on the Ram Temple issue"
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Affiliate - to be officially connected with a larger organization or group
- Mobilisation - if you mobilize a group of people, or if they mobilize, they come together in order to achieve something
- Essentially - used for emphasizing what is the most important aspect of something or fact about something
- Dispute - a serious disagreement, especially one between groups of people that lasts for a long time
- Intend - to have a plan in your mind to do something
- Stakeholder - someone who has an interest in the success of a plan, system, or organization
- Pave the way for something - to create a situation that makes it possible or easier for something to happen
- Claim - to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof
- Urge - to advise someone very strongly about what action or attitude they should take
- Expedite - to make something happen quickly or easily
- Hearing - a meeting of a court of law or official organization to find out the facts about something
- Outfit - an organization, especially a small firm
- Forefront - a leading or important position
- Willingness - the fact of being willing to do something, sometimes when you do not want to
- Abide by - to follow a rule, decision, or instruction
- Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Unequivocal - clear, definite, and without doubt
- Courting - to try to impress or please someone because you want them to help you in some way
- Constituency - a group of people with similar attitudes or interests who are likely to support a particular idea or buy a particular product
- Denial - a statement that something is not true or did not happen
- Ordinance - an official order by a government, king, queen etc
- Instance - an example of something happening
- Equivocation - to avoid making a clear statement by saying something that has more than one possible meaning
- Bypass - to ignore a rule or official authority
- Executive order - an official instruction given by the president or by a state's governor
- Ill-advised - likely to have a bad effect
- Strike down - if a judge or court strikes down a law, they officially end it
- Contemplate - to consider doing something in the future
- Scared - frightened, or worried
- Threatening - showing or saying that someone is likely to do something that will harm you
- Impeach - to formally accuse a public official of a serious crime relating to their job
- Credit - praise for something you have done or achieved
- Intimidation - to deliberately make someone feel frightened, especially so that they will do what you want
- Ally - someone who is ready to help you, especially against someone else who is causing problems for you
- Polarise - to form two very different groups, opinions, or situations that are completely opposite to each other, or to cause this to happen
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Magnificent Mary: on making history at World Boxing Championships"
- Magnificent - very impressive and beautiful, good, or skilful
- Affirm - to state that something is true or that you agree with it, especially in public
- Enhance - to improve something, or to make it more attractive or more valuable
- Legendary - very famous or well known for a long time
- Amateur - relating to an activity, especially a sport, where the people taking part do not receive money
- Defy - to refuse to obey someone or something
- Odds - difficulties or conditions that make success unlikely
- Stereotype - a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong
- Overcome - to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem
- Pose - to present a difficult or dangerous situation
- Infrastructure - the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies
- Hold back - to stop someone or something from moving forwards
- Athletic - physically strong, active, and good at sports
- Firm up - to make something more certain or less likely to change
- Landscape - the main features of a situation or activity
- Reinforce - to make an idea, belief, or feeling stronger
- Consistently - in the same way and without changing in behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
- Exceptional - extremely good or impressive in a way that is unusual
- Determination - the refusal to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decided to do
- Grace - a smooth and beautiful way of moving
- Maiden - being the first of its type
- Commonwealth - a group of countries that have the same political or economic interests
- Cement - to make something stronger
- Haul - to succeed in reaching a higher position using a lot of effort
- Manifold - of many different kinds
- Opponent - someone who is competing against you
- Clinch - to manage to win or achieve something by doing one final thing that makes it certain
- Bout - a boxing or wrestling match
- Bear - to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially without complaining
- Fuel - to make something increase
- Burst - to become noticeable or successful quickly and suddenly
- Pursuit - the process of trying to achieve something
- Idol - someone that you admire very much
- Hail - to say publicly how good or important someone or something is
- Forum - an organized event or meeting at which people discuss something
- Humble - from a low social class
- Chronicle - to make a record of events in the order in which they happened
- Legend - an old story about famous people and events in the past
- Crucial - something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something
- Diverse - very different from each other
- On a par with - of the same quality as or at the same level as
- Remuneration - payment or other rewards that you get for your work
- Indeed - used for adding a statement that supports and increases the effect of what you have just said
- Give heart to - to make feel confident
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